Infosys example sentences

Related (3): technology, consulting, outsourcing

"Infosys" Example Sentences

1. Infosys is one of the largest IT companies in India.
2. The CIO of ABC Corporation recently met with Infosys representatives to discuss a potential partnership.
3. Last year, Infosys reported a revenue of $12.78 billion.
4. Infosys is known for its expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
5. After completing his degree in computer science, John decided to apply for a job at Infosys.
6. The Prime Minister of India recently visited Infosys to acknowledge their contribution to the country's economy.
7. Infosys has offices in over 40 countries worldwide.
8. Jane attended an Infosys event in Silicon Valley last week where she learned about the company's latest innovations.
9. Infosys recently launched a new platform for financial services companies to improve their operations.
10. The CEO of Infosys believes that technology can be a powerful force in driving social change.
11. Infosys' mission is to help businesses and organizations of all sizes succeed in the digital age.
12. The Infosys Foundation provides funding and support to various charitable organizations around the world.
13. John's friend recently joined Infosys as a software engineer and is enjoying his new job.
14. Infosys is committed to reducing its environmental impact through sustainable business practices.
15. The World Economic Forum awarded Infosys for its leadership in corporate social responsibility.
16. Infosys partnered with a local university to develop a new curriculum focused on emerging technologies.
17. Infosys has been recognized as a leader in customer experience solutions by multiple industry analysts.
18. The CFO of XYZ Corporation is considering outsourcing their IT operations to Infosys.
19. Infosys has a strong culture of innovation and has filed hundreds of patents in recent years.
20. John attended a workshop on data analytics hosted by Infosys and gained valuable skills for his job.
21. Infosys has a comprehensive training program for new employees to ensure they have the skills they need to succeed.
22. Several former Infosys employees have gone on to start successful tech companies of their own.
23. The CEO of Infosys gave a keynote address at a technology conference last month in Las Vegas.
24. Infosys is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace and has implemented several initiatives to promote these values.
25. John's company partnered with Infosys to develop a custom software solution that improved their business processes.
26. Infosys has a wide range of clients, including Fortune 500 companies and small startups.
27. The quality of customer service at Infosys is highly rated by its clients.
28. Infosys recently acquired a startup focused on blockchain technology and plans to integrate their expertise into their offerings.
29. John's cousin is studying computer science in college and hopes to work for Infosys after graduation.
30. The stock price of Infosys has been steadily increasing over the past year, indicating strong financial performance.

Common Phases

1. Infosys is a multinational corporation specializing in software development;
2. The Infosys corporate headquarters are located in Bangalore, India;
3. Infosys provides technology consulting and outsourcing services to clients worldwide;
4. Infosys has over 240,000 employees across the globe;
5. Infosys is a leader in digital transformation;
6. Infosys is committed to sustainability and corporate social responsibility;

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