Incise example sentences

Related (9): carve, etch, engrave, inscribe, chisel, cut, sculpt, gash, score

"Incise" Example Sentences

1. The surgeon carefully incised the skin with a scalpel.
2. The dentist had to incise the abscessed gum tissue.
3. The dermatologist incised the cyst to drain the fluid.
4. The tattoo artist incised the skin with the needle.
5. They incised a thin line around the tumor to remove it.
6. The doctor incised the patient's abdomen for the appendectomy.
7. The coroner incised the cadaver during the autopsy.
8. The veterinarian incised the swelling to drain the pus.
9. The surgeon incised the patient's abdomen for the organ transplant.
10. They incised a small slit in the cast to let the swelling go down.
11. They had to incise the wound to remove the foreign object.
12. The pathologist incised the biopsy sample for microscopic examination.
13. The podiatrist incised the corn to remove it from the toe.
14. She incised the layers of the onion with a sharp knife.
15. The artist incised a design onto the piece of wood.
16. The paleoanthropologist carefully incised the fossil to extract bone fragments.
17. The fruit grew a tough rind that had to be incised to access the pulp.
18. He had to incise the cyst on his dog's back to drain the fluid.
19. The carver incised detailed patterns into the wooden sculpture.
20. The inscription was incised into the stone monument.
21. The wax seal was incised with the official crest.
22. They incised angled lines in the bark to graft the branches.
23. The engraver incised letters onto the metal plate.
24. The numbers were carefully incised into the arm of the sundial.
25. The farmer incised lines in the bark of the fruit trees to increase yield.
26. The healer incised ritual symbols onto the patient's skin.
27. They had to incise the burn to remove dead tissue.
28. The metalsmith incised decorative patterns onto the silver goblet.
29. The maker incised patterns on the handle of the knife.
30. The sail was incised with the name of the ship.
31. The letters were deeply incised into the stone monument.
32. The artisan incised fine details onto the wooden figurine.
33. The doctor incised the abscess to drain the pus.
34. The gash had to be incised and sutured.
35. The artist incised an intricate design onto the piece of slate.
36. The rock face was incised with petroglyphs.
37. They had to incise the goiter for biopsy.
38. The botanist incised the plant tissue for examination under the microscope.
39. The baker incised a design onto the surface of the cake.
40. The zoologist incised the organ of the animal specimen for study.
41. The seamstress incised darts into the fabric to make it fit better.
42. The inscription was deeply incised into the stone.
43. The pastry was incised with decorative leaves.
44. The healer incised an x into the patient's skin as part of the ritual.
45. The lines were carefully incised into the clay tablet.
46. The blacksmith incised ornamentation onto the iron pieces.
47. The engraver incised letters onto the wooden frame.
48. The lines were deeply incised into the copper plate for printing.
49. The anthropologist incised the burial mound to explore its contents.
50. The woodcarver incised an elegant design into the block of wood.

Common Phases

1. The surgeon incised the skin to expose the underlying tissue.
2. They incised the tumor to remove as much as possible.
3. The doctor incised the cyst to drain the fluid inside.
4. The archaeologist carefully incised the clay tablet to remove the artifacts inside.
5. The artist incised her name into the soft wood with her pocketknife.
6. The graffiti artist incised his tag into the concrete wall.
7. The sculptor incised minor details into the marble statue with a chisel and mallet.
8. The tattoo artist incised the design into the client's skin using the tattoo needle.
9. The pathologist incised the biological sample to analyze the cells.
10. They incised the bark of the tree to create an air graft.
11. The mortician incised the body to perform the autopsy.
12. The dentist incised the abscess in the patient's gum to drain the infection.
13. The coroner incised the abdomen during the autopsy.
14. The doctor incised the patient's hand to drain the blood clot.
15. The embalmer incised the body to allow fluid to drain before filling with embalming fluid.
16. She carefully incised lines into the plate prior to etching.
17. They incised the branches to promote growth.
18. The butcher incised the meat to ensure even cooking.
19. The cook incised the skin of the poultry prior to roasting.
20. The gemologist incised code marks onto the precious stones.
21. The archaeologist meticulously incised the pottery shards with a dental tool to remove dirt buildup.
22. The research scientist incised layers of the specimens to view inner structures.
23. The metalworker incised patterns into the copper sheet using a chisel.
24. They incised the stem to promote flowering.
25. The lab technician incised the tissue sample for analysis under the microscope.
26. The botanist incised the leaves and stems of the plant specimens for identification.
27. I incised my arm with the razor blade.
28. She incised his name into the tree trunk with her pocketknife.
29. They incised runes into the stones for magical purposes.
30. The prison guards incised serial numbers into the inmates' bedrolls and clothing.
31. The student lightly incised a leaf outline onto the clay pot.
32. Workers incised dates into the limestone blocks to mark their completion.
33. The jeweler carefully incised minute details into the intricate pendant.
34. The logger incised the trunk of the tree after cutting it down.
35. He incised cute slogans into his school notebooks.
36. The factory worker incised an identification number onto each widget as they came down the assembly line.
37. The tire manufacturer incised various product information into the sidewalls.
38. She incised smiley faces into the fallen leaves with her pocketknife.
39. The botanist incised the edges of the leaf to examine the tissue under the microscope.
40. The silversmith incised an elaborate pattern into the chalice before polishing.
41. The forensic scientist incised layers of the sample to extract DNA.
42. The engraver incised the business's name onto the metal plates.
43. Scientists incised tissue samples from the plant to examine under the microscope.
44. The scribe incised Sumerian cuneiform writing into moist clay tablets.
45. The workers incised decorative designs into the stone fountain basin.
46. The anthropologist incised the calcified remains in an attempt to date them.
47. The archeologists meticulously incised layers of dirt from the ancient pottery artifacts.
48. The chemist incised the membrane to introduce the testing solution.
49. The vandal incised threatening graffiti into the bathroom stall.
50. They incised a fine line into the membrane to collect the fluid.
51. The farmer incised the tree bark to graft new branches onto the trunk.
52. The shaman incised ritual patterns into the sacrificial animal.
53. She incised symbols of power into the sides of the ceremonial drums.
54. The executioner incised painful cuts into the prisoner as punishment.
55. The hunter incised tribal designs onto his favorite spear.
56. The mystic incised occult sigils onto the ritual object.
57. I incised a heart shape into the damp sand with a stick.
58. The occultist incised an inverted pentagram onto the floor of the ritual chamber.
59. They incised a design of protection into the standing stones.
60. The sculptor incised fine details into the marble statue with a chisel.

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