Horse example sentences

Related (14): equine, stallion, mare, filly, colt, pony, foal, gallop, canter, trot, neigh, bridle, saddle, jockey



horse (noun) · horses (plural noun) · horse (plural noun)

  - a large plant-eating domesticated mammal with solid hoofs and a flowing mane and tail, used for riding, racing, and to carry and pull loads.

  - an adult male horse; a stallion or gelding.

  - a wild mammal of the horse family.

  - cavalry:

  - a frame or structure on which something is mounted or supported, especially a sawhorse.

  - a horizontal bar, rail, or rope in the rigging of a sailing ship for supporting something.

  - short for pommel horse or vaulting horse

  - a unit of horsepower:

  - heroin.

  - an obstruction in a vein.

  - provide (a person or vehicle) with a horse or horses:


mount, charger, cob, carthorse, packhorse, racehorse, pony, foal, colt, stallion, gelding, mare, filly, nag, hack, bronco, moke, steed, jade, cavalrymen, troopers, dragoons, lancers, hussars, carabineers, cuirassiers, framework, rack, holder, stand, base, support, mounting, mount, platform, prop, rest, chock, plinth, bottom, trivet, bracket, frame, subframe, structure, substructure, chassis, Feedback

"Horse" Example Sentences

1. The horse ran quickly across the field.
2. I rode the horse at the fair.
3. The cowboy rode the wild horse across the desert.
4. My grandfather used to raise horses on his farm.
5. The palomino horse galloped through the open meadow.
6. The horse neighed loudly when its owner arrived.
7. He brushed his black horse every morning.
8. White horses ran along the beach.
9. Horses pull carriages through the park.
10. The horse kicked the barn door loudly.
11. He taught the horse a new trick.
12. The young girl loved riding horses.
13. I could hear the horses hooves thundering on the trail.
14. The farm has over 100 horses.
15. The cart was pulled by two brown horses.
16. The racehorse won by a nose.
17. The stable was filled with hungry horses.
18. The mare took her foal out to pasture.
19. The stallion galloped proudly.
20. She rode her horse through the falling snow.
21. The boy curried the horse's mane.
22. The cavalry charged into battle on horseback.
23. She gave the horse an apple as a treat.
24. The stables smelled of hay and horses.
25. The race was neck and neck between the two horses.
26. The children fed carrots to the pony.
27. I polished the bridle before riding my horse.
28. The horseshoe was nailed to the hoof.
29. I had to change the horse's shoes.
30. The jumper cleared the fence with ease.
31. The gelding trotted down the path.
32. He loves working with horses.
33. The hunter jumped on his horse and chased down the fox.
34. The mustang galloped freely across the plains.
35. Her horse won the blue ribbon at the county fair.
36. The Arabian horse whinnied softly.
37. The filly frolicked in the pasture.
38. They saw a herd of wild horses run by.
39. The horse trailer carried the competition horses to the show.
40. The thoroughbred pranced proudly in the winner's circle.
41. He mounted his horse and rode away.
42. They competed in dressage competitions on their trained horses.
43. The Clydesdale horses pulled the long wagon.
44. The colt was frisky and playful.
45. He led his horse to the water trough.
46. They harnessed the horses to the wagon.
47. The competition was fierce between the horse trainers.
48. The pony pulled the little red cart.
49. She saddled up her horse to go for a ride.
50. They rode their horses through the meadow.
51. The horse whinnied as its owner approached.
52. The gelding trotted down the dirt path.
53. The farrier shod the horses' hooves.
54. The filly frolicked in the pasture.
55. The cow pony herded the cattle onto the truck.
56. The children rode their ponies around the ring.
57. The stable hands cared for the horses.
58. The hunter strapped on his saddle bags and mounted his horse.
59. The knight rode his mighty steed into battle.
60. The thoroughbred raced down the track.

Common Phases

Get off your high horse! - Stop acting arrogantly.
Horse around - To play around in a silly or frivolous manner.
Horse of a different color - Meaning something completely different.
Lock the stable door after the horse has bolted - Taking an action after an event has already happened.
Put the cart before the horse - Doing things in the wrong order.
Horse laugh - A loud, bellowing laugh.
That horse has already left the barn - Meaning it's too late for that.
Change horses in midstream - To change plans or leadership partway through a process.
On the same horse - Meaning that two things are essentially the same.
Open a can of worms - Meaning to create an undesirable, complicated situation.
Lead horse - The first in a group or process.
Dark horse - An unexpected contestant that succeeds.
Spare the rod, spoil the child - Meaning discipline is necessary for proper upbringing.
Easy as pie - Meaning very easy or simple.

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