Interactively example sentences

Related (13): engage, collaborate, participate, communicate, involve, respond, react, interface, connect, relate, share, exchange, contribute

"Interactively" Example Sentences

1. The students were able to engage with the lesson more effectively by working interactively with each other.
2. The software allows users to design custom graphics and animations interactively.
3. The museum exhibit is designed to be experienced interactively, with hands-on exhibits and immersive technology.
4. The team brainstormed ideas interactively, bouncing ideas off one another until they came to a consensus.
5. The online class featured interactive quizzes and discussions to keep students engaged.
6. The children's book was designed to be read interactively, with prompts for the reader to participate.
7. The game can be played interactively with friends, or solo against the computer.
8. The platform allows users to watch movies and TV shows interactively, with options for commentary and additional information.
9. The app lets you explore different worlds interactively, tapping on objects to reveal hidden surprises.
10. The webinar included interactive polling and Q&A sessions to engage the audience.
11. The fitness app tracks your progress and offers interactive coaching to keep you motivated.
12. The virtual reality experience allowed participants to explore a new environment interactively, with full 360-degree movement.
13. The language learning software incorporates interactive conversation practice to help students feel more confident speaking.
14. The museum exhibit featured interactive installations that responded to visitors' movements and gestures.
15. The conference included interactive workshops and breakout sessions, allowing attendees to dive deeper into specific topics.
16. The software lets users collaborate interactively on projects, with real-time updates and comments.
17. The textbook includes interactive elements such as video tutorials and quizzes to reinforce learning.
18. The cooking class is taught interactively, with the chef guiding participants through each step of the recipe.
19. The game show encourages viewers to participate interactively, shouting out their answers before the contestants.
20. The virtual assistant responds to voice commands and interacts with users interactively to provide personalized assistance.
21. The educational app uses augmented reality to bring content to life interactively, allowing students to explore subjects in new ways.
22. The team used an interactive whiteboard to brainstorm ideas and collaborate on a project.
23. The website features interactive maps with real-time traffic and weather reports.
24. The science exhibit encourages visitors to interactively explore natural phenomena, such as the properties of light and sound.
25. The therapy session was conducted interactively, with the therapist guiding the patient through exercises and activities.
26. The game designer created an interactive narrative where players can make choices that affect the story's outcome.
27. The software simulates real-world scenarios interactively, allowing users to practice problem-solving in a safe environment.
28. The museum tour includes interactive displays that allow visitors to learn more about the exhibits.
29. The platform connects users with experts in various fields, allowing them to ask questions interactively.
30. The workshop focused on interactive teaching methods, encouraging educators to engage students in learning through hands-on activities.

Common Phases

1. Talking with customers interactively;
2. Solving problems collaboratively interactively;
3. Testing software iteratively interactively;
4. Gathering feedback continuously interactively;
5. Demonstrating features dynamically interactively.

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