Iterable example sentences

Related (10): list, array, set, tuple, string, dictionary, generator, iterator, sequence, collection

"Iterable" Example Sentences

1. I converted the data into an iterable format.
2. An iterable object can be looped over.
3. Iterable sequences include lists, tuples, and strings.
4. The for loop is often used to iterate through an iterable.
5. Python's range function returns an iterable.
6. The map function returns an iterable of the results of a function applied to each element of an iterable.
7. Comprehensions can be used to create new iterables from existing ones.
8. The itertools module provides many useful iterable generators.
9. A generator function returns an iterable generator.
10. The zip function returns an iterable of tuples created from several iterables.
11. The chain function from itertools combines multiple iterables into a single iterable.
12. You can use the iter function to convert an iterable object into an iterator.
13. The islice function from itertools returns an iterable with a slice taken from another iterable.
14. The tee function from itertools returns multiple independent copies of an iterable.
15. The groupby function from itertools groups an iterable into a dictionary based on a key function.
16. The filter function returns an iterable of elements from an iterable that satisfy a condition.
17. The sorted function returns a sorted iterable from an iterable.
18. An iterable can be reversed with the reversed function.
19. The sum function returns the sum of an iterable of numbers.
20. The min and max functions return the smallest and largest elements in an iterable, respectively.
21. The itertools.product function returns an iterable with all possible combinations of several iterables.
22. The itertools.permutations and itertools.combinations functions return iterables with all possible permutations and combinations, respectively.
23. The itertools.islice function can access specific elements of an iterable without iterating through the entirety of it.
24. The pprint module provides a function to pretty-print iterables, making them more legible.
25. The random module provides iterable objects for generating random numbers, including random.sample for selecting random elements from an iterable.
26. The bisect module provides an iterable search function that finds the insertion point for a target element in a sorted iterable.
27. A deque object is an iterable double-ended queue with O(1) time complexity for adding and removing elements on both ends.
28. The heapq module provides iterable objects and functions for heap data structures and heap-based priority queues.
29. A numpy array is an iterable multidimensional array with many vectorized operations.
30. The itertools.chain.from_iterable function can flatten nested iterables into a single iterable.

Common Phases

1. Loop through the iterable;
2. Convert the iterable into a list;
3. Use the iterable as a dictionary key;
4. Apply a function to each element in the iterable;
5. Check if an element is present in the iterable;
6. Filter the iterable based on a condition;
7. Remove duplicates from the iterable;
8. Enumerate the iterable to get index-value pairs;
9. Concatenate multiple iterables;
10. Sort the iterable in ascending or descending order.

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