Irrelevancies example sentences

Related (3): Tangents, digressions, distractions.

"Irrelevancies" Example Sentences

1. The judge admonished the lawyer to avoid irrelevancies and stick to the facts at hand.
2. The teacher tried to steer the class discussion away from irrelevancies and back on topic.
3. Please stop telling me irrelevancies and just address my question directly.
4. The discussion quickly devolved into tangents and irrelevancies with no real progress being made.
5. The interrogator dismissed the suspect's irrelevancies and asked again for a direct answer to the question.
6. His speech was filled with meandering irrelevancies that did little to address the central issue.
7. The interviewer cut through the candidate's hesitations and irrelevancies to get to the crux of the matter.
8. Rather than indulging in irrelevancies, let's focus our efforts where they will be most productive.
9. Please refrain from making comments that are off-topic or irrelevant, and stick to the facts at hand without irrelevancies.
10. The long-winded response was full of irrelevant details and irrelevancies that did not answer the question.
11. The essay strayed far too often into irrelevancies instead of making a coherent point on the assigned topic.
12. Irrelevancies and red herrings only serve to confuse and distract from the central issues under discussion.
13. The committee quickly grew tired of the presenter's tendency to wander off into irrelevancies rather than addressing the agenda at hand.
14. The speech meandered through irrelevancies and anecdotes that did little to advance the speaker's stated purpose.
15. Her story was filled with so many irrelevancies and unrelated details that it was hard to glean any truth from it.
16. Rather than becoming mired in irrelevancies, let's narrow our focus to issues that are most critical and actionable.
17. Stop cluttering your speech with irrelevancies and get to the point more directly.
18. Irrelevancies only have value if they eventually lead back to illuminating the main subject under discussion.
19. With a firm hand, the moderator steered the conversation away from irrelevancies and digressions in order to stay on schedule.
20. The jury ignored the plaintiff's irrelevancies and based their verdict solely on the facts relevant to the case at hand.
21. The careful editor removed all irrelevancies and redundancies from the manuscript to tighten and clarify the author's main points.
22. The advisor patiently waded through the student's irrelevancies and obfuscations to get at the core problem needing resolution.
23. We don't have time for irrelevancies or distractions; let's discuss only what relates directly to solving this problem effectively.
24. A digression is only justified if it eventually circles back around and illuminates the primary subject through avoidance of irrelevancies.
25. The recitation strayed so often into irrelevancies that the original poem's intent was lost.
26. Irrelevancies only undermine your credibility and limit your ability to effectively communicate your intended message.
27. Rather than dwelling on irrelevancies, let's focus on practical solutions we can implement immediately.
28. The speaker's tendency to ramble into irrelevancies took away from the force of the actual arguments she was attempting to make.
29. Trim your speech of all irrelevancies and extraneous details to maximize clarity and forcefulness.
30. Despite her best efforts, the agent could not steer the client away from irrelevancies and back on track.
31. When making a point, avoid irrelevancies and extraneous details that do nothing but distract the listener from your main argument.
32. The long, winding story was full of irrelevant details and irrelevancies that added no value or insight.
33. Rather than engaging in irrelevancies, let's brainstorm concrete steps we can take to address this problem productively.
34. Tightening up your writing by pruning irrelevancies will focus attention on your most crucial and persuasive points.
35. The meandering and unfocused reply revealed a lack of clarity in thinking, crowded as it was with irrelevancies and redundancies.
36. Progress requires leaving irrelevancies behind and focusing energy and resources on what matters most.
37. During the debate, each side accused the other of spouting irrelevancies instead of supporting their claims with facts and evidence.
38. Learn to recognize irrelevancies in order to avoid them in your own speech and writing.
39. The professor grew frustrated trying to discern any coherent thesis from the sea of irrelevancies and redundancies in the student's essay.
40. Despite her attempts to steer the conversation back on course, the discussion remained mired in irrelevancies, anecdotes and unsubstantiated opinions.
41. The lawyer wisely chose not to object, recognizing the witness's remarks as mere irrelevancies that would not impact the jury's decision.
42. While editing the manuscript, the agent removed all irrelevancies and redundancies to make the author's crucial points shine through with clarity and force.
43. The long-winded ramblings contained far too many irrelevancies and unrelated details to add any real value or insight.
44. Rather than dwelling on irrelevancies, let's focus our discussion on practical steps we can take to make real progress on this important issue.
45. The meandering speech offered little value beyond providing some entertainment through its numerous irrelevancies and pointless anecdotes.
46. The mentor had to repeatedly steer her mentee away from irrelevancies and focus the conversation on specific actionable steps.
47. Avoid introducing irrelevancies into your response; instead, answer the question directly and concisely.
48. Rather than wasting time on irrelevancies, let's concentrate our efforts on implementing effective solutions that yield tangible results.
49. Progress requires ruthlessly eliminating irrelevancies so we can focus our energy on what matters most.
50. Cut the clutter of irrelevancies from your proposal to strengthen the essential arguments that give it the greatest persuasive power.

Common Phases

1. Please avoid including unnecessary details and irrelevancies in your story.
2. The professor criticized the student's essay for containing too many irrelevancies.
3. Focus on the essential facts and avoid distractions and irrelevancies.
4. His logic was weakened by irrelevancies and insignificancies.
5. The formal speech was made more interesting by his witty asides and irrelevancies.
6. Her spoken word poems often contain lyrical irrelevancies that add to their appeal.
7. The meandering story contained many charming irrelevancies.
8. The politician's announcement was filled with petty irrelevancies and misleading claims.
9. His monologue veered off onto numerous irrelevant tangents and irrelevancies.
10. The meandering conversation was filled with interesting irrelevancies and amusing anecdotes.
11. The film's numerous irrelevancies distracted from the central plot and characters.
12. His long-winded speech was full of meaningless irrelevancies and absurd digressions.
13. The critic accused the novel of containing fanciful irrelevancies that did not contribute to the plot.
14. The speaker's many irrelevant jokes and irrelevancies took away from his central message.
15. His meandering stories were filled with inconsequential irrelevancies.
16. The rambling lecture contained too many irrelevant stories and irrelevancies.
17. The debater's argument was weakened by numerous irrelevant points and irrelevancies.
18. The journalist's article cut through the speaker's irrelevancies and got to the heart of the matter.
19. The verbose writer's irrelevancies obfuscated his central point.
20. The movie's numerous irrelevancies called attention to the deficits in the script.
21. The speaker dove into numerous irrelevant details, anecdotes, and irrelevancies.
22. The story's numerous tangential irrelevancies took away from its emotional impact.
23. The irrelevant anecdotes and irrelevancies dulled the sharpness of his otherwise astute critique.
24. Her wide-ranging yet inconsequential irrelevancies undermined her credibility as a scholar.
25. The professor scolded us for including inappropriate irrelevancies in our papers.
26. Focus your thoughts and avoid irrelevancies when answering exam questions.
27. The speaker's many irrelevancies suggested a lack of discipline and focus.
28. The critic argued that the poet's irrelevancies paradoxically added to the dreamlike beauty of the poems.
29. The storyteller's many charming irrelevancies made his rambling stories engaging and enjoyable.
30. The meandering conversation veered into numerous inconsequential irrelevancies.
31. The poet's skillful use of lyrical irrelevancies enhanced the dreamlike quality of his work.
32. The speaker interjected numerous irrelevant anecdotes and irrelevancies that detracted from her central point.
33. The long-winded speaker buried his core message beneath numerous irrelevancies.
34. His irrelevant jokes and irrelevancies detracted from what could have been a thought-provoking lecture.
35. The speaker careened into a string of increasingly irrelevant irrelevancies and digressions.
36. Her irrelevant asides and irrelevancies suggested she didn't take the serious matter at hand seriously enough.
37. While charming, the storyteller's irrelevancies distracted from the central events of the story.
38. The verbose yet aimless response was filled with irrelevant ideas, irrelevancies, and tangents.
39. While colorful, his irrelevancies blurred the line between fact and fiction.
40. Streamline your prose by cutting irrelevant details and irrelevancies.
41. Focus on the essential and cut the irrelevancies from your writing.
42. Her irrelevancies revealed a lack of clarity about her central argument.
43. The critic argued that poet's irrelevancies were part of what made his work uniquely beautiful.
44. His irrelevant anecdotes and irrelevancies weakened his substantive critique.
45. Condense your story by removing unnecessary details and irrelevancies.
46. While initially charming, his many irrelevancies soon became tedious distractions.
47. His many irrelevant points and irrelevancies obfuscated his central message.
48. She struggled to segregate relevant facts from irrelevant details and irrelevancies.
49. The verbose speech was flooded with irrelevancies and tangents.
50. The novelist skillfully navigated his charming yet inconsequential irrelevancies.
51. The speaker's many irrelevancies suggested he either didn't know or didn't care about the key issues.
52. The poet skillfully wove lyrical irrelevancies into the fabric of his work.
53. The irrelevant anecdotes and irrelevancies buried his core point.
54. Cutting out irrelevant details and irrelevancies can strengthen your writing.
55. Her irrelevant jokes and irrelevancies indicated a lack of seriousness about the topic.
56. While amusing, the story's irrelevancies distracted from its deeper themes.
57. The speaker's amusing irrelevancies lacked a substantive anchor.
58. The professor warned against introducing irrelevant details and irrelevancies into our essays.
59. The many irrelevancies in his answer suggested a lack of preparation and focus.
60. The storyteller skillfully meandered through amusing irrelevancies before getting back to the core events.

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