Irrupt example sentences

Related (10): invasion, outbreak, eruption, incursion, onslaught, deluge, surge, assault, attack, onset

"Irrupt" Example Sentences

1. The spring floods caused the river to irrupt over its banks.
2. With the snow melting, the rivers irrupted into flood stage.
3. As the volcano erupted, lava began to irrupt from the summit crater.
4. The angry mob irrupted into the town square in protest.
5. The soldiers suddenly irrupted into our village.
6. The passenger suddenly irrupted into tears at the memory.
7. The boisterous group of children irrupted into the store.
8. The talkative parrots irrupted into a squawking chorus.
9. The herd of stampeding wildebeests irrupted across the plains.
10. The migrating caribou will irrupt into the valley this winter.
11. The cloud of locusts irrupted across the fields, devouring crops.
12. As the dam gave way, floodwaters irrupted into the valley below.
13. Hot magma irrupted upwards through the fractures in the earth's crust.
14. The long-dormant volcano suddenly irrupted with a massive eruption.
15. The pack of wild dogs irrupted from the woods and attacked the sheep.
16. The aggressive bull irrupted into the pen, chasing all the cows.
17. The shoppers irrupted into the store as soon as the doors opened.
18. The prisoner's anger suddenly irrupted into violence.
19. The giggles of the children suddenly irrupted into loud guffaws.
20. The bees irrupted from their hive in attack in response to disturbance.
21. The football fans irrupted through the VIP entrance.
22. During the fight, blood began to irrupt from his nose.
23. The flowers irrupted with color as spring arrived.
24. Her excitement irrupted into a fit of giggles at the surprise gift.
25. Tears irrupted from her eyes as she listened to the sad story.
26. The puppies irrupted into the yard through the open gate.
27. The sneeze irrupted suddenly and unexpectedly.
28. The music irrupted into the silence with joyful melody.
29. The celebration irrupted with cheers and laughter.
30. Her emotions irrupted forth, overwhelming her with joy.
31. The bill came before he could stop his laughter from irrupting.
32. The rebels irrupted from the alley and attacked the soldiers.
33. Discusson irrupted between the two men over a trivial matter.
34. As soon as they entered the bar, laughter irrupted from the crowd.
35. A coughing fit irrupted throughout the meeting, disrupting conversation.
36. The breaking waves irrupted onto the shore in a sharp spray of seafoam.
37. The storm burst irrupted with a sudden downpour and flash of lightning.
38. The baking soda and vinegar irrupted into a messy volcanic reaction.
39. When the coach yelled, silence irrupted immediately throughout the field.
40. The children irrupted into excited chattering at the sight of the puppy.
41. After the long wait, the applause irrupted throughout the theater.
42. The hormonal teenager's emotions irrupted at the slightest provocation.
43. Disease suddenly irrupted throughout the population, spreading rapidly.
44. The soldiers irrupted through the gate in a well-coordinated attack.
45. The baby irrupted into delighted squealing at the sight of his parents.
46. Fireworks irrupted into the night sky, illuminating it in colorful bursts.
47. The bubbles irrupted forth from the beer, overflowing the glass.
48. Snoring irrupted throughout the room as one by one the travelers fell asleep.
49. The young elephant irrupted into the watering hole, sending water flying.
50. Coffee suddenly irrupted from his nose, much to everyone's amusement.
51. The volcano irrupted explosively, sending ash and pyroclastic flows downhill.
52. Arguments suddenly irrupted between the two friends over a trivial matter.
53. Memories irrupted into her mind, bringing tears to her eyes.
54. Positive energy irrupted within her, filling her with joy and motivation.
55. Clouds of steam irrupted from the boiling pot as he lifted the lid.
56. The baby's crying irrupted the otherwise peaceful afternoon.
57. The landlord's angry shouting irrupted Neville's quiet reading.
58. Hot tears irrupted from her eyes as she told the tragic story.
59. A fit of coughing irrupted throughout the church,echoing off the walls.
60. As the sun arose, golden light irrupted through the windows.

Common Phases

Irrupt into:
- The crowd irrupted into the room.
- Tears irrupted into her eyes.
Irrupt from:
- Flames irrupted from the building.
- Smoke irrupted from the chimney.
Irrupt onto/into:
- Water irrupted onto the shore.
- Angry protesters irrupted into the town square.
Cause to irrupt:
- The floodwaters caused the river to irrupt over its banks.
- The melting snow caused rivers to irrupt into flood stage.
Irrupt with:
- The volcano irrupted with a massive eruption.
- The party irrupted with cheers and laughter.
Irrupt forth:
- His emotions irrupted forth.
Irrupt suddenly/unexpectedly:
- Tears irrupted suddenly from her eyes.
- The explosion irrupted unexpectedly.
Irrupt explosively:
- The volcano irrupted explosively.
Irrupt violently:
- The mob irrupted violently into the town.
Irrupt in an uncontrolled manner:
- The cheering irrupted in an uncontrolled manner.
Irrupt in large numbers:
- The migrants irrupted into the region in large numbers.
Irrupt and spread rapidly:
- The infectious disease irrupted and spread rapidly.

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