Impressionists example sentences

Related (8): Monet, Manet, Renoir, Degas, Pissarro, Morisot, Sisley, Bazille

"Impressionists" Example Sentences

1. The Impressionists were a group of French artists in the late 19th century.
2. Monet was one of the most famous Impressionists of all time.
3. The Impressionists were known for their use of light and color in their paintings.
4. Renoir was another prominent member of the Impressionist movement.
5. The Impressionists were often criticized for their loose and sketchy painting style.
6. The Impressionists rejected the traditional academic style of painting.
7. Degas was another notable Impressionist painter.
8. The Impressionists exhibited their works together in several exhibitions in Paris.
9. Manet was considered a transitional figure between Realism and Impressionism.
10. The Impressionist movement had a profound impact on the art world.
11. Cézanne was influenced by the Impressionists but developed his own distinctive style.
12. The Impressionists were concerned with capturing the fleeting effects of light and atmosphere.
13. Impressionist painting sought to capture the fleeting moment rather than depict a fixed scene.
14. The Impressionist painters were often en plein air, meaning they painted outdoors.
15. Despite the criticisms they faced, the Impressionists changed the course of art history.
16. Impressionist art often portrays tranquil, everyday scenes in ordinary places.
17. The Impressionists often used broken brushstrokes to create the illusion of shimmering light.
18. Impressionist painters were interested in capturing the effects of light on different colors.
19. The Impressionists were criticized for their seemingly unfinished paintings.
20. The Impressionists were fascinated by the changing effects of light on water.
21. The Impressionists sought to capture the beauty of fleeting moments in everyday life.
22. Although they were criticized in their time, the Impressionists are now celebrated as great artists.
23. Impressionist painting has a distinctive style that distinguishes it from other movements.
24. The Impressionists often focused on plein air painting and landscapes.
25. Impressionist paintings often have a dreamy, ethereal quality to them.
26. Impressionist painters were interested in capturing the essence of nature rather than just depicting it.
27. The Impressionists often used juxtaposed colors to create the illusion of light.
28. Although the Impressionists used a loose style, their paintings are still masterful in their execution.
29. Despite the Impressionists' rejection of traditional techniques, they are still regarded as some of the greatest painters of all time.
30. The Impressionists sought to capture the beauty of fleeting moments in everyday life, making their works timeless.

Common Phases

1. "The impressionists were known for their use of light and color; they aimed to capture the essence of a moment."
2. "Many impressionists painted en plein air, or outdoors; this allowed them to study the effects of natural light on their subject matter."
3. "Impressionists often used loose, brushy strokes in their paintings; this gave their work a sense of movement and spontaneity."
4. "Critics initially dismissed the impressionists as amateurish and lacking in technical skill; however, their art eventually came to be recognized as groundbreaking and influential."
5. "Impressionist painters often focused on everyday scenes, such as cafes or gardens; they sought to capture the beauty in ordinary life."

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