Inflow example sentences

Related (5): Input, influx, arrival, entry, incursion



inflow (noun) · inflows (plural noun)

  - a large amount of money, people, or water, that moves or is transferred into a place:


infiltration, entry, spread, spreading, diffusion, percolation, filtering, seepage, soaking, soakage, Wikipedia, Legal

"Inflow" Example Sentences

1. The region experienced an inflow of tourists during the summer months.
2. The economy experienced a surge in capital inflows last year.
3. The recent inflow of foreign investment has boosted economic growth.
4. The government is trying to attract more inflows of foreign capital.
5. The increase in population led to higher inflows of revenue.
6. The heavy rains resulted in increased runoff and inflows into the rivers.
7. The new plant will require a steady inflow of raw materials.
8. The lake depends on seasonal inflows from snowmelt and rainfall.
9. The company saw a large inflow of new customers in the first quarter.
10. The heavy downpour caused increased inflows into the storm drains.
11. The management is hoping for higher inflows of cash in the coming year.
12. The region experienced an unusually large inflow of immigrants last year.
13. The new aqueduct will provide a reliable inflow of freshwater to the city.
14. We saw an inflow of new patients to the clinic after the advertising campaign.
15. The funding has dried up, so we need a new inflow of cash to continue operating.
16. The inflow ofnutrients into the estuary supports a diverse ecosystem.
17. There was a large inflowof refugees crossing the border.
18. The region experienced a huge inflow of asylum seekers.
19. The heavy rains led to sudden inflows into the riverbeds.
20. The dam relies on seasonal inflows of glacier meltwater.
21. There was a surge in inflows of patients immediately after the accident.
22. The tourism bureau is hoping for higher inflows of visitors next year.
23. The company needs a continuous inflow of raw materials for production.
24. Restrictions were placed on inflows of foreign workers.
25. The organization relies on regular inflows of donations.
26. The immigration policy aimed to regulate inflows into the country.
27. There was an unprecedented inflow of new orders that month.
28. The aquifer receives inflows from underground streams.
29. The policy aimed to restrict the inflow of illegal immigrants.
30. The lake experiences seasonal inflows from tributaries and precipitation.
31. We saw a big inflow of applications for the program.
32. The mine required a steady inflow of workers.
33. There was a record inflow of tourists to the region that year.
34. Streams provide the main inflow of water into the aquifer.
35. The sewers were overwhelmed by the inflow of floodwater.
36. The inflow of funds will allow us to expand the program.
37. High tides led to increased inflows into the harbor.
38. The dam depends on regular inflows of meltwater.
39. The pipeline provides inflow of natural gas to the city.
40. The project depends on a constant inflow of funding.
41. Inflows of freshwater help maintain water quality in the estuary.
42. The harbor experienced a surge in inflows of cargo ships last year.
43. There was a sudden large inflow of patients to the emergency room.
44. The pattern of snowmelt determines seasonal inflows of water to the river.
45. The floodgates opened to release the inflow of floodwaters.
46. The policy aims to regulate inflows of cheap labor.
47. The river relies on seasonal inflows from tributaries and precipitation.
48. There was a huge inflow of volunteers after the disaster.
49. Tributaries provide the main inflow of water to the river.
50. The sudden inflow of orders caught the company off guard.
51. Groundwater inflows help maintain river flows during dry periods.
52. We saw a large inflow of new members join the club that month.
53. The health center experienced an inflow of injured people after the crash.
54. The aqueduct provides a year-round inflow of water to the capital city.
55. The harbor experienced higher than usual inflows of cargo ships last month.
56. Glacial meltwater provides a main source of inflow to the river system.
57. Groundwater inflows help maintain streamflows during dry seasons.
58. The policy aims to control inflows of illegal substances.
59. The city relies on aqueducts for inflows of fresh drinking water.
60. The project requires a steady inflow of funds to stay on schedule.

Common Phases

1. The river had a steady inflow of fresh water.
2. The lake was benefiting from an increased inflow of rain water this year.
3. The rapidly increasing inflow of tourists was straining the town's infrastructure.
4. Capital inflow is essential for economic growth.
5. The port was designed to handle large inflows of cargo ships.
6. The cash inflow helped the company stay afloat during a difficult quarter.
7. The money inflow allowed them to make payroll for another month.
8. Drainage issues led to an inflow of flood waters during the rainy season.
9. The engineer designed culverts to channel the inflow of storm runoff.
10. The apartment had water damage from an inflow of sewage water.
11. The spillway was meant to release excess inflow from the dam.
12. Air inflow regulates the temperature inside the building.
13. The tidal inflow raises the water level at high tide.
14. Inflow into the lake was restricted due to the drought.
15. The engineer measured the inflow rate into the reservoir.
16. Changes in atmospheric pressure affect the fluid inflow.
17. The topography of the land influences water inflow into the cave system.
18. Inflow and outflow data were collected hourly for the analysis.
19. The groundwater inflow was recharging the aquifer.
20. Changes in inflow affect the oxygen concentration inside the vat.
21. Immigration controls were meant to manage the inflow of migrants.
22. The port authority manages the inflow and outflow of commercial vessels.
23. Employees reported an inflow of contaminated water into the factory.
24. The valves regulate the inflow of recycled water into the process.
25. Check that all seals are in place to prevent gas inflow into the tank.
26. There was a large inflow of customers at the store's opening.
27. Foreign direct investment drives capital inflow into the local economy.
28. The sewer system backed up due to an inflow obstruction.
29. The inflow of new talent excited investors in the company.
30. Our data shows a large spike in inflow during the holiday season.
31. The creek's inflow doubles after a heavy rain.
32. Inflow values are restricted to protect downstream residents.
33. The mayor promised to curb the inflow of illegal drugs into the city.
34. Experts warn of increased water inflow due to climate change.
35. The valve sticks and limits fluid inflow into the vessel.
36. The business experienced seasonal fluctuations in consumer inflow.
37. Chemical inflow contamination forced the plant to close for cleaning.
38. The river constricts, increasing the inflow velocity at that point.
39. The therapy aims to reduce emotional inflow and overload.
40. The heavy inflow of water surprised the campers.
41. Inflow into the marine reserve is restricted to protect fragile habitats.
42. Lack of drainage allows for groundwater inflow into the basement.
43. The culvert was designed to handle peak inflow during storms.
44. There was an unprecedented inflow of orders that week.
45. The treatment plant struggled to keep up with the sewer inflow.
46. Soil erosion contributed additional sediment inflow into the pond.
47. Cool air inflow chilled the rooms at night.
48. The aquifer receives steady recharge from groundwater inflow.
49. The floodgates opened to relieve pressure from excess inflow.
50. Neighbors complained about the increase in traffic inflow.
51. The cave attracts tourist inflow during the summer.
52. Emotional inflow requires proper processing and release.
53. Surgeons worked quickly to stop the arterial inflow of blood.
54. The contract specified a limited inflow of pollutants into the water system.
55. Officials were working to understand the sources of illegal drug inflow.
56. Volunteers helped contain the oil inflow into the harbor.
57. There was concern about illegal arms inflow into the region.
58. Regulating the inflow of cool air was key to keeping the wine cellar at the proper temperature.
59. Water inflow into the cave opened up new areas for exploration.
60. The aquarium required constant monitoring of chemical inflow to keep water conditions stable.

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