Hymenopterans example sentences

Related (6): bees, wasps, ants, hornets, sawflies, horntails

"Hymenopterans" Example Sentences

1. Hymenopterans are fascinating insects with complex social behaviors.
2. The venom of some hymenopterans can cause severe allergic reactions in humans.
3. Did you know that bees, wasps, and ants are all types of hymenopterans?
4. Hymenopterans are notorious for their stingers, which they use for defense and hunting.
5. Many species of hymenopterans are important pollinators of crops and wildflowers.
6. The diversity of hymenopterans is truly remarkable, with over 100,000 known species.
7. Some hymenopterans exhibit highly specialized behaviors, such as parasitizing other insects.
8. Hymenopterans play a crucial role in many ecosystems as predators of pests and other insects.
9. The anatomy of hymenopterans, especially their wings and antennae, is of great interest to scientists.
10. Hymenopterans are known for their ability to communicate with each other using chemical signals and vibrations.
11. Some hymenopterans, such as honeybees, have highly organized social structures with strict hierarchies.
12. The taxonomy of hymenopterans is constantly evolving as new species are discovered and relationships are reevaluated.
13. Hymenopterans are often used as model organisms in scientific research, particularly in studies of insect behavior and genetics.
14. Some hymenopterans show remarkable adaptations to their environments, such as the ability to navigate using polarized light.
15. Hymenopterans are characterized by their four wings, which are often covered in tiny scales or hairs.
16. The life cycles of hymenopterans can be quite complex, involving multiple stages and different reproductive strategies.
17. Hymenopterans have been used for centuries in traditional medicine and folklore, often for their perceived aphrodisiac effects.
18. The study of hymenopterans has revealed many insights into the evolution of social behavior in insects.
19. Some hymenopterans are capable of constructing elaborate nests and hives, often out of organic materials such as mud or wood.
20. Hymenopterans are found on every continent except for Antarctica, and can be found in a wide range of habitats from deserts to rainforests.
21. Some species of hymenopterans are considered pests, such as wasps that damage crops or invade homes.
22. Hymenopterans have been responsible for many important technological advancements, such as the development of silk production and pest control methods.
23. The social behavior of hymenopterans has been studied extensively for insights into the dynamics of social groups in general.
24. Hymenopterans are capable of remarkable feats, such as the ability of some ants to carry objects many times their own body weight.
25. Many hymenopterans are important cultural symbols throughout the world, such as the bee as a symbol of industry and hard work.
26. The relationships between different groups of hymenopterans are often complex and still not fully understood by scientists.
27. Some hymenopterans exhibit remarkable mimicry, such as the ability of some bees to resemble wasps as a form of defense.
28. The diversity of hymenopterans includes species that are important predators, pollinators, parasites, and decomposers.
29. Hymenopterans have inspired many works of art, literature, and mythology throughout history.
30. The behavior and ecology of hymenopterans is of great interest to researchers studying the effects of climate change on insect populations.

Common Phases

not include any instruction sentence, only common phrases using hymenopterans separated by semicolon.
Hymenopterans are a diverse and fascinating group of insects; some examples include bees, wasps, and ants.
The life cycle of hymenopterans involves distinct stages; egg, larva, pupa, and adult.
One of the key features of hymenopterans is their ability to sting; this defense mechanism helps protect the colony from predators.
Hymenopterans are important pollinators; by visiting flowers to feed, they transfer pollen from one plant to another.
Some species of hymenopterans are known for their highly advanced social behavior; for example, honeybees have complex hierarchies and communication systems.
Many hymenopterans are parasitic; they lay their eggs inside other insects, ultimately killing them.
Hymenopterans play a vital role in ecosystems all around the world; they are essential predators and scavengers.
Some species of hymenopterans are incredibly venomous; a single sting from a bullet ant, for example, can cause intense pain for hours.

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