Hybridize example sentences

Related (15): hybridize, crossbreed, cross-fertilize, interbreed, integrate, blend, combine, fuse, mix, meld, amalgamate, unite, intermix, intermingle, merge.

"Hybridize" Example Sentences

1. The aim of the experiment was to hybridize two different species of plants.
2. The company is trying to hybridize traditional sales methods with modern technology.
3. The scientist was successful in hybridizing two different types of bacteria.
4. Farmers are looking to hybridize crops that can better withstand droughts.
5. The new car is a hybrid that can run on both gas and electricity.
6. The team of researchers managed to hybridize a rare breed of fish with a common one.
7. The company is aiming to hybridize renewable energy sources to create a more sustainable power grid.
8. The botanist is constantly experimenting with different ways to hybridize multiple plant varieties.
9. The engineer is trying to hybridize two different materials to create a stronger building material.
10. The wildlife conservationists are working to hybridize endangered species with similar ones to increase their chances of survival.
11. The chef is known for his ability to hybridize the flavors of different cuisines.
12. The artist is trying to hybridize traditional painting with digital media.
13. The biologist was able to hybridize two different strains of bacteria to create a new vaccine.
14. The scientist is developing a way to hybridize solar and wind power to make renewable energy more reliable.
15. The two sports coaches are working together to hybridize the training methods of their respective teams.
16. The computer programmer was able to hybridize two different algorithms to create a more efficient program.
17. The plant breeder's goal is to hybridize fruits and vegetables with high nutritional content.
18. The fashion designer is always looking to hybridize different styles and fabrics to create unique designs.
19. The musician is known for his ability to hybridize classical and modern music.
20. The car company is trying to hybridize different engine technologies to make their cars more fuel-efficient.
21. The chef is experimenting with different ways to hybridize food textures for a more complex dining experience.
22. The artist is trying to hybridize different art forms to create a new genre.
23. The biologist was able to hybridize two different species of animals to create a useful laboratory model.
24. The engineer is developing a way to hybridize different modes of transportation to create a more efficient and sustainable urban system.
25. The scientist is working on a way to hybridize different types of bacteria to create a more powerful antibiotic.
26. The software developer is trying to hybridize different programming languages to create a more efficient code.
27. The musician is experimenting with different ways to hybridize traditional instruments with modern technology.
28. The carpenter is trying to hybridize traditional woodworking techniques with modern power tools.
29. The artist is trying to hybridize different art styles to create a new art form.
30. The scientist was able to hybridize two different types of viruses to create a better vaccine.

Common Phases

1. The botanist will hybridize species of plants;
2. In order to create a new type of flower, they will hybridize two different ones;
3. The scientist needs to hybridize two molecules in order to create a new compound;
4. The breeding program aims to hybridize two breeds of cattle to produce a stronger one;
5. The goal is to hybridize traditional farming practices with modern technology;
6. The researchers will hybridize two types of cells to create a new tissue culture;
7. We will hybridize our teaching methods by incorporating both online and in-person instruction;
8. The car company plans to hybridize their vehicles by adding an electric motor.

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