Paradoxal example sentences

Related (10): contradictory, ironic, inconsistent, puzzling, self-contradictory, oxymoronic, counterintuitive, enigmatic, illogical, absurd

"Paradoxal" Example Sentences

1. Despite the apparent simplicity of the task, the results were paradoxal.
2. The idea of a universal language is both intriguing and paradoxal.
3. The unexpected success of the new product was paradoxal to the company's initial projections.
4. His feelings for her were paradoxal in nature, simultaneously intense and indifferent.
5. The situation was paradoxal; the more they worked, the less progress they made.
6. It was a paradoxal statement - on one hand it made perfect sense, but on the other hand it was completely illogical.
7. The benefits of the new policy were paradoxal; while some employees would benefit, others would suffer from its implementation.
8. The study produced paradoxal results, contradicting previous research in the field.
9. It was a paradoxal moment; the peace that followed the war was both welcome and unsettling.
10. The situation was paradoxal - they had all the resources they needed, but lacked the knowledge to use them effectively.
11. His personality was paradoxal, combining charm and aggression in equal measure.
12. The situation was paradoxal; it would take a lot of work to achieve progress, but no progress could be made without immediate action.
13. The paradoxal nature of the task made it both challenging and rewarding.
14. The irony of the situation was paradoxal; what they thought would be their salvation turned out to be their downfall.
15. Her behavior was paradoxal - she claimed to be independent, yet constantly sought the approval of others.
16. The paradoxal nature of addiction is that those who suffer from it often fail to see the harm it causes.
17. It was a paradoxal situation - he was in love with her, but couldn't stand to be near her.
18. The concept of time travel is paradoxal in nature, making it difficult to understand or believe.
19. The situation was paradoxal; the more they tried to fix it, the worse it became.
20. His personality was paradoxal - he was both confident and unsure of himself.
21. The paradoxal nature of his statement left us all confused and uncertain.
22. The situation was paradoxal; they had everything they needed, but still felt empty and unfulfilled.
23. The paradoxal feelings of love and hate left her confused and conflicted.
24. The paradoxal nature of the marketing campaign made it both successful and unsuccessful at the same time.
25. The situation was paradoxal; they had all the time in the world, but still felt rushed and stressed.
26. The paradoxal nature of the experiment made it difficult to draw any clear conclusions.
27. His behavior was paradoxal - he claimed to be honest, yet constantly lied to those around him.
28. The paradoxal beauty of the ruins left us in awe and sadness at the same time.
29. The situation was paradoxal; they had all the resources they needed, but lacked the motivation to use them.
30. The paradoxal nature of life is that it is both fragile and resilient at the same time.

Common Phases

1. The situation was paradoxal; it seemed impossible yet it was happening right before our eyes.
2. The idea was paradoxal; it was both brilliant and absurd at the same time.
3. The statement was paradoxal; it was true but also false depending on how you looked at it.
4. The decision was paradoxal; it was the right thing to do but it also went against everything we believed in.
5. The outcome was paradoxal; it was exactly what we wanted, yet it came at a great cost.
6. The solution was paradoxal; it was simple yet incredibly complex to execute.
7. The question was paradoxal; it had no answer yet it was important to ask.
8. The argument was paradoxal; both sides had valid points yet they contradicted each other.
9. The behavior was paradoxal; it appeared calm on the surface, yet it was fueled by intense emotions underneath.
10. The experience was paradoxal; it was both painful and transformative at the same time.

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