String example sentences

Related (10): rope, thread, cord, lace, twine, filament, fiber, strand, wire, chain

"String" Example Sentences

1. She tied a string around her finger as a reminder.
2. The pearls were strung on a thin string.
3. String theory attempts to explain the fundamental nature of the universe.
4. The guitar string snapped as he tightened it.
5. The boy strung popcorn onto a length of thread for the Christmas tree.
6. They strung lights along the front of their house for the holidays.
7. The detective followed a string of clues to find the culprit.
8. The necklace consisted of colorful beads strung on a leather string.
9. He strung wires from the light to the outlet to create a circuit.
10. The teen strung colorful yarn in geometric patterns to make a wall hanging.
11. The telephone line went dead after a storm knocked over a utility pole and broke the string of wires.
12. She carefully strung the fragile ornaments on the tree so they would not break.
13. The puppeteer manipulated the strings to make the puppet dance.
14. The teacher strung index cards from the ceiling to hang the students' art.
15. The jeweler expertly strung pearls onto a gold chain for a custom necklace.
16. The doorbell pulled a string to ring the bell inside the house.
17. The scout leader strung a rope bridge across the creek so the kids could cross.
18. The mechanic traced the wiring harness to find where the wire string had shorted.
19. Dolls were favorite toys for little girls who enjoyed dressing and stringing them.
20. The child accidentally pulled on the string to set off a series of domino tiles.
21. Linda strung the popcorn and cranberries together into a festive garland.
22. They strung Christmas lights along the front of their house every holiday season.
23. The sharp knife cut through the string easily.
24. Chris strung together a series of guitar chords that sounded beautiful together.
25. The teacher strung yarn between the pine trees to use as a boundary for the nature lesson.
26. A string attached to the fan switch allowed it to be turned on or off from across the room.
27. Archers strung their bows with heavy twine made from plant fibers.
28. Players strung their racquets tightly before tennis practice.
29. Tiny bells were strung on a ribbon and worn as an ornamental hair piece.
30. Quilters use a string to mark straight lines when cutting fabric pieces.
31. The piano tuner strung new wire over the old strings then tuned them to the proper pitch.
32. Students strung wooden beads onto thread or string to make simple bracelets or necklaces.
33. The suspect had enough string on their record to suggest a pattern of criminal activity.
34. The cowboy strung his horse behind the wagon to lead it back home.
35. Potato chip bags are strung together at the factory to prepare them for display.
36. Mice had chewed through the electrical wires strung under the floor.
37. From the smallest things we find, we string together a life.
38. Tennis balls are strung together in a long chain and machine wound to stuff the felt material inside.
39. The yoga instructor strung a line of wet towels across the floor to mark the path for sun salutations.
40. The baker strung tiny white lights through the lattice top of the pie crust to decorate it.
41. The singer strung together a series of beautiful notes during the final chorus.
42. String theory attempts to explain the basic structure of the universe through one-dimensional strings.
43. The carpenter strung a line from tree to tree to lay out the boundary of the deck.
44. Students strung black construction paper cutouts of bats to decorate the classroom for Halloween.
45. The bank robber wore a string on his finger as a reminder of his plan.
46. Apples were strung on a piece of twine to decorate the mantle for autumn.
47. The employee strung together a series of accomplishments at their current job during the interview.
48. Farmers strung barbed wire fencing across their property line.
49. The line cook strung garlic heads and shallots together to keep them organized.
50. The coach strung cones together in an obstacle course pattern for agility drills.
51. Musicians know how to perfectly string together a series of chords and melodies.
52. The kindergarteners strung googly eyes, pipe cleaners and pom poms onto craft sticks to make decorations.
53. The mechanic traced the wiring harness to find where the insulation had worn through the string of wires.
54. The cat strung together a series of kills on the neighbor's back porch over the course of several days.
55. The little girl strung dandelions together into a flower chain.
56. The woman accidentally caught her diamond ring on a loose string, ripping it in half.
57. The electrician strung new wires through the walls to install ceiling fans.
58. The maids strung fresh towels across the racks to dry out and air before using them.
59. Mardi Gras beads were strung on long strings and thrown from floats to parade goers.
60. The young boy strung fruit loop cereal onto a piece of string, calling it his "charm bracelet."

Common Phases

1. String of beads
2. Pull strings
3. String someone along
4. String theory
5. Hit the wrong/a false string
6. Last straw/the string
7. Tug of war/a string
8. Musical/vocal string
9. On a string
10. Draw a bow and string
11. String course
12. Cut the apron strings
13. String of pearls
14. String of successes
15. String of failures
16. String of letters/numbers
17. Coincidence is the word we use when we cant see the strings that connect events
18. String quartet
19. String along with
20. Broken string

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