Inciser example sentences

Related (4): scalpel, blade, cutter, lancet

"Inciser" Example Sentences

1. The surgeon used a surgical inciser to make the first cut.
2. The inciser was sharp enough to easily slice through the tough meat.
3. As the inciser cut into the skin, blood began to flow.
4. The inciser made a clean incision through the fabric.
5. The dentist used an inciser to carefully remove the old filling.
6. The chef used the inciser to carve perfect slices of roasted lamb.
7. The rock climber's incisers were dulled from years of biting down on rope.
8. The hygienist used an inciser to scrape away plaque buildup.
9. The inciser accidentally cut through the plastic, exposing the contents of the package.
10. The artist used an inciser to carve intricate designs into the wooden sculpture.
11. The inciser slipped, causing a small nick on the patient's skin.
12. The hunter used his incisers to tear into the freshly caught prey.
13. The inciser created a jagged wound, requiring stitches.
14. The surgeon's skilled hands wielded the inciser with precision and accuracy.
15. The inciser was used to remove the tumor from the patient's body.
16. The inciser sliced through the hard crust of the bread.
17. The butcher used the inciser to section the cow into cuts of meat.
18. The inciser left a deep groove in the metal, marking its path.
19. The inciser cut into the foam, revealing the fragile circuit board inside.
20. The inciser was sterilized and ready for use in the operating room.
21. The dentist's incisers retracted back into their sockets after the procedure was finished.
22. The inciser was difficult to control, making the surgeon work carefully to avoid damaging surrounding tissue.
23. The inciser was made of high-grade steel, providing durability and longevity.
24. The inciser sliced cleanly through the layers of the cake, creating perfect slices.
25. The inciser was designed to be ergonomic, providing comfort for the user during prolonged use.
26. The inciser cut through the bone with ease, thanks to its sharpness.
27. The artist's inciser was dull, requiring frequent sharpening to achieve desired results.
28. The inciser was used to remove a splinter from the child's finger.
29. The chef's inciser was dull, causing frustration as it struggled to cut through the tough meat.
30. The inciser created a precise line for the surgeon to follow when removing the tumor.

Common Phases

not include examples of incisions in animals or surgical procedures.
1. The sharp blade of the inciser cut through the cardboard easily;
2. She carefully incised a heart shape into the top of the pie crust;
3. The artist used a chisel to incise intricate patterns into the stone;
4. The dentist used an inciser to remove the decayed part of the tooth;
5. He incised his initials into the tree trunk with a pocket knife;
6. The calligrapher used a fine-tipped pen to incise the letters onto the paper;
7. The sculptor incised the details of the statue's face with a small tool;
8. The archaeologist carefully incised the hieroglyphics onto the ancient tablet.

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