"Hyperbolize" Example Sentences
1. The politician tends to hyperbolize his accomplishments to appeal to voters.
2. The salesman was known to hyperbolize the benefits of his product.
3. The movie critics accused the director of hyperbolizing the significance of his film.
4. He couldn't resist hyperbolizing his adventure to impress his friends.
5. The author liked to hyperbolize the violence in his horror stories.
6. The comedian hyperbolized his awkward encounter with a celebrity to entertain his audience.
7. She was accused of hyperbolizing her hardships to gain sympathy.
8. His coach warned him not to hyperbolize his abilities to the media.
9. The news anchor was caught hyperbolizing the severity of a storm for ratings.
10. The artist was criticized for hyperbolizing the depth of his artwork.
11. He felt a need to hyperbolize his reactions to everyday events.
12. The fashion designer hyperbolized the impact of his latest collection on the industry.
13. The author was criticized for hyperbolizing the importance of his work in the literary field.
14. The politician was famous for hyperbolizing the opposition's policies to discredit them.
15. He was accused of hyperbolizing his wealth to impress his peers.
16. The explorer hyperbolized his discoveries to get funding for his next expedition.
17. The advertising agency was accused of hyperbolizing the health benefits of their product.
18. The motivational speaker hyperbolized his past struggles to inspire the audience.
19. She couldn't stop hyperbolizing the beauty of her surroundings during her vacation.
20. The coach was known for hyperbolizing the performance of his team to motivate them.
21. The journalist was caught hyperbolizing a story to make it more sensational.
22. He was accused of hyperbolizing his academic achievements to secure a job.
23. The author hyperbolized the historical significance of his novel to attract readers.
24. The chef hyperbolized the flavors in his signature dish to impress his customers.
25. The presenter was accused of hyperbolizing the urgency of the issue for personal gain.
26. The entrepreneur hyperbolized the potential profits of his business plan to attract investors.
27. The musician was criticized for hyperbolizing the impact of his album on the music industry.
28. He was accused of hyperbolizing the risk of a situation to justify his actions.
29. The marketing team was caught hyperbolizing the popularity of their brand to sell more products.
30. The athlete was warned not to hyperbolize his feats to avoid disappointment from his fans.
Common Phases
1. Stop hyperbolizing, it's not that serious;
2. She always
hyperbolizes her achievements;
3. He loves to
hyperbolize his stories to make them more interesting;
4. Please don't
hyperbolize your opinions to get attention;
5. I don't think we need to
hyperbolize the situation, let's just stick to the facts.