Information example sentences

Related (11): data, knowledge, facts, details, particulars, intelligence, insight, news, advice, intuition, guidance

"Information" Example Sentences

1. Please provide more information about the project.
2. The report contained valuable information about the new technology.
3. Customers can request additional information on our products through our website.
4. Security breaches led to the leak of sensitive information from the company's database.
5. Misinformation spread quickly on social media.
6. The survey collected demographic information about the participants.
7. Students should be cautious about sharing personal information online.
8. Accurate information is critical in decision making.
9. Use the contact form to submit your information and one of our representatives will be in touch.
10. We appreciate you providing your email address so we can send you more information.
11. Colleges require a significant amount of information in applications.
12. The magazine article provided helpful information about avoiding online scams.
13. The website serves as a repository of information on the company's products and services.
14. Incorrect information can be misleading and cause problems.
15. Loss of personal information can lead to identity theft.
16. Customers are always seeking more information about our new line of products.
17. The newspaper is an important source of current information and events.
18. Store this information in a secure location.
19. The study provided useful information for shaping new policies.
20. Invalid information can wreak havoc on a database.
21. Sophisticated algorithms organize massive amounts of information.
22. I wish I had more information before making this decision.
23. The manual contains important information you need to know.
24. Some information is best conveyed in person rather than over email.
25. Research reveals a vast amount of information about human behavior.
26. Information technology continues to transform how we live and work.
27. The scientific study provided valuable information to advance the field.
28. The witness provided key information that helped solve the crime.
29. Information spreads quickly on social media.
30. Investors rely on accurate financial information when deciding where to place funds.
31. Discrepancies in the information raised suspicion.
32. The FOIA request sought information about government spending.
33. Privacy policies govern how companies collect and use personal information.
34. Please verify the accuracy of your personal information before submitting the form.
35. Subjects were told to memorize as much information as possible.
36. I apologize for the lack of information in my last email.
37. Artificial intelligence can process vast amounts of information and detect complex patterns.
38. The presentation shared interesting information about the new project.
39. Information overloads can negatively impact productivity.
40. Please contact us if you have any additional questions or need more information.
41. Sensors collect information that is processed by algorithms.
42. Fact checking is an important part of verifying information.
43. The graph conveys complex information in a simple visual format.
44. Confidential information should never be shared outside the company.
45. Bots can parse online information to detect emerging trends.
46. Use basic information security practices like strong passwords and two factor authentication.
47. Information about the discovery was leaked to the press before an official announcement.
48. I did not have enough background information to fully understand the proposal.
49. His information security training helped him identify phishing emails.
50. Search engines scour the web to index and organize information.
51. Businesses rely on accurate customer information to provide better service.
52. Please fill out this form to provide your contact information.
53. Accurate information is the foundation for sound arguments and policies.
54. The information in the chart clearly shows the trends over time.
55. With enough information, algorithms can make surprisingly accurate predictions.
56. It's important to verify information from multiple trusted sources.
57. Information is a valuable commodity in today's knowledge economy.
58. Enter your email to receive more information about our products.
59. The brochure provided helpful information about visitor facilities.
60. Accurate information is critical for making smart decisions.

Common Phases

1. Please provide additional information if needed.
2. The information on the website was inaccurate.
3. We need more information before coming to a conclusion.
4. The weather forecast provided useful information.
5. The confidentiality of the information must be maintained.
6. It's important to verify the accuracy of information before sharing it.
7. The information age has brought enormous change.
8. Thank you for sending this valuable information.
9. The report contained vital information about the incident.
10. Can you share some more information about the product?
11. She combed through piles of information to find the relevant facts.
12. The Freedom of Information Act allows citizens access to government records.
13. Information technology is revolutionizing the way we live and work.
14. This study provides new information about the disease.
15. The data represented statistical information about the population.
16. Marketing relies on gathering information about customers.
17. The lack of information made it difficult to make a decision.
18. Can you forward me the information you received in the email?
19. Investigative journalism seeks to expose new information.
20. The manual provided important information on how to operate the machinery.
21. His story lacked key information needed to verify the claims.
22. Access to information has become a fundamental human right.
23. Misinformation can spread quickly on the internet.
24. The government withheld crucial information from the public.
25. We value your privacy and promise to keep your information confidential.
26. Biographical information helps provide context for a person's life.
27. Customer information should only be used for legitimate business purposes.
28. The survey gathered information about people's preferences.
29. Numerous studies revealed new information about the disease.
30. Do not provide personal information to unknown websites.
31. Give all relevant information to help us serve you better.
32. Please fill out this information form for our database.
33. The media reported new information about the candidate's past.
34. The spokesperson declined to provide additional information.
35. Scientists rely on acquiring new information through experimentation and research.
36. Factual information helps create a shared understanding of events.
37. The journalist sought information from a variety of sources.
38. The police requested information about possible suspects in the case.
39. Analysis of the data revealed interesting new information.
40. Disinformation can spread falsehoods and undermine trust.
41. That information is confidential and should not be shared.
42. Their story did not match up with the available information.
43. Metadata provides contextual information about data.
44. Information overload can be draining and unproductive.
45. Please fill in all required information fields.
46. Crowdsourcing can be an effective way to gather information.
47. Technical information was included in the product manual.
48. The information on the card is outdated.
49. Social media enables people to spread information quickly.
50. The document provides useful background information about the topic.
51. Sharing personal information online can pose risks to privacy and safety.
52. Any useful information would be greatly appreciated.
53. They provided information but did not offer any proof.
54. New information came to light that challenged his explanation.
55. Data without proper context lacks meaningful information.
56. Scrutinizing information helps determine its credibility.
57. Sensitive information should be handled with care and discretion.
58. Her story gave me little new information that I didn't already know.
59. Null results sometimes provide valuable information.
60. Accurate information is the foundation of quality reporting.

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