Isoniazide example sentences

Related (8): tuberculosis, antibiotic, prophylaxis, rifampin, resistance, pyridoxine, treatment, cessation

"Isoniazide" Example Sentences

1. The patient's treatment regimen included isoniazid.
2. Isoniazid is a first-line medication for treating tuberculosis.
3. The side effects of isoniazid can include liver damage and peripheral neuropathy.
4. It is important for patients taking isoniazid to complete the full treatment course.
5. The effectiveness of isoniazid can be compromised if the patient misses doses.
6. Isoniazid is often given as part of a combination therapy for TB.
7. The dosing of isoniazid is based on the patient's weight.
8. Taking vitamin B6 can help prevent peripheral neuropathy while taking isoniazid.
9. Isoniazid works by inhibiting cell wall synthesis in the bacteria that cause TB.
10. The use of isoniazid may be contraindicated in patients with liver disease.
11. Isoniazid can be administered orally or by injection.
12. It is important to monitor liver function tests while on isoniazid.
13. The use of isoniazid is not recommended during pregnancy.
14. Patients with a history of alcoholism may be at increased risk for liver damage while taking isoniazid.
15. Rifampin is often co-administered with isoniazid for the treatment of TB.
16. The combination of isoniazid and rifampin is often referred to as the "RIPE" regimen.
17. Isoniazid can cause drug interactions with other medications, such as anticoagulants and anticonvulsants.
18. Patients should discuss any medications they are taking with their healthcare provider before starting isoniazid.
19. The duration of isoniazid therapy for TB can range from 6 to 9 months.
20. Resistance to isoniazid can develop if the medication is not taken as prescribed.
21. Isoniazid is not effective against all strains of the TB bacteria.
22. Isoniazid is metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine.
23. Isoniazid can cause a false-positive result on some drug screening tests.
24. The use of isoniazid may be associated with an increased risk of developing peripheral neuropathy in patients with diabetes.
25. Patients with HIV infection may require a longer course of isoniazid treatment for TB.
26. Isoniazid can interact with alcohol and increase the risk of liver damage.
27. Patients with a history of seizures may require close monitoring while taking isoniazid.
28. The use of isoniazid in children may require different dosing than in adults.
29. It is important to finish the full course of isoniazid treatment, even if the patient starts feeling better before the medication is complete.
30. Patients should report any symptoms of liver damage, such as yellowing of the skin or eyes, while taking isoniazid.

Common Phases

1. Isoniazid is a first-line medication used for the treatment of tuberculosis.
2. The effectiveness of isoniazid can be improved when given in combination with other drugs.
3. Isoniazid can cause liver damage and should be used with caution in patients with liver disease.
4. The dosage of isoniazid may need to be adjusted in patients with renal impairment.
5. Adequate monitoring of liver function tests is necessary while taking isoniazid.
6. The duration of treatment with isoniazid varies depending on the type of tuberculosis being treated.
7. Patients should avoid drinking alcohol while taking isoniazid.
8. Isoniazid may interact with other medications, so patients should inform their healthcare provider of all medications they are taking.

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