Hypothesizingcontemporary example sentences

Related (10): hypothesis, theory, conjecture, speculation, modern, present-day, current, up-to-date, recent, fashionable.

"Hypothesizingcontemporary" Example Sentences

1. I am hypothesizing that contemporary art forms are the true essence of self-expression.
2. There has been a lot of hypothesizing about the contemporary relevance of classical literature.
3. The author's narrative is imbued with hypothesizing about contemporary politics.
4. As an artist, I find myself constantly hypothesizing about contemporary cultural influences.
5. The protagonist in the novel is always hypothesizing about the contemporary relevance of historical events.
6. Her dissertation is filled with hypothesizing about contemporary social structures.
7. Sociologists often engage in hypothesizing about contemporary trends in human behavior.
8. The exhibit showcases the artist's hypothesizing about contemporary issues of identity.
9. In her research, she has been hypothesizing about the use of technology in contemporary education.
10. The panelists are engaged in a lively discussion, hypothesizing about contemporary ethical dilemmas.
11. The filmmakers have been hypothesizing about the future of cinema in the contemporary digital age.
12. The poet's work is characterized by her hypothesizing about contemporary environmental concerns.
13. The art exhibit prompts visitors to engage in hypothesizing about contemporary beauty standards.
14. The novel presents a compelling narrative that is centered around hypothesizing about contemporary societal norms.
15. The scholar's work is marked by her consistent hypothesizing about contemporary geopolitical issues.
16. The playwright's work challenges audiences to engage in hypothesizing about contemporary identity politics.
17. The academic journal is filled with articles that involve hypothesizing about contemporary economic theory.
18. The philosopher's work is marked by his hypothesizing about contemporary ethical questions.
19. The artist's work uses abstraction as a means of hypothesizing about contemporary emotional states.
20. The seminar will engage participants in hypothesizing about contemporary art and its impact on society.
21. The author's book is a poignant reflection of her hypothesizing about contemporary issues of race and gender.
22. The film is a biting satire that engages in hypothesizing about contemporary political corruption.
23. The curator's choices for the exhibit reflect his hypothesizing about contemporary notions of taste and aesthetics.
24. The writer's work is rooted in hypothesizing about contemporary struggles for social justice.
25. In his research, he has been hypothesizing about contemporary issues of privacy and surveillance.
26. The author's essay is a thought-provoking exercise in hypothesizing about contemporary cultural identity.
27. The conference will feature speakers who are experts in hypothesizing about contemporary medical ethics.
28. The artist's work is deeply personal, often rooted in her own hypothesizing about contemporary social issues.
29. The academic symposium will feature panel discussions that involve hypothesizing about contemporary theories of consciousness.
30. The play invites audiences to engage in hypothesizing about contemporary family dynamics and relationships.

Common Phases

- Hypothesizing:
- "I hypothesize that contemporary art will continue to challenge traditional norms;"
- "There is a hypothesis that contemporary literature is becoming more experimental in style;"
- "Some scientists hypothesize that contemporary climate change is primarily caused by human activity."
- Contemporary:
- "Contemporary dance is a popular form of modern performance art;"
- "Many contemporary artists are exploring themes of identity and social justice;"
- "Contemporary music is heavily influenced by technology and electronic sounds."
- Hypothesizing contemporary:
- "Some scholars are hypothesizing that contemporary politics is experiencing a new era of populism;"
- "There is a hypothesis that contemporary fashion is moving towards more sustainable and ethical practices;"
- "Scientists are hypothesizing that contemporary technology is changing our brains in ways we don't yet understand."

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