Hypobole example sentences

Related (4): understatement, downplaying, belittling, litotes

"Hypobole" Example Sentences

1. Hypobole is a figure of speech that is often used in poetry.
2. The poet used hypobole to downplay the importance of his achievements.
3. I am not saying that hypobole is easy to use, but with practice, it can be effective.
4. Hypobole can be used to create a sense of humility or modesty in the speaker.
5. The use of hypobole can be seen in many famous works of literature.
6. Hypobole is a rhetorical device that is used to make a point indirectly.
7. In his speech, the politician used hypobole to highlight the severity of the situation.
8. Hypobole can be used to make a statement sound less extreme than it actually is.
9. By using hypobole, the writer was able to convey a sense of uncertainty about the situation.
10. The student used hypobole to make her essay sound more interesting and persuasive.
11. Hypobole can be a powerful tool in the hands of a skilled writer or speaker.
12. The journalist used hypobole to make an exaggerated statement about the crime wave.
13. In literature, hypobole is often used to create a sense of mystery or suspense.
14. Hypobole is a literary device that can be used to add depth and complexity to a work.
15. The teacher used hypobole to illustrate a point about the importance of education.
16. In his speech, the CEO used hypobole to describe the company's success in a more humble way.
17. Hypobole can be used to create an emotional response in the audience.
18. By using hypobole, the writer was able to make the character's situation seem more dire.
19. The poet's use of hypobole gave the poem a sense of melancholy and resignation.
20. Hypobole is often used in advertising to make a product or service seem more desirable.
21. The author's use of hypobole added an element of surprise to the story.
22. By using hypobole, the speaker was able to make a difficult subject easier to understand.
23. The playwright's use of hypobole made the play more nuanced and complex.
24. Hypobole can be used to create a sense of irony or sarcasm in a statement.
25. By using hypobole, the writer was able to make the twist ending more unexpected.
26. The comedian used hypobole to make a seemingly innocuous observation much funnier.
27. In her novel, the author used hypobole to make the protagonist seem more relatable.
28. Hypobole can be used to make a statement less confrontational or aggressive.
29. The speaker's use of hypobole made the audience more receptive to her message.
30. Hypobole can be a subtle yet effective way to convey meaning in a work of art.

Common Phases

1. I've told you a million times;
2. It's colder than the North Pole;
3. I could eat a horse;
4. I'm dying of boredom;
5. My backpack weighs a ton;
6. I'm so hungry I could eat a whole pizza;
7. I waited for hours in line;
8. I'm sweating bullets;
9. I've been up since the crack of dawn;
10. He is as tall as a skyscraper;

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