Speculation example sentences

Related (10): guesswork, conjecture, hypothesis, supposition, theory, assumption, prediction, inference, opinion, rumor

"Speculation" Example Sentences

1. There has been much speculation about his whereabouts.
2. The stock market crashed due to speculative buying and selling.
3. Her identity has been the subject of rampant speculation.
4. Do not invest based purely on speculation.
5. There is a lot of speculation surrounding the company's future plans.
6. Real estate prices tend to rise and fall based on speculation.
7. Wall Street traders rely heavily on speculation.
8. Newspaper reports fueled speculation about their relationship.
9. Various conspiracy theories fed the public's speculation.
10. Careful analysis of facts, rather than speculation, is needed.
11. His job depends on whether the company's recent speculation pays off.
12. There is widespread speculation about the cause of the accident.
13. Their decision upset investors who had speculated on a different outcome.
14. The launch was postponed, fueling yet more speculation.
15. The gossip columnists thrive on unfounded speculation.
16. Theories and speculation about alien life abound.
17. Speculation about his future plans dominated the press coverage.
18. Speculators drove up oil prices through mass buying.
19. She has to provide for her family based only on speculation and guesswork.
20. Rampant speculation sent stock markets plummeting.
21. His career suffered based on unsubstantiated speculation.
22. Prohibition ended alcohol speculation and the associated crime.
23. Security authorities dismissed the speculation as baseless rumors.
24. There is always rampant speculation surrounding celebrity relationships.
25. The professor warned against drawing conclusions based solely on speculation.
26. The lack of official information led to widespread speculation.
27. Validate claims with evidence rather than engaging in mere speculation.
28. Industry experts engage in educated speculation about future trends.
29. Careful research is needed rather than unfounded speculation.
30. Her personal life has been the subject of tabloid speculation for years.
31. Media speculation fueled public hysteria about the supposed dangers.
32. He made a fortune through real estate speculation during the boom years.
33. Experts disagree in their speculation about what caused the disaster.
34. The unconfirmed report set off a wave of speculation.
35. There is rampant media speculation about his possible presidential run.
36. His success depends on whether or not his market speculation pays off.
37. Grain speculators can artificially inflate prices through mass buying.
38. Policy makers must base their decisions on evidence, not speculation.
39. The Internet has allowed conspiracy theories and speculation to spread rapidly.
40. Rising housing prices are often driven by excessive speculation.
41. The wild theories and speculation have little basis in fact.
42. Their retirement plans depend largely on the success of his stock market speculation.
43. Speculative buying drove up the price of rare artwork and antiquities.
44. Uncertainty in the market leads to increased speculation and volatility.
45. She had to make life-altering decisions based on little more than speculation.
46. Futures markets allow farmers to hedge against price speculation.
47. Investors should avoid making decisions based solely on media speculation.
48. Avoid market speculation and stick with a long-term investment strategy.
49. Media reports of the disagreement fueled rampant speculation.
50. Experts disagree in their speculation about what caused the financial crisis.

Common Phases

1. Engage in speculation
This phrase means to form an opinion or theory without firm evidence, often involving guesswork.
2. Fuel speculation
This phrase means to provide information that causes people to form theories and conjectures without proof.
3. End/put an end to speculation
This means to conclusively confirm or deny a theory that had led to conjecture and guessing.
4. Reignite speculation
This means to cause speculation about a topic to start up again after a period of silence.
5. Set off/trigger speculation
This means to cause people to begin forming theories and conjectures about something.
6. Roil the waters of speculation
This means to intensify conjecture and gossip about a topic.
7. Dismiss speculation
This means to assert that a theory or idea lacks merit and evidence.
8. There has been rampant/wild speculation
This means that theories and conjectures about a topic have spread quickly with little evidence.
9. Avoid market speculation
This means to refrain from short-term financial decision-making based on theories rather than facts.
10. Shut down speculation
This means to conclusively end people's theories and conjectures about something through proof.

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