Immobilizefrench example sentences

Related (4): immobiliser, paralyser, neutraliser, bloquer.

"Immobilizefrench" Example Sentences

1. The attacker was quickly immobilized by the French police.
2. The French military used their advanced technology to immobilize the enemy.
3. The French doctor immobilized the patient's broken leg with a cast.
4. The French goalkeeper made an impressive save, immobilizing the ball with his hand.
5. The French spy was caught and immobilized before he could carry out his mission.
6. The French fencer immobilized his opponent with a swift parry and counterattack.
7. The French special forces immobilized the terrorist before he could detonate the bomb.
8. The French mechanic immobilized the car's engine by removing the spark plug.
9. The French scuba diver carried a spear gun to immobilize fish for easier capture.
10. The French riot police immobilized the protestors with tear gas and water cannons.
11. The French cattle rancher immobilized the cow by tying its legs together for branding.
12. The French hunter used a tranquilizer dart to immobilize the bear before relocating it.
13. The French lifeguard immobilized the drowning swimmer with a rescue tube.
14. The French soldier immobilized the enemy tank with a grenade launcher.
15. The French veterinarian immobilized the dog with anesthesia for surgery.
16. The French fisherman immobilized the bait by impaling it on a hook.
17. The French matador immobilized the bull with a well-placed sword thrust.
18. The French skydiver immobilized his parachute by pulling a cord to release the canopy.
19. The French scientist developed a drug that could immobilize cancer cells for easier detection.
20. The French artist used perspective to immobilize the viewer's attention on the central figure.
21. The French bartender immobilized the cocktail shaker with a press of his hand.
22. The French chess player immobilized the opposing king with a clever checkmate strategy.
23. The French gymnast immobilized herself in a balance beam pose for several seconds.
24. The French engineer designed a locking mechanism to immobilize the machinery during maintenance.
25. The French archaeologist immobilized the ancient artifact with a protective covering for transport.
26. The French fortune teller claimed to immobilize her clients' negative energies with crystals and incantations.
27. The French marathon runner immobilized his muscles with a stretching routine before the race.
28. The French magician immobilized the audience with his captivating illusions.
29. The French chef immobilized the lobster with a quick knife strike before cooking it.
30. The French welder immobilized the metal joints with a steady flame from her torch.

Common Phases

1. The police immobilized the suspect; they placed handcuffs on him.
2. The doctor immobilized the patient's broken leg; he applied a cast.
3. The superhero immobilized the villain; he used his special powers to tie him up.
4. The security guard immobilized the trespasser; he tackled him to the ground.
5. The firefighter immobilized the burning building; he sprayed it with water to prevent further damage.
6. The technician immobilized the faulty machine; he shut it down to avoid any accidents.
7. The park ranger immobilized the dangerous animal; he tranquilized it to relocate it to a safer area.
8. The soldier immobilized the enemy tank; he destroyed its tracks with an anti-tank weapon.
9. The paramedic immobilized the injured person's neck; he used a cervical collar to prevent any further spinal cord damage.
10. The diver immobilized the octopus; he captured it in a net to study its behavior.

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