Impedor example sentences

Related (10): restriction, obstacle, hindrance, barrier, deterrent, impedance, blockage, obstruction, retardant, snag

"Impedor" Example Sentences

1. The heavy rainfall was a major impedor for my outdoor plans.
2. Lack of funding has been the primary impedor for the project's progress.
3. The presence of a security guard acted as an impedor to the burglar's plan.
4. The strict regulations were an impedor to the company's expansion plans.
5. The language barrier proved to be an impedor to effective communication.
6. The traffic congestion acted as an impedor to reaching the destination on time.
7. The faulty internet connection was a major impedor to my work productivity.
8. The lack of experience proved to be an impedor for the new employee.
9. The complicated instructions on the manual were an impedor to the customer's ability to use the product.
10. Lack of access to basic amenities can be an impedor to a community's overall development.
11. The language barrier acted as an impedor to understanding the instructions given by the foreign instructor.
12. The lack of training was an impedor to the employee's ability to perform the new task.
13. The harsh weather conditions were a major impedor to the success of the outdoor event.
14. The malfunctioning equipment was an impedor to the progress of the construction project.
15. The strict rules of the establishment were an impedor for customers to have a good time.
16. The shortage of raw materials acted as an impedor to the production process.
17. The lack of motivation is an impedor to achieving one's goals.
18. The inexperience of the team was an impedor to the success of the project.
19. The road blockage proved to be a major impedor to my travel plans.
20. The complexity of the task was an impedor to completing it on time.
21. The limited budget proved to be an impedor to the organization's ability to meet the demands of the project.
22. The lack of information was an impedor to my decision-making process.
23. The language barrier proved to be an impedor to the tourist's ability to enjoy the local culture.
24. The incorrect information provided was an impedor to the customer's ability to make an informed decision.
25. The unfamiliarity of the location proved to be an impedor to the success of the team's project.
26. The outdated equipment was an impedor to the efficiency of the production process.
27. The limited resources proved to be an impedor to the community's ability to recover from the disaster.
28. The difficult terrain proved to be an impedor to our journey to the summit of the mountain.
29. The lack of communication was an impedor to the success of the team's project.
30. The strict rules and regulations were an impedor for the organization to implement new ideas and strategies.

Common Phases

not use phrases that do not make sense.
1. The impedor circuit serves as a protection mechanism;
2. The impedor helps limit current flow;
3. Without an impedor, the circuit could overload;
4. The impedor acts like a barrier to excess current;
5. The impedor ensures the safety of the circuit;
6. Installing an impedor reduces the risk of electrical damage;
7. An impedor is an essential component in many electrical systems;
8. Without an impedor, the circuit could become unstable;
9. The impedor creates a barrier to prevent damage to the circuit;
10. Impedors are commonly used in power supplies to regulate the flow of electricity.

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