Jabbering example sentences

Related (9): chattering, prattling, gabbling, blabbering, babbling, blathering, nattering, rambling, gibbering

"Jabbering" Example Sentences

1. The parrot kept jabbering and annoying everyone in the room.
2. The children were jabbering excitedly about their trip to the zoo.
3. I couldn't hear the movie over the couple jabbering in front of me.
4. The politician was jabbering on about his accomplishments during the debate.
5. My neighbor's dog won't stop jabbering every time I walk by.
6. The teenage girl was always jabbering about the latest gossip.
7. The salesperson kept jabbering about the product's features.
8. The radio announcer was jabbering about the traffic and weather.
9. The monkey at the zoo was jabbering and swinging from branch to branch.
10. The old man was jabbering to himself and waving his cane in the air.
11. I was so tired of my coworker jabbering on and on during meetings.
12. The audience was bored and restless during the speaker's jabbering speech.
13. My friend was jabbering on the phone for hours about her relationship problems.
14. The baby was jabbering incoherently and drooling all over his bib.
15. The lawyer was jabbering legal jargon that no one could understand.
16. The man on the street corner was jabbering about the end of the world.
17. The birds outside my window were jabbering loudly, waking me up.
18. The waiter wouldn't stop jabbering about the specials at the restaurant.
19. The drunk guy was jabbering incoherently and stumbling down the street.
20. The politicians were jabbering with each other and making deals behind closed doors.
21. The dog owner was embarrassed by her pet's jabbering barking at the park.
22. The child was jabbering on and on about his favorite superhero.
23. The comedian was jabbering jokes non-stop and making the audience laugh.
24. The professor was jabbering about particle physics and complex equations.
25. The couple in the park were jabbering sweet nothings to each other.
26. The explorers were jabbering excitedly about the new discovery they had made.
27. The interviewer was jabbering questions at the nervous job applicant.
28. The customer was annoyed by the salesperson's jabbering and ended up not buying anything.
29. The group of friends were jabbering and laughing around the table at the restaurant.
30. The athlete was jabbering with his coach about his training regimen for the upcoming tournament.

Common Phases

1. Stop jabbering and listen to me;
2. She keeps jabbering about her new shoes;
3. His constant jabbering is so annoying;
4. I can't concentrate with all this jabbering going on;
5. I wish he would stop jabbering about politics;
6. The children were jabbering excitedly about the trip;
7. I don't understand why she keeps jabbering on and on;
8. The parrot never stops jabbering all day;
9. I tend to jabber when I'm nervous;
10. The contestants were jabbering nervously backstage before the show.

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