Inflection example sentences

Related (4): tone, pitch, modulation, intonation

"Inflection" Example Sentences

1. He spoke with an upward inflection at the end of his sentences.
2. The slightest inflection in her voice betrayed her worry.
3. I could detect no inflection in her monotone voice.
4. She said it with a sarcastic inflection.
5. He ended most of his sentences with an upward inflection, as if asking a question.
6. I detected a bitter inflection in her tone.
7. Her voice took on a sad inflection as she spoke of her loss.
8. He spoke the foreign language with the correct inflections and intonation.
9. I detected a troubled inflection in his cheerful voice.
10. The interrogative inflection in her voice signaled her confusion.
11. There was an ominous inflection in his normally cheerful voice.
12. His boastful inflection grated on my nerves.
13. The inflection in her voice made it clear she was teasing.
14. The angry inflection in his voice sent chills down my spine.
15. His smug inflection suggested he knew something I didn't.
16. There was a questioning inflection in her voice, urging me to continue.
17. I cringed at the mocking inflection in his voice.
18. Her voice took on an angry inflection as she recounted the incident.
19. His pleading inflection belied his macho exterior.
20. I tried to speak with the proper inflections and intonation.
21. There was an inquisitive inflection in her voice.
22. The melodramatic inflection in her voice made me roll my eyes.
23. His grave inflection added weight to his words.
24. The sultry inflection in her voice sent a shiver down my spine.
25. Her surprised inflection told me she hadn't expected my rejection.
26. The joking inflection in her voice relieved the tension.
27. The threatening inflection in his voice sent a chill down my spine.
28. He spoke with the downward inflection of a statement, not a question.
29. I detected no angry inflection in her otherwise calm voice.
30. The loving inflection in his voice brought a smile to my face.
31. The indignant inflection in her voice irritated me.
32. His words were spoken with an accusatory inflection.
33. His broken voice took on a pleading inflection.
34. His bored inflection indicated a lack of interest in the subject.
35. She said it with an accusatory inflection that cut me to the bone.
36. His ominous inflection made the hair on my arms stand up.
37. The teacher corrected the student's inflection and pronunciation.
38. The cautionary inflection in my voice went unheeded.
39. The seductive inflection of her whisper sent my heart racing.
40. I struggled to speak with the correct inflections and intonation.
41. His whining inflection made me cringe.
42. There was a dreamy inflection in her voice as she spoke of him.
43. The warning inflection in his voice sent a chill down my spine.
44. His curious inflection urged me to continue my story.
45. Her soft voice took on a loving inflection as she spoke my name.
46. The hopeless inflection in his voice broke my heart.
47. I tried to imitate the proper inflection and intonation of the foreign language.
48. His solemn inflection added weight to his grave announcement.
49. Her amused inflection told me she was laughing at my jokes.
50. Her joyful inflection filled the room with light and warmth.
51. The sorrowful inflection in his voice brought tears to my eyes.
52. His contemplative inflection made me think twice about my hasty decision.
53. The professor corrected the student's inflection and pronunciation.
54. The suspicious inflection in her voice made me reconsider my story.
55. His command was given with a harsh, demanding inflection.
56. Her downcast inflection revealed her inner sadness.
57. The frightened inflection in his voice betrayed his confident posture.
58. His hopeful inflection filled me with optimism.
59. Her nervous inflection revealed her timid nature.
60. The admiring inflection in his voice made me blush.

Common Phases

1. She spoke with a slight French inflection in her voice.
2. The verb took on a new inflection in the passive tense.
3. The speaker's inflection rose at the end of the sentence, making it sound like a question.
4. The actor emphasized certain words through changes in inflection and tone.
5. Her inflection on the last syllable betrayed her sarcasm.
6. I could tell by his inflection that he was unhappy.
7. The student struggled with the complex inflection rules of Russian verbs.
8. The inflection of the voice conveyed a note of sadness.
9. The song had a light Caribbean inflection.
10. She noticed a slight German inflection in his English pronunciation.
11. The southern inflection came through especially on vowel sounds.
12. The rising inflection in her voice made me uneasy.
13. The morphological inflection of the verb changes based on tense.
14. The grammatical inflections in Arabic convey more meaning than in English.
15. The noun takes different endings based on its inflection.
16. His inflection made the greeting sound more like an accusation.
17. The poem took on a more joyful inflection in the last stanza.
18. A Scottish inflection added flavor to his speech.
19. The student had difficulty with subject-verb agreement and verb inflections.
20. I could detect no inflection or emotion in his monotone delivery.
21. The region has its own distinct pronunciation and inflection.
22. The new verb form required a different inflection.
23. Her Australian inflection was noticeable.
24. I could hear the smile in her inflection.
25. The inflections on nouns indicate plurality and case.
26. The Spanish language has different verb inflections for formal and informal speech.
27. The British inflection in his accent amused the audience.
28. Inflection provides a lot of meaning that is lost in writing.
29. Children learn inflection rules gradually as they develop language skills.
30. Nouns adopt different inflections depending on their gender, number and case.
31. Despite her best efforts, her Russian had not lost its American inflection.
32. Toddlers talk in a sing-songy inflection.
33. She never lost her Italian inflection when speaking English.
34. The child had difficulty pronouncing words with the correct inflection.
35. The actor's Russian lacked proper inflection and intonation.
36. The inflection of the final syllable totally changed the meaning.
37. Word order is less important in Russian due to the complex inflections.
38. His voice rose at the end in a questioning inflection.
39. Inflections allow languages to convey subtle shades of meaning.
40. The story had a mournful inflection overall.
41. The singer imbued each word with a particular inflection.
42. Minor inflections can increase or diminish deference.
43. She announced each word with the same flat inflection.
44. The German language has very complex inflection rules.
45. The speech had an ominous inflection that made the audience uneasy.
46. They studied noun inflection tables to master declension.
47. Spoken Spanish has more inflections than written.
48. Her Welsh inflection gave her words an interesting sound.
49. The type of inflection used can convey attitude.
50. Changes in inflection mark questions versus statements.
51. She said every word with the same sing-songy inflection.
52. There's an Irish inflection in the way he pronounces his "r's."
53. Rise and fall of inflection helps convey meaning.
54. The speaker's Scottish inflection added flavor to his storytelling.
55. Inflection points occur during changes in a trend.
56. I could hear the smile in her rising inflection.
57. Nouns change form based on gender, number and case inflections.
58. The Latin origin of inflection remains in the French and Spanish languages.
59. The singer used different inflections to emphasize select words.
60. The declension of nouns follows regular inflection patterns.

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