Intertwinements example sentences

Related (10): interweavings, interconnections, interdependencies, interminglings, intertwistings, interlacements, interlockedness, interplayedness, interknittings, interlacedness

"Intertwinements" Example Sentences

1. The intwining intertwinements of the vines made it hard to disentangle them.
2. The plot of the movie had so many intertwinements that it was hard to keep track.
3. The artist drew a beautiful picture of intertwinements of different trees.
4. The book was a masterpiece in interweaving the intertwinements of different characters and their stories.
5. The dance performance was a beautiful display of the intertwinements between movement and music.
6. The intricate intertwinements of the story made it a thrilling read.
7. The painting had a beautiful mix of colors in its intertwinements.
8. The web of intertwinements between the various political parties was very complex.
9. The family tree had a lot of intertwinements due to marriages between cousins.
10. The spider spun an intricate web of intertwinements to catch its prey.
11. The conversation was full of intertwinements between art and literature.
12. The poem had a beautiful rhythm in the intertwinements of words.
13. The investigation uncovered the intertwinements between the criminal organizations.
14. The play explored the intertwinements of different social classes.
15. The architecture had beautiful intertwinements of different styles.
16. The scientific research reveals the intertwinements between climate change and the ecosystem.
17. The sculpture had an intricate intertwinement of different materials.
18. The book had a lot of intertwinements between factual information and story-telling.
19. The film used intertwinements with different camera angles to create an immersive experience for the audience.
20. The philosophical debate was full of intertwinements between reason and faith.
21. The embroidery had intricate intertwinements of different colors of thread.
22. The city's history had a lot of intertwinements between different cultures.
23. The exhibition showcased the intertwinements between different art forms.
24. The landscape painting had a beautiful intertwinement of different natural elements.
25. The food in this restaurant had an interesting intertwinement of different flavors.
26. The novel had a lot of intertwinements between the past and the present.
27. The music was a beautiful intertwinement of different genres.
28. The fashion designer created a collection with an intricate intertwinement of different fabrics.
29. The museum displayed artifacts with intertwinement of different historical periods.
30. The flower arrangement had a beautiful intertwinement of different types of flowers.

Common Phases

1. Their lives were filled with intetwinements; moments where they couldn't tell where one ended and the other began.
2. The plot of the novel was full of intetwinements; subplots and characters seamlessly woven together.
3. The dancers moved with grace and precision, their movements creating intricate intetwinements on stage.
4. The history of our families is marked by intetwinements; marriages, births, and deaths that connect us all.
5. The artist's work reflected the intetwinements of nature and humanity; a beautiful and complex relationship.
6. We are all intetwined in the web of life; each action we take affecting the world around us.
7. The music was a tapestry of intetwinements; melodies and harmonies blending together perfectly.
8. The scientific theories proposed by the researchers were based on the intetwinements of physics and biology.
9. Our emotions are intetwined with our physical health; taking care of one affects the other.
10. The poem explored the intetwinements of love and loss, weaving together themes of joy and sorrow.

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