Hulke example sentences

"Hulke" Example Sentences

1. The hulke of the ship was much larger than I anticipated.
2. He struggled to lift the heavy hulke onto the transport truck.
3. The ruins of the castle lay in a hulke at the top of the hill.
4. The hulke shape in the distance turned out to be a stranded whale.
5. The old hulke of a car sputtered and coughed as I turned the key in the ignition.
6. The twisted hulke of the building was a grim reminder of the earthquake.
7. The hulke of the mountain loomed over the valley below.
8. My son's toy robot was nothing more than a plastic hulke.
9. The ship was a hulke after the storm tore through.
10. The hulke of the elephant was awe-inspiring up close.
11. The hulke of the old building held many secrets and stories.
12. The abandoned ship was a hulke that many avoided due to its ominous presence.
13. The hulke of the hot air balloon filled the sky as it soared above.
14. The hulke of the space shuttle left a trail of smoke and awe as it lifted off into space.
15. The hulke of the bridge spanned across the river, connecting the two towns.
16. The hulke of the airplane towered above us as we approached for boarding.
17. The rusty hulke of the old train was a relic from a bygone era.
18. The massive hulke of the tanker ship dwarfed the smaller boats in the harbor.
19. The hulke of the building had been under construction for months.
20. The hulke of the ferris wheel was a dizzying sight to behold.
21. The hulke of the whale's skeleton hung above us in the museum exhibit.
22. The twisted hulke of the tree was a reminder of the storm's ferocity.
23. The hulke of the castle was a popular tourist destination.
24. The hulke of the antique truck was a treasure to its owner.
25. The hulke of the arena held thousands of cheering fans during the concert.
26. The hulke of the skyscraper was breathtaking from the street below.
27. The hulke of the barge filled the canal as it floated by.
28. The old abandoned factory was a hulke that nobody wanted to buy.
29. The hulke of the bull was intimidating in the arena.
30. The hulke of the rocket was an impressive sight as it blasted off into space.

Common Phases

1. Hulke, let's go get some food;
2. I'm feeling hulke today;
3. Hulke, do you want to watch a movie?;
4. This party is hulke lit;
5. Hulke on, I'll catch up with you later;
6. Can you hulke this box for me?;
7. Hulke, what's up?
8. I hulked out on my workout today.

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