Impugners example sentences

Related (6): critics, detractors, naysayers, skeptics, opponents, adversaries

"Impugners" Example Sentences

1. They are impugners of my character.
2. The impugners of the administration have gained support.
3. The impugners of democracy should educate themselves more.
4. Impugners of scientists have a narrow-minded view.
5. There are many impugners of the decision to postpone the event.
6. The impugners of peace talks are not thinking about the consequences.
7. Impugners of the movement's goals have misunderstood it.
8. The anti-climate change impugners are ignoring the facts.
9. The impugners of the artist's work have not understood its meaning.
10. Impugners of the new policy have yet to suggest a better alternative.
11. The impugners of the company's ethics have not considered its positive impact.
12. The impugners of the athlete's performance are not recognizing the hard work put in.
13. Impugners of the writer's perspective have a limited view.
14. The impugners of the restaurant's food cannot deny its deliciousness.
15. Impugners of the singer's talent are not appreciating their unique style.
16. The impugners of the actor's ability have not seen their latest performance.
17. The impugners of the charity's aim do not understand its impact.
18. Impugners of alternative medicine overlook its benefits.
19. The impugners of the law are not taking into account its positive impact on society.
20. The impugners of the politician's decision have not considered their motives.
21. Impugners of the coach's tactics have not watched the game carefully.
22. The impugners of the organization's values have not looked at its achievements.
23. The impugners of the book's relevance have not understood its historical context.
24. Impugners of the website's credibility are not acknowledging its sources.
25. The impugners of the movie's message have not grasped its underlying theme.
26. The impugners of the teacher's ability have not seen their student's progress.
27. Impugners of the documentary's authenticity have not done their research.
28. The impugners of the journalist's integrity have not read their articles.
29. The impugners of the startup's potential have not looked at its financial projections.
30. Impugners of the chef's expertise have not tasted their dishes.
31. The impugners of the product's quality have not tried it out for themselves.
32. The impugners of the scholarship's selection process have not read the criteria.
33. Impugners of the designer's creativity have not seen their portfolio.
34. The impugners of the musician's lyrics have not analyzed their meaning.
35. The impugners of the critic's review have not considered their expertise.
36. Impugners of the poet's work have not appreciated their use of language.
37. The impugners of the journalist's news reporting have not fact-checked it themselves.
38. The impugners of the artist's use of color have not understood its symbolism.
39. Impugners of the engineer's design have not considered its practicality.
40. The impugners of the architect's vision have not seen its potential outcome.

Common Phases

1. The impugners of your character are without merit; their accusations are baseless and unfounded.
2. The impugners of your motives fail to understand your intentions; their criticism is uninformed and misguided.
3. The impugners of your intelligence lack comprehension; they are unable to grasp the complexity of your ideas.
4. The impugners of your integrity are mistaken; their doubts are born of their own dishonesty.
5. The impugners of your professionalism are ill-informed; their complaints betray their own ineptitude.

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