Indicative example sentences

Related (2): suggestive, indication

"Indicative" Example Sentences

1. The data is indicative of a larger trend in the industry.
2. Her distant behavior is indicative of a lack of interest.
3. The low test scores are indicative of deeper issues in the education system.
4. The recent spike in crime rates is not necessarily indicative of long-term trends.
5. The high pollution levels are indicative of lax environmental regulations.
6. The long lines at the store are indicative of high demand for the product.
7. His angry outburst was indicative of broader underlying frustrations.
8. The candidate's speech was full of platitudes and lacked any specific policy proposals indicative of seriousness.
9. The redness and swelling around the wound was indicative of infection.
10. An increase in market share is generally indicative of improved competitive positioning.
11. The scientist pointed to the test results as being indicative of progress toward a cure.
12. The client's hostility was indicative of deeper personal issues unrelated to our work.
13. His enthusiastic response was indicative of true interest in the proposal.
14. The hazy sky was indicative of another day of poor air quality.
15. The weary expressions of the passengers were indicative of a long flight.
16. His tone of voice was indicative of annoyance.
17. Rising gas prices are generally indicative of higher inflation.
18. This result is not necessarily indicative of future performance.
19. The high fees charged are indicative of a lack of competition in the industry.
20. The deteriorating infrastructure is indicative of needed public investments.
21. The heavy traffic was indicative of the upcoming holiday weekend.
22. Declining revenues are typically indicative of a broader contraction in the economy.
23. The results, while compelling, were not necessarily indicative of causality.
24. The unkempt lawn was indicative of larger issues of neglect inside the home.
25. The testimonials, while positive, are not necessarily indicative of most customers' experiences.
26. Declining interest rates are usually indicative of sluggish economic conditions.
27. Her constant tardiness is indicative of a lack of discipline.
28. Their fiscal mismanagement is indicative of incompetent leadership.
29. The large waiting list is indicative of high demand for the services offered.
30. The decade-long decline in student test scores is indicative of larger problems in the district.
31. His speech was full of hyperbole and lacked specifics, indicative of an unserious candidate.
32. The rash quickly spread, which was indicative of a serious condition.
33. The long lines at the polls were indicative of high voter turnout.
34. His slow reaction time was indicative of fatigue.
35. The congregation's hymns were indicative of traditional worship practices.
36. Continuous growth in revenue is typically indicative of an expanding customer base.
37. High collagen content is indicative of high-quality leather.
38. Rising delinquency rates were indicative of broader issues within the industry.
39. The tour guide's lively commentary was indicative of passion for the subject matter.
40. The unusually low numbers were not necessarily indicative of a trend.
41. The company's skyrocketing profits are indicative of increased market share.
42. Their lack of awareness is indicative of little research into the issue.
43. The judge ruled the defendant's actions were not necessarily indicative of intent.
44. Scattered showers remained indicative of an unstable atmosphere.
45. Soaring real estate values were indicative of an overheated market.
46. Her confusion was indicative of insufficient training.
47. The student's lack of progress was indicative of learning disabilities.
48. The results of the survey were not necessarily indicative of broader public opinion.
49. His rude remarks were indicative of sexist attitudes.
50. Declining book sales in the industry are indicative of a larger shift to digital content.
51. The patient's lack of improvement is indicative of inadequate treatment.
52. The constant misspelling of common words was indicative of dyslexia.
53. Employee turnover rates were indicative of low job satisfaction.
54. The neglected lawn was merely indicative of a busy schedule, not general neglect.
55. Rising fuel costs are often indicative of inflationary pressures in the economy.
56. The girl's tearful reaction was indicative of deep sadness over the loss.
57. The unstructured lab reports were indicative of a lack of proper instruction.
58. High blood pressure numbers are indicative of hypertension.
59. Poll numbers are indicative but not definitive of election outcomes.
60. The once-busy parking lot now indicative of declining sales at the mall.

Common Phases

1. The gloomy weather today is indicative of the dreary season ahead.
2. The data are indicative of a downward trend in sales.
3. The doctor's smile was indicative of good news.
4. His calm tone of voice was indicative of an underlying frustration.
5. The dilapidated houses were indicative of the economic depression in that part of town.
6. The heavy traffic is indicative of the rush hour.
7. Her rushed movements were indicative of stress.
8. The increasing crime rate is indicative of broader societal problems.
9. The clouds building up in the sky are indicative of an impending storm.
10. The long line outside the store is indicative of a popular sale.
11. The rising infection numbers are indicative of a worsening outbreak.
12. The erratic stock market movements have been indicative of economic uncertainty.
13. The layoffs at the company are indicative of financial difficulties.
14. The hard lines on her face were indicative of a difficult life.
15. The broad smile was indicative of deep joy and satisfaction.
16. The missing text messages were indicative of an attempt to hide something.
17. The sudden silence was indicative of everyone's shock at the revelation.
18. The man's furrowed brow was indicative of confusion over the instructions.
19. Her discomfort with the discussion was clearly indicative of deeper issues.
20. The lack of air-conditioning was indicative of the building's age and disrepair.
21. Anger or frustration was indicative in his forceful tone of voice.
22. The meaning and mood of a story are largely indicative through the author's word choice.
23. The weather reports are clear indicative of an approaching tropical storm.
24. The mother bird's protective behavior is an indicative of parental instincts in nature.
25. The indicative mood is used to make factual or neutral statements.
26. The car's erratic swerving was indicative of drunk driving.
27. The neighbor's raised voices were indicative of an argument.
28. The symptoms were clearly indicative of a serious illness.
29. The missing files were indicative of data corruption on the server.
30. The failures in the final exam were indicative of a lack of preparation.
31. Indicative sentences express facts, general truths, neutral reports, opinions and commands.
32. Imperfect tense is one of the indicative mood tenses, which is used to talk about past habits and repeated actions.
33. The construction fences around town are indicative of new development.
34. The overcast sky is indicative of rain in the forecast.
35. The indicative mood is used to report facts, make statements, and give commands.
36. His rambling, incoherent speech was indicative of his deteriorating mental state.
37. The sarcastic tone was indicative of his disapproval.
38. Her rapid breathing was indicative of anxiety.
39. The high attendance numbers were indicative of the program's popularity.
40. Indicative stats are factual, noncommittal and neutral reports of circumstances.
41. Indicative sentences can be used to express neutral statements and opinions.
42. The positive tone of her email was indicative of her agreement with the proposal.
43. The combination of symptoms was clearly indicative of a heart condition.
44. The blooming flowers were indicative of springtime's arrival.
45. The serious expression on his face was indicative of his concerns about the situation.
46. The past indicative is used for narrative and storytelling to report events and states.
47. The fallen leaves were indicative of the changing season.
48. His long sigh was indicative of his weariness after a long day.
49. The amount of damage was indicative of a serious accident.
50. The increasing satellite coverage is indicative of mankind's expanding reach into space.
51. Moods like indicative and imperative are used for factual statements and commands.
52. The heavy traffic was indicative of the impending holiday weekend.
53. The lack of rain was indicative of a lingering drought.
54. His reaction was clearly indicative of discomfort with the line of questioning.
55. The demonstrators' upbeat chanting was indicative of their optimistic mood.
56. The increasing crime reports are indicative of a rising trend in lawlessness.
57. Many typical indicative sentences express facts and opinions.
58. Indicative sentences express factual information in an objective manner.
59. Her frequent yawns were indicative of her exhaustion.
60. The ancient runes were indicative of an advanced prehistoric culture.

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