Hypothesizeorigin example sentences

Related (10): speculate, assume, guess, propose, conjecture, theorize, postulate, suggest, suppose, infer

"Hypothesizeorigin" Example Sentences

1. The scientist hypothesized the origin of the universe.
2. We cannot definitively hypothesize the origin of life on Earth yet.
3. Some researchers hypothesize that language has a biological origin.
4. Scientists hypothesize that the origin of the coronavirus was in bats.
5. The archaeologist hypothesized the origin of the ancient artifact.
6. Some scientists hypothesize that the origin of the moon was from a Mars-sized object.
7. The historian hypothesized the origin of the ancient civilization.
8. Some astrologists hypothesize the origin of the stars in our galaxy.
9. We must hypothesize the origin of the problem before finding a solution.
10. The geographer hypothesized the origin of the river flowing through the forest.
11. Biologists hypothesize the origin of species through the theory of evolution.
12. Some scientists hypothesize the origin of the universe through string theory.
13. We must hypothesize the origin of the leak to fix the pipeline.
14. The physicist hypothesized the origin of dark matter in the universe.
15. Astronomers hypothesize the origin of the solar system through planet formation.
16. We need to hypothesize the origin of the error to fix the computer program.
17. Geologists hypothesize the origin of mountains through plate tectonics.
18. The linguist hypothesized the origin of language through the comparison of different cultures.
19. Some scientists hypothesize the origin of life on Earth through panspermia.
20. The ecologist hypothesized the origin of the endemic species in the rainforest.
21. We hypothesize the origin of the data error to correct the research findings.
22. The philosopher hypothesized the origin of morality through ethical theories.
23. Anthropologists hypothesize the origin of human civilization through cultural evolution.
24. We need to hypothesize the origin of the power outage to restore electricity to the building.
25. Geneticists hypothesize the origin of genetic mutations through DNA analysis.
26. The chemist hypothesized the origin of the substance through chemical properties.
27. Some psychologists hypothesize the origin of emotions through neuroscientific studies.
28. We hypothesize the origin of the financial crisis to prevent future economic crashes.
29. The sociologist hypothesized the origin of social inequality through structural analysis.
30. Paleontologists hypothesize the origin of dinosaurs through fossil records.
31. We need to hypothesize the origin of the disease outbreak to prevent future epidemics.
32. The entomologist hypothesized the origin of the insect species in the rainforest.
33. Some historians hypothesize the origin of the Atlantic slave trade through economic factors.
34. We hypothesize the origin of the environmental disaster to prevent future ecological damage.
35. The psychologist hypothesized the origin of personality traits through psychological theories.
36. Some scientists hypothesize the origin of consciousness through brain studies.
37. The philosopher hypothesized the origin of knowledge through epistemological debates.
38. We need to hypothesize the origin of the security breach to prevent future cyber attacks.
39. The historian hypothesized the origin of medieval art through cultural analysis.
40. Biologists hypothesize the origin of the genetic code through studying the molecular structure.

Common Phases

1. "I hypothesize that the origin of this gene can be traced back to a common ancestor;"
2. "Let's hypothesize the origin of this ancient artifact to be from a lost civilization;"
3. "Based on our findings, we can hypothesize the origin of this disease to be viral in nature;";
4. "I hypothesize the origin of these strange noises to be coming from an animal in the forest;";
5. "We can hypothesize the origin of this ancient language to be from a highly advanced civilization.".

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