Indoctrinatev example sentences

Related (10): brainwash, propagate, influence, condition, instill, mold, program, brainwash, imbue, persuade

"Indoctrinatev" Example Sentences

1. The school was accused of trying to indoctrinate students with a particular political ideology.
2. Many parents are concerned about the potential for radical groups to try and indoctrinate their children.
3. The government was accused of using state-controlled media to indoctrinate citizens with propaganda.
4. Religious groups often seek to indoctrinate new members with their beliefs.
5. Some experts argue that parenting can inadvertently indoctrinate children with certain values and beliefs.
6. Cults often use a variety of tactics to indoctrinate members and prevent them from leaving.
7. Many argue that extremist groups use social media to indoctrinate vulnerable individuals and promote their agenda.
8. Officials in some countries have been criticized for attempting to indoctrinate citizens with a particular political viewpoint.
9. The military has long been accused of using basic training to indoctrinate soldiers into a particular way of thinking.
10. Critics argue that some private schools are designed to indoctrinate students with a particular set of values.
11. Propaganda is often used to indoctrinate people into a particular way of thinking.
12. Some argue that the media has been used to indoctrinate people to believe that certain groups are inferior or dangerous.
13. The youth organization was designed to indoctrinate children with a particular ideology and prepare them for future leadership roles.
14. Certain religious groups use scripture to indoctrinate members and promote their beliefs.
15. Some psychologists argue that childhood experiences can deeply indoctrinate individuals with particular attitudes and beliefs that last a lifetime.
16. Some politicians have been accused of trying to indoctrinate the public with their particular brand of politics.
17. Many parents worry that schools may be trying to indoctrinate their children with a particular agenda.
18. Some organizations aim to indoctrinate members with a specific worldview and create a close-knit community of believers.
19. The government was accused of trying to indoctrinate citizens with a particular version of history that favored the ruling party.
20. Some people argue that religious evangelists are trying to indoctrinate people with their beliefs in an increasingly secular world.
21. Some individuals are vulnerable to indoctrination because they have a strong need for belonging and community.
22. Social media has been accused of enabling extremist groups to indoctrinate vulnerable individuals who may be seeking a sense of belonging.
23. Groups that use indoctrination tactics often exploit members' psychological vulnerabilities and emotional needs.
24. The military often uses strict discipline and obedience to indoctrinate soldiers and mold them into effective fighting units.
25. Schools and colleges have come under criticism for failing to teach critical thinking and instead attempting to indoctrinate students with unproven theories and beliefs.
26. Political parties often use subtle messaging and propaganda to indoctrinate citizens with their particular worldview.
27. Some experts argue that TV shows and movies can subtly indoctrinate viewers with particular values and beliefs.
28. Some members of religious cults are able to escape after becoming disillusioned with the indoctrination tactics used by leaders.
29. Some activists see attempts to indoctrinate people with social justice theories as a form of ideological oppression.
30. There are growing concerns that certain governments are using advanced neural technologies to indoctrinate their citizens with particular beliefs and values.

Common Phases

1. They have been indoctrinated to believe in a particular ideology;
2. The cult leader attempted to indoctrinate his followers;
3. The school's curriculum seems to indoctrinate students with certain political views;
4. The extremist group is known for indoctrinating vulnerable individuals;
5. Some parents worry that their children are being indoctrinated by the media.

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