Inelastic example sentences

Related (10): rigid, inflexible, unyielding, firm, stiff, immobile, unresponsive, tough, solid, adamant

"Inelastic" Example Sentences

1. The inelastic demand for gasoline meant that consumers did not change their consumption much when prices rose.
2. The fabric had become inelastic with age and washing, no longer stretching as it once did.
3. The withered old rubber band had become inelastic and could no longer stretch far.
4. Funds devoted to education generally have inelastic demand because people do not reduce consumption of education when costs rise.
5. The inelastic rope could not be stretched very far before it would snap.
6. The clothing company found that the demand for its products was relatively inelastic since consumers did not drastically reduce purchases when prices went up slightly.
7. Many employees find the supply of labor to be inelastic since they must continue working regardless of wage fluctuations.
8. The ancient leather coat had become inelastic and inflexible.
9. The demand for medical care is often considered inelastic because patients still need treatment even when fees increase.
10. The aged tires had become inelastic and could no longer change shape to absorb impacts.
11. The old rubber hose had become inelastic, leaking water when bent.
12. The inelastic bungee cord provided little bounce due to loss of elasticity.
13. The dried rubber band had become completely inelastic, unable to stretch at all.
14. The old tree roots had become inelastic, unable to bend without snapping.
15. The supply of capital is often considered to have an inelastic short-run supply since businesses cannot easily adjust investment levels quickly.
16. The inelastic demand for food means that consumers' expenditures are not very responsive to changes in prices.
17. The shells of freshly laid eggs are inelastic, becoming more flexible as the embryo develops.
18. The old strips of gum had become fully inelastic and unusable.
19. The inelastic drag chute provided no cushioning after the plane landed.
20. The cobwebbed rubber mitt had become completely inelastic and useless.
21. A professor's salary often has an inelastic supply since universities rarely cut pay based on fluctuating enrollment.
22. The weather-beaten old tires were now completely inelastic and dangerous.
23. The aging ligaments and tendons were becoming increasingly inelastic and prone to injury.
24. The price elasticity of demand for tobacco products is typically considered to be inelastic.
25. The hardened clay had become completely inelastic and brittle.
26. The dried toast had become fully inelastic and inedible.
27. The demand for many prescription drugs is inelastic since patients must keep taking their medication regardless of cost.
28. The supply of labor provided by illegal immigrants is often considered inelastic since workers will accept whatever wages are available.
29. The cobwebbed elastic had become fully inelastic and stuck in a shortened position.
30. The plastic cup had become totally inelastic after years of sunlight, unable to bend without breaking.
31. The old garden hose had become fully inelastic and unusable due to loss of elasticity.
32. The demand for healthcare is usually characterized as inelastic since people will pay high costs to stay healthy.
33. The old bicycle tire had become completely inelastic and dangerous due to lack of stretch.
34. The withered plant stems had become fully inelastic and prone to snapping.
35. The inelastic twine provided no cushioning when used to secure a package.
36. The ancient elastic hair tie had become fully inelastic and useless.
37. The demand for electricity is often considered to have inelastic demand because usage does not change significantly with price changes.
38. The dried rubber stopper had become totally inelastic and unable to seal the bottle.
39. The dry sponge had become fully inelastic and unable to absorb any liquid.
40. The demand for basic necessities like food and water is typically considered to have a highly inelastic demand curve.
41. The dried latex gloves had become totally inelastic and useless.
42. The hardened arteries had become largely inelastic and inflexible.
43. The supplies provided by a monopoly are often considered to have an inelastic supply due to the lack of competition.
44. The withered elastic bands had become totally inelastic and useless.
45. The rawhide thong had become fully inelastic and unable to stretch at all.
46. The aged tissues were becoming increasingly inelastic and prone to tearing.
47. The balsa wood airplane wing had become fully inelastic and unable to flex properly.
48. The cobwebbed elastic exercise bands had become completely inelastic and unusable.
49. The supply of labor provided by skilled workers is often considered to be more elastic since they have more options.
50. The jerky had become totally inelastic and unsuitable for chewing.
51. The weather-beaten leather sandals had become completely inelastic and useless.
52. The inelastic rope provided no cushioning when used for bungee jumping.
53. The cracked rubber gasket had become totally inelastic and unable to form a seal.
54. The hardened ground had become fully inelastic and unable to absorb impacts.
55. The cobwebbed rubber bands had become totally inelastic and unusable.
56. The demand for addictive substances is typically considered highly inelastic.
57. The withered plant stems had become fully inelastic and likely to break in the wind.
58. The demand curve for cigarettes is often considered to be inelastic.
59. The supply of labor provided by unskilled workers is often considered inelastic since they have few other employment options.
60. Due to reduced elasticity, the aged ligaments were inelastic and prone to tearing.

Common Phases

1. inelastic demand - When demand does not change significantly in response to price changes.
2. inelastic supply - When supply does not change much in response to price changes.
3. price inelastic demand - When demand is not very responsive to price changes.
4. price inelastic supply - When supply is not very responsive to changes in price.
5. inelastic labor supply - When the supply of labor does not fluctuate much in response to changes in wages.
6. become inelastic - To lose elasticity or the ability to stretch and then return to the original shape/size.
7. totally inelastic - Having no ability to stretch or deform at all.
8. highly inelastic demand - When demand does not change significantly, even with large price changes.
9. largely inelastic - Having reduced elasticity but still able to stretch to some degree.
10. predominantly inelastic - Mainly inelastic, with limited ability to change shape.
11. relatively inelastic - Having some elastic properties but being mostly inelastic.
12. suffer from inelasticity - To lose elastic properties and become inflexible or unresponsive.

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