Impelled example sentences

Related (10): motivated, urged, propelled, driven, compelled, stimulated, activated, encouraged, prompted, incited

"Impelled" Example Sentences

1. He was impelled to action by a sense of duty.
2. Curiosity impelled her to peek through the keyhole.
3. An urgent desire impelled him forward despite his fatigue.
4. Her compassion impelled her to help those in need.
5. An impulse she could not resist impelled her to confess the truth.
6. Fear impelled him to flee the scene as quickly as possible.
7. An unknown force seemed to impel him forward against his will.
8. She was impelled by a strong instinct to protect her young.
9. His sense of justice impelled him to fight for what was right.
10. His conscience impelled him to make amends for his wrongdoings.
11. An inner restlessness impelled her to leave her familiar surroundings.
12. Kindness impelled her to volunteer her time to help those less fortunate.
13. An urgent need impelled him to make the long journey.
14. Their anguish impelled them to seek comfort and solace in each other.
15. Duty impelled him to complete the risky task regardless of the danger.
16. An innate sense of adventure impelled her to explore the unknown.
17. Hunger impelled the starving migrants to keep walking.
18. An impossible love impelled her to spurn all other suitors.
19. Anger impelled him to act recklessly without thinking.
20. Habit impelled him to perform the ritual without questioning its meaning.
21. His driving ambition impelled him forward, regardless of the costs.
22. Shame impelled him to apologize for his insensitive words.
23. Generosity impelled her to give more than she could afford.
24. Wisdom impelled her to choose her words carefully.
25. Love impelled them to declare their feelings for each other.
26. Hope impelled him to press on despite the bleak outlook.
27. Inspiration impelled her to keep writing long into the night.
28. Desperation impelled them to take drastic measures.
29. Nostalgia impelled her to revisit her childhood home.
30. Heedlessness impelled him to take reckless risks.
31. Necessity impelled them to make difficult sacrifices.
32. Fear impelled her to flee without a backward glance.
33. An urgent phone call impelled him to rush home immediately.
34. An irresistible impulse impelled her to defy authority.
35. Remorse impelled him to try to make amends for past wrongs.
36. Intense emotion impelled her to act without thinking first.
37. Thirst impelled him to search for water amid the barren desert.
38. An unknown force seemed to impel them forward against their will.
39. Curiosity impelled her to open the mysterious box.
40. Duty impelled him to serve his country honorably.
41. The spirits impelled the Ouija planchette to spell out frightening messages.
42. Instinct impelled the mother bird to care for her vulnerable young.
43. The need for vengeance impelled him to seek retribution.
44. Anger impelled her to lash out in hurtful ways.
45. Conscience impelled him to right the wrongs of his past.
46. Hunger impelled the scavengers to feed on the carrion.
47. Empathy impelled her to comfort those in distress.
48. The need to escape impelled them to flee across the border.
49. Restlessness impelled him to embark on a solitary journey of discovery.
50. Wisdom impelled her to choose her words carefully.
51. Love impelled them to overlook each other's faults.
52. Passion impelled them into each other's arms.
53. Compassion impelled her to help those in need.
54. Responsibility impelled him to fulfill his duties.
55. Grief impelled her to seek solace in prayer.
56. Obligation impelled him to fulfill his promise, regardless of the cost.
57. Duty impelled the soldiers to serve their country honorably.
58. The call of adventure impelled her to embark on a journey into the unknown.
59. Curiosity impelled the scientists to ask fundamental questions.
60. Purpose impelled the activists to work tirelessly for their cause.

Common Phases

1. Impelled by a sense of duty
2. Impelled by necessity
3. Impelled by curiosity
4. Impelled by desire
5. Impelled by ambition
6. Impelled by conscience
7. Impelled by instinct
8. Impelled by circumstances
9. Impelled by passion
10. Impelled by responsibility

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