Idler example sentences

Related (10): lazy, loafer, slacker, shirker, deadbeat, procrastinator, ne'er-do-well, drone, dawdler, laggard.

"Idler" Example Sentences

1. The idler spent his days lounging around and doing nothing productive.
2. The machine had an idler pulley to reduce friction.
3. The governor used the idler gear to redirect the motion.
4. The idler wheel helped keep the belt tensioned properly.
5. The mechanic adjusted the idler sprocket to fix the chain slipping.
6. The engine had an idling issue that needed fixing.
7. The car idled too roughly when it was just sitting running.
8. The mechanic changed the idler arm to fix the issue with the belt slipping.
9. The pulley and idler wheel helped the engine run smoothly.
10. The idler wheel and tensioner maintained the proper belt tightness.
11. The mechanic replaced the engine's idling control valve.
12. The idler fan helped cool the engine when it wasn't running under a load.
13. The governor used the idler gear to redirect and amplify the rotational motion.
14. The idler wheel and guide helped keep the belt running in the proper path.
15. The mechanic checked the idling mixture screws to adjust the engine's idle speed.
16. The idler assembly included a wheel, arm and sprocket.
17. The car idled roughly after the mechanic replaced the spark plugs.
18. The idler pulleys helped route the belts properly and maintain tension.
19. The transmission idler gear assisted in transferring torque to the output shaft.
20. The worker was an idler and shirked his duties whenever possible.
21. The boss scolded the idler for spending all day chatting instead of working.
22. The idle machinery sat motionless and unused.
23. The idler sprocket redirected motion coming from the drive shaft.
24. The engine idled unevenly and roughly until he fixed the carburetor.
25. The idler kept showing up late and leaving early from work.
26. The idlers avoided work while still drawing a paycheck.
27. The supervisor scolded the idler for wasting time at work.
28. The idler pulley redirected the belt to turn the accessory.
29. The machine sat idle for years, unused and forgotten.
30. The foreman admonished the idler for shirking his duties.
31. The idler gear helped transmit rotational force.
32. The squatters settled in the idle mill to live rent-free.
33. The worker was reprimanded for idling on the job.
34. The idle gears did not actively transmit motion or torque.
35. The idler gear helped redirect rotational motion in the mechanism.
36. The idler worked the bare minimum required to avoid getting fired.
37. The car idled too loudly and needed tuning to run more quietly.
38. The idlers spent all day chatting instead of doing any productive work.
39. The racing vehicle had an idler pulley to help reduce belt wear.
40. The politician's career idled along without much progress or objection.
41. The mechanic changed the idler roller to fix the issue with the belt slipping.
42. The foreman criticized the idler for wasting time on company time.
43. The mechanic adjusted the idling mixture screw to fix the engine's idling issue.
44. The business sat idle during the economic downturn.
45. The foreman reprimanded the idler for always arriving to work late.
46. The mechanic changed the idler arm and roller to fix the slipping belt.
47. The masses were idle while the workers did the majority of the labor.
48. the engine idled roughly no matter how many times they adjusted the carburetor.
49. The idler sprocket redirected rotational motion in the drive system.
50. The foreman scolded the idler for always showing up late to work with coffee in hand.
51. The mechanic adjusted the idle speed screw to fix the idling issues.
52. The idlers avoided work while still collecting a paycheck every week.
53. The idler gears did nothing to actively transmit motion or power.
54. The mechanic replaced the idler pulley because it had seized up.
55. the boss reprimanded the idler for wasting company time chatting with coworkers.
56. The machinery sat idle for decades, slowly rusting and decaying.
57. The idler failed to carry his weight on the team and shirked his duties.
58. The foreman scolded the idler for being the last one to arrive to work each day.
59. The idler avoided work while still drawing a full salary.
60. The factory sat idle and unused during the recession.

Common Phases

1. The idler lay about doing nothing all day.
2. The factory idlers stood around smoking while the rest worked.
3. Get back to work, you idle good-for-nothing! Stop being such an idler.
4. The idler wasted his days accomplishing nothing of value.
5. The idlers were reprimanded and told to get back to their posts.
6. The boss saw the idlers loafing around on the loading dock and let them have it.
7. The idlers amused themselves by tormenting the diligent workers.
8. An idler is unlikely to achieve much in life without changing their ways.
9. The machine idled for a while before restarting the production line.
10. The car idled in the driveway while the owner opened the garage.
11. The idlers were quickly fired for laziness and lack of productivity.
12. The boss did not tolerate idlers and constantly kept an eye out for them.
13. The idler spent the spring day lounging in his hammock.
14. The idlers hung around the water cooler avoiding their responsibilities.
15. The factory idled during holidays and on weekends.
16. Idlers usually find excuses to avoid working.
17. The idler watched enviously as the workers clocked out for the day.
18. The belt idled as no parts moved through the production line.
19. The motors idled while the engineers inspected the equipment.
20. The film portrays idlers in a negative light to warn against laziness.
21. An idle mind is the devil's workshop, so stop being an idler!
22. The idlers were the bane of the diligent workers' existence.
23. The engine idled loudly in the otherwise quiet night.
24. The lazy idlers annoyed their hardworking colleagues.
25. The idler pretended to be busy when the manager passed by.
26. The tools sat idle as the idlers took an extended coffee break.
27. Idlers are often portrayed as carefree and lighthearted in fiction.
28. The idler's vacation never seemed to end.
29. The machine idled at a low RPM while waiting for the next load.
30. The idlers spent every afternoon at the pub instead of working.
31. The idlers hung out by the loading dock trying to avoid doing any actual work.
32. The idler spent his days daydreaming of adventure and excitement.
33. The foreman rounded up the idlers and put them back to work.
34. Idlers were not tolerated at this particular work site.
35. The idlers complained the most about having to work.
36. The idler longed for an easy life of leisure and no responsibilities.
37. Some jobs have downtime where the work idles for a while.
38. Instead of idling your time away, accomplish something meaningful!
39. Idlers would often claim to have been caught up in a task.
40. The motor idled as the driver filled up the gas tank.
41. The gears sat idle as the machine powered down.
42. The old idlers sipped coffee and passed time by telling stories.
43. My neighbor's car often idles loudly outside my window.
44. The foreman searched for idlers hiding in the supply closet.
45. Idlers are sometimes depicted as carefree or happy-go-lucky.
46. The idle gears ground together from lack of lubrication.
47. The boss reprimanded the idlers and warned them to get back to work.
48. The idlers tried to get out of working the late shift.
49. The boss fired several long-time factory idlers for lack of productivity.
50. The idlers enjoyed lounging about and avoiding manual labor.
51. The exhausted workers despised the carefree idlers.
52. My father often warned me not to become an idler.
53. The engine idled roughly due to an issue with the carburetor.
54. The detective novel portrayed the idlers as mysterious suspects.
55. The idlers spent the morning drinking coffee instead of working.
56. The factory idled on weekends when it was closed for maintenance.
57. Idlers can become experts at avoiding work and responsibility.
58. The boss hired new workers to replace the idlers at the loading dock.
59. The engines idled loudly on the racing pit row.
60. The old idlers spent their days telling tall tales down at the general store.

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