Intrigants example sentences

Related (10): conspirators, plotters, schemers, connivers, manipulators, deceivers, tricksters, maneuverers, machinators, masterminds

"Intrigants" Example Sentences

1. The police were on the lookout for the group of intrigants who planned to rob the bank.
2. The political party was accused of hiring intrigants to manipulate the elections.
3. The film was praised for its complex characters, including the intriguing intrigants.
4. The detective suspected the wealthy businessman of being the mastermind behind the network of intrigants.
5. The spy identified several foreign intrigants who were working to undermine national security.
6. The author's new book featured a cast of intriguing villains and daring intrigants.
7. The journalist uncovered a web of intrigants involved in a scandalous political cover-up.
8. The con artist recruited a group of willing intrigants to help him pull off a massive scam.
9. The royal family was plagued by a series of intrigants seeking to overthrow the monarchy.
10. The CIA had a dossier on each of the suspected intrigants involved in the international spy ring.
11. The investigator was tasked with identifying the key players among the group of intrigants.
12. The mysterious stranger claimed to have inside information on the intrigants plotting against the government.
13. The detective's investigation led him to a shadowy organization of criminal intrigants.
14. The conspiracy theorists believed that the intrigants were manipulating world events from behind the scenes.
15. The disgraced politician was linked to a group of shady intrigants involved in illegal activities.
16. The journalist's investigation into the case uncovered a complex network of intrigants and hidden agendas.
17. The corporate executive was suspected of employing a team of intrigants to sabotage a rival company.
18. The novel's plot revolved around a group of intrigants seeking to uncover a vast conspiracy.
19. The detective was convinced that the intrigants were working for a larger organization with sinister goals.
20. The internet sleuths uncovered the true identities of several key intrigants involved in the online harassment campaign.
21. The disgruntled employee was suspected of recruiting a small group of intrigants to carry out a revenge plot against his boss.
22. The journalist's expose revealed the intricate web of lies and deceit woven by the group of intrigants in the upper echelons of society.
23. The missionary found herself caught up in a dangerous game of cat and mouse with a group of local intrigants determined to thwart her efforts.
24. The spy's mission was to infiltrate the group of intrigants and gain their trust, in order to obtain valuable intelligence.
25. The playwright's latest work featured a cast of morally ambiguous characters, including an intriguing group of political intrigants.
26. The detective's investigation eventually led to the arrest and conviction of the key intrigants involved in the organized crime ring.
27. The whistleblower revealed the existence of a secret group of industry intrigants working to manipulate public opinion and government policies.
28. The journalist's investigation into a local corruption scandal uncovered a web of intrigants linked to powerful politicians and businessmen.
29. The government agent posed as a wealthy businessman, in order to infiltrate the group of international intrigants plotting to destabilize the global economy.
30. The thriller novel pitted a team of intrepid investigators against a sinister group of high-level corporate intrigants, determined to cover up their illegal activities at any cost.

Common Phases

1. The intrigants were plotting something; their whispers could be heard from across the room.
2. The two intrigants seemed to be quarrelling over something; their voices were raised and their body language tense.
3. The intrigants were playing mind games with each other; their facial expressions gave away nothing.
4. The intrigants were deep in conversation; their eyes locked in intense focus.
5. The group of intrigants were huddled together; their secret plans unknown to the rest of us.
6. The intrigants were exchanging meaningful glances; their understanding of each other unspoken.
7. The intrigants were weaving a complicated web of deceit; their intentions unclear to those around them.
8. The two intrigants were engaged in a heated debate; their arguments persuasive and well thought out.
9. The intrigants were masked in mystery; their true motives unknown to anyone but themselves.
10. The group of intrigants were constantly scheming; their plans changing with each passing moment.

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