Inferred example sentences

Related (10): implied, deduced, assumed, concluded, suspected, conjectured, surmised, gathered, supposed, presupposed.

"Inferred" Example Sentences

1. The detective inferred that the suspect was lying based on their inconsistent story.
2. From the tone of her voice, he inferred that she was unhappy with his decision.
3. The scientist inferred the existence of dark matter from the gravitational effects it had on visible matter.
4. Based on the way he treated her, she inferred that he didn't respect her.
5. The coach inferred that the team needed more practice after their lackluster performance.
6. She inferred from his body language that he was uncomfortable in the situation.
7. The teacher inferred that the student didn't understand the material based on their test results.
8. He inferred from the amount of dust that had accumulated that no one had been in the room for weeks.
9. The doctor inferred that the patient's symptoms were caused by an allergy.
10. She inferred from the way he avoided her that he didn't want to talk.
11. The jury inferred from the evidence presented that the defendant was guilty.
12. He inferred from the way the door was unlocked that someone had been in his office.
13. The politician inferred that his opponent was untrustworthy based on their voting record.
14. She inferred from his lavish gifts that he was trying to buy her affection.
15. The scientist inferred that the ancient civilization had advanced knowledge based on the artifacts they uncovered.
16. He inferred from the way she avoided eye contact that she was nervous.
17. The historian inferred that the battle had lasted longer than previously thought based on new evidence.
18. She inferred from his sarcasm that he was upset with her.
19. The linguist inferred that the language had evolved over time based on variations in words and grammar structures.
20. He inferred from the lack of noise outside that the streets were empty.
21. The analyst inferred from the financial data that the company was struggling.
22. She inferred from the crumbs on the counter that her roommate had eaten the last slice of cake.
23. The investigator inferred from the footprints in the snow that the suspect had fled on foot.
24. He inferred from her silence that she didn't want to discuss the topic.
25. The scientist inferred from the fossilized remains that the dinosaur was a carnivore.
26. She inferred from the dressing gown and slippers by the bed that he liked to be comfortable in the morning.
27. The detective inferred from the angle of the bullet wound that the victim was shot from behind.
28. He inferred from the cracks in the wall that the building was settling unevenly.
29. The psychologist inferred from the patient's behavior that they were suffering from anxiety.
30. She inferred from the shoe print in the mud that the robber had fled on foot.

Common Phases

not use comma or period as a separator.
1. The conclusion inferred from the data is; the experiment was successful.
2. The speaker inferred that the audience was confused; he decided to explain the topic again.
3. The detective inferred that the suspect was lying; he had to probe deeper.
4. The teacher inferred that the student did not study; she suggested that he attend extra classes.
5. The scientist inferred that the chemical reaction was unstable; he warned his team to take precautions.
6. The analyst inferred that the stock market was going to crash; investors panicked and started selling.
7. The writer inferred that the protagonist was a victim of circumstance; readers sympathized with her.
8. The economist inferred that the government's policies were not sustainable; he proposed alternatives.
9. The historian inferred that the battle was won by the opposing army; he cited eyewitness accounts.
10. The doctor inferred that the patient had a serious condition; he ordered more tests.

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