Indeterminable example sentences

Related (10): uncertain, vague, undefined, immeasurable, incalculable, elusive, undecided, inconclusive, indeterminate, ambiguous.

"Indeterminable" Example Sentences

1. The exact cause of the accident remains indeterminable due to lack of evidence.
2. Scientists have found the age of the universe to be calculable rather than indeterminable.
3. The size of the crowd at the rally was practically indeterminable due to the lack of official counts.
4. The number of casualties in the quake is still largely indeterminable as rescue teams continue their work.
5. The potential health risks of the artificial sweetener remain largely indeterminable at this point.
6. The time of arrival is indeterminable due to unpredictable traffic conditions.
7. The number of aquatic species in existence is still largely indeterminable due to the vastness of the oceans.
8. The exact role stress played in the onset of her illness remains indeterminable.
9. Her reasons for quitting the job suddenly were completely indeterminable even to her closest friends.
10. The long term environmental impacts of fracking are still largely indeterminable at this point.
11. The amount of damages suffered in the flood is still largely indeterminable due to the scope of the disaster.
12. The number of infant deaths in underdeveloped countries remains indeterminable due to incomplete record keeping.
13. The number of potential victims of the epidemic is still highly indeterminable at this early stage.
14. The impact of poor maternal nutrition remains largely indeterminable due to lack of large scale data.
15. The effect of climate change on crop yields remains largely indeterminable due to conflicting scientific models.
16. The reliability of eyewitness testimony means her exact location at the time of the crime remains indeterminable.
17. The full extent of the chemical spill into the water supply remains largely indeterminable at this time.
18. The odds of a market crash remain largely indeterminable given the volatile economic conditions.
19. The line between artistic genius and mental illness is often indeterminable.
20. The chances of survival after being bitten by a deadly spider are practically indeterminable.
21. The exact moment of death in cases of heart failure often remains indeterminable.
22. The number of inadequately vaccinated children worldwide remains largely indeterminable.
23. The exact cause of his strange neurological symptoms remains largely indeterminable even after extensive testing.
24. The impact of pesticides on bee populations remains largely indeterminable due to lack of conclusive data.
25. The odds of winning the lottery are technically indeterminable but practically miniscule.
26. The amount of time needed for political reforms to take hold remains largely indeterminable.
27. The chances of survival after a plunge over a waterfall are practically indeterminable.
28. The extent of the economic damage caused by the cyber attack remains largely indeterminable at this point.
29. The size of the black market economy remains practically indeterminable due to lack of reporting.
30. The effect of light pollution on nocturnal animals remains largely indeterminable.
31. The optimum amount of daily exercise needed for good health remains largely indeterminable.
32. The extent of biodiversity loss remains largely indeterminable due to incomplete records.
33. The long term health risks of asbestos exposure remain largely indeterminable.
34. The value of fine art remains largely indeterminable and subject to fluctuations in taste and the market.
35. The duration of the ongoing hostage situation remains largely indeterminable due to lack of information.
36. The odds of becoming a victim of violent crime remain largely indeterminable for any given individual.
37. The optimum diet for long term health remains largely indeterminable due to conflicting research studies.
38. The effectiveness of a particular medical treatment often remains indeterminable until rigorously tested.
39. The amount of daylight hours in a year at the North Pole remains practically indeterminable.
40. The extent of species loss due to deforestation remains largely indeterminable due to lack of data.
41. The exact number of plants and animal species on Earth remains largely indeterminable.
42. The optimum class size for student learning remains largely indeterminable due to conflicting evidence.
43. The full impact of a nuclear detonation on global weather patterns remains largely indeterminable.
44. The exact time of death in cases of drug overdose often remains indeterminable.
45. The chances of survival after being bitten by a venomous snake are practically indeterminable.
46. The extent of voter fraud remains largely indeterminable due to lack of comprehensive data.
47. The amount of undiscovered mineral wealth beneath the Earth's surface remains largely indeterminable.
48. The distribution of dark matter in the universe remains largely indeterminable based on current evidence.
49. The odds of being struck by lightning remain largely indeterminable for any given individual.
50. The optimum incarceration length for rehabilitation remains largely indeterminable.

Common Phases

1. The amount of damage was indeterminable until the contractors could fully assess the property.
2. The cause of the accident and the number of casualties remained indeterminable for several days.
3. The hour of her return was indeterminable due to the unpredictable traffic conditions.
4. The budget deficit for the next fiscal year remains indeterminable due to numerous economic uncertainties.
5. The origin of the disease was indeterminable as there were no known cases previously.
6. The origin of the artifact could not be determined, as no similar objects had been discovered to aid in determining its age or origins, so it remained indeterminable.
7. The long-term effects of the pollution spill were indeterminable at the time.
8. His motives for the attack remain indeterminable even after lengthy interrogation.
9. The number of casualties inflicted by the bombings was indeterminable amidst the chaos and destruction.
10. The extent of the forest fire damage was indeterminable at first due to thick smoke that obscured aerial views.
11. The suspect's whereabouts remain indeterminable as police have not yet tracked him down.
12. The amount of compensation required was indeterminable until lawyers could fully assess the situation.
13. The military decided not to attack due to the indeterminable number of enemy combatants hiding in the city.
14. The chances of survival seemed indeterminable given the severity of her injuries.
15. The effectiveness of the new drug remained indeterminable until extensive clinical trials could be conducted.
16. His precise age remains indeterminable since there are no records of his birth or early life.
17. The fate of the survivors was indeterminable as rescue efforts were still underway.
18. The scope of the hurricane's destruction remained indeterminable for days following the storm due to widespread power outages and infrastructure failures.
19. The value of the old coin was nearly indeterminable without further research and analysis by coin experts.
20. The illness remained indeterminable as doctors could not identify any specific virus or bacteria as the cause.
21. The political implications of the scandal were indeterminable at that point in time.
22. The amount of time required for repairs was indeterminable until specialists could fully assess the extent of the damage.
23. Until further tests could be done, the risk of long-term health effects remained indeterminable.
24. The service member's condition remained indeterminable for hours following the explosion.
25. The long-term success of the startup company remained indeterminable due to numerous unpredictable variables.
26. The purpose of the ancient ritual remained indeterminable due to lack of written records.
27. The extent of the environmental damage proved indeterminable and irreversible.
28. Due to lack of evidence, the senator's innocence or guilt remained indeterminable.
29. The age and origin of the fossils were indeterminable without further scientific testing and analysis.
30. The number of survivors trapped in the rubble remained indeterminable amidst the chaos of the disaster.
31. The impact of the new policy on the economy remains indeterminable at this point.
32. The significance of the discovery remains indeterminable until further details can be ascertained.
33. The amount of time necessary for healing proved indeterminable due to the severity of his injuries.
34. The full implications of the legal precedent remained indeterminable for years after the ruling.
35. The outcome of the election remains indeterminable until all the votes have been counted.
36. Due to the vast extent of the damage, the total cost was indeterminable for weeks following the disaster.
37. The effects of the new drug on the patient proved indeterminable until doctors could monitor her progress over time.
38. The purpose of the ancient text remained indeterminable due to gaps in the translation.
39. His blood alcohol level proved indeterminable due to the amount of time that had passed since the accident.
40. The remains were too degraded for his identity to be determined; thus, he remained officially indeterminable.
41. The indeterminable amount of time necessary for reconstruction efforts caused great uncertainty for local residents.
42. The company's value remained indeterminable due to numerous variables that could not be accurately quantified.
43. The exact number of casualties was indeterminable for hours following the attack due to lack of communication and chaos on the ground.
44. The likelihood of a historical repeat performance remained indeterminable despite years of study by experts.
45. His motives for committing the crime remained indeterminable even years after he was arrested.
46. The true extent of the fraud proved indeterminable after layers of deception and cover-ups were uncovered.
47. The location of enemy forces remained indeterminable due to lack of intelligence and reconnaissance.
48. The date of her return remained indeterminable due to uncertainties surrounding her health condition.
49. The scope of the merger's effect on the overall market remained indeterminable due to numerous economic variables.
50. The legal rights of the plaintiffs were rendered indeterminable due to gaps and ambiguities in the contract language.
51. The extinction date for the endangered species remains indeterminable due to numerous threats and uncertainties.
52. The effects of climate change were indeterminable yet many scientists feared they would be irreversible.
53. The number of protesters remained indeterminable due to the impromptu, unorganized nature of the demonstration.
54. His true age remained indeterminable due to lack of documentation and inconsistency of his own accounts.
55. The duration of the epidemic proved indeterminable due to insufficient medical resources and personnel.
56. The extent of the structural damage to the building remained indeterminable for weeks due to obstruction and inaccessibility of key areas.
57. His chances for parole proved indeterminable due to the nature of his crimes and lack of evidence of rehabilitation.
58. The outcome of the lawsuit remained indeterminable, with experts seeing merit on both sides of the legal arguments.
59. The value of the paintings could not be determined due to the indeterminable attribution and lack of provenance.
60. The kind of intervention that would be required remained indeterminable as his condition continued to deteriorate rapidly.

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