Hounds example sentences

Related (16): Hounds, hunting, baying, breed, scent, pack, trailing, tracking, noble, foxhound, bloodhound, beagle, greyhound, coonhound, whippet, houndstooth.

"Hounds" Example Sentences

1. The sound of hounds baying in the distance filled the crisp autumn air.
2. The pack of hounds chased the fox through the forest.
3. The wealthy hunter owned a kennel of trained hounds.
4. The abandoned dog was adopted by a loving family and became a loyal hound.
5. The old man would sit on his porch and talk to his hounds for hours.
6. The king's hunting party rode on horseback with their faithful hounds following closely behind.
7. The bloodhound's sensitive nose made it an excellent tracker for the police force.
8. The basset hound's droopy ears and sad eyes gave it a natural appearance of sadness.
9. The coonhound was trained to hunt raccoons in the deep woods.
10. The greyhound was the fastest dog on the track, winning race after race.
11. The dalmatian hound was often seen riding along in the fire truck with the firefighters.
12. The scent hound picked up the trail of the lost child and alerted its rescue team.
13. The beagle hound's loud voice could be heard for miles around.
14. The nobleman's prized hounds were pampered and groomed on a daily basis.
15. The wolfhound's size and strength made it the perfect guardian for the castle gate.
16. The sight hound's keen eyesight was perfect for spotting prey in the distance.
17. The scent of the fresh kill excited the hounds, causing them to howl loudly.
18. The hound mix had a blend of different breeds, making it a loyal and versatile dog.
19. The hound's bark woke the farmer up in the middle of the night, alerting him to a potential danger.
20. The hunting hounds were trained to work together as a team to track down prey.
21. The owner of the dog park was proud to have a large play area specifically for hounds.
22. The jack russell terrier was a feisty little hound who loved to play and hunt rodents.
23. The majestic hounds were featured in many works of art, depicting their beauty and grace.
24. The scent of the nearby pond attracted the hounds, who were eager to take a swim.
25. The pack of hounds was whittled down to just two after a tragic accident during a hunt.
26. The baying of the hounds echoed through the valley, signaling the start of the hunt.
27. The clever hound found a way to outsmart his owner and escape from the yard.
28. The scent hound's nose led it straight to the hidden stash of drugs.
29. The growl of the protective hound warned any potential intruders to stay away.
30. The loud bark of the hound caused the cat to scurry up the nearest tree.

Common Phases

not include phrases that are derogatory or discriminatory.
1. The hounds chased after the scent with fervor; their noses held high and tails wagging.
2. The hounds howled mournfully at the full moon; their wild instincts taking over.
3. The hounds lounged lazily in the shade; enjoying the warmth of the sun but conserving their energy.
4. The hounds strained at the leash; eager to explore the new territory before them.
5. The hounds barked enthusiastically at the door; excited to greet their owner as he arrived home.
6. The hounds trotted obediently beside their handler; eagerly listening to every command.
7. The hounds bayed excitedly at the start of the hunt; ready to track and bring down their prey.
8. The hounds lounged contentedly by the fireplace; enjoying the warmth and comfort of their home.
9. The hounds yawned and stretched lazily; indicating that it was time for their afternoon nap.
10. The hounds wagged their tails vigorously as they were let off the leash; eager to explore the open fields.

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