Hussars example sentences

Related (7): cavalry, military, uniforms, sabers, mustaches, horseback, Europe

"Hussars" Example Sentences

1. The hussars charged towards the enemy, their sabers drawn.
2. The hussars rode their horses with skill and bravery.
3. The hussars wore large, flamboyant hats adorned with feathers.
4. The hussars were renowned for their swift and deadly attacks.
5. The hussars had a reputation for being fearless and ferocious warriors.
6. The hussars decorated their uniforms with intricate embroidery and gold braid.
7. The hussars were trained to fight both on horseback and on foot.
8. The hussars were a key element of the army's cavalry force.
9. The hussars served as the elite shock troops of the military.
10. The hussars were a common sight on the battlefield during the Napoleonic Wars.
11. The hussars were heavily armed and able to withstand enemy fire.
12. The hussars received extensive training in swordsmanship and horsemanship.
13. The hussars were instrumental in many of the army's great victories.
14. The hussars charged into battle with a fierce and intimidating cry.
15. The hussars were notorious for their wild and reckless behavior off the battlefield.
16. The hussars were feared and respected by both allies and enemies alike.
17. The hussars were often used to scout ahead of the main army.
18. The hussars were known for their loyalty and devotion to their commanders.
19. The hussars were celebrated in popular stories and songs of the time.
20. The hussars formed an integral part of the military's reconnaissance network.
21. The hussars were always on the lookout for opportunities to outmaneuver and outflank the enemy.
22. The hussars were credited with turning the tide of many battles in favor of their army.
23. The hussars were often used as a last resort when all other tactics failed.
24. The hussars' bravery and courage inspired many stories and legends.
25. The hussars were known for their daring and audacious exploits.
26. The hussars' flashy uniforms made them stand out on the battlefield.
27. The hussars were often sent on daring raids deep behind enemy lines.
28. The hussars' speed and agility made them almost untouchable on the battlefield.
29. The hussars' reputation for ruthlessness and cruelty was greatly exaggerated.
30. The hussars remain to this day one of the most iconic and legendary units of the military.

Common Phases

1. The hussars charged forward on their majestic horses; their sabers gleamed in the sunlight.
2. The commander of the hussars inspected his troops with a scrutinizing gaze; he was pleased with their readiness for battle.
3. The hussars rode through the village, their bright uniforms a stark contrast to the dreary surroundings; the villagers watched in awe as they passed through.
4. The hussars lifted their trumpets to their lips and blew a resounding fanfare; it was a signal for the troops to prepare for battle.
5. The enemy soldiers fell back as the hussars advanced; their fierce reputation preceded them.
6. The hussars huddled around a fire, their faces illuminated by the flickering flames; they shared stories and laughter as they rested for the night.

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