Sands example sentences

Related (17): beach, desert, dunes, shore, granules, particles, sediment, grit, abrasives, hourglass, sandcastle, glass-making, hour, coastline, seaside, sandstorm, tan

"Sands" Example Sentences

1. The sands were hot under her feet.
2. She dug her toes into the warm sands of the beach.
3. Children were building sandcastles in the sands.
4. The tide came in, washing over the sands.
5. They walked along the shoreline where the sands met the sea.
6. The winds blew the desert sands and obscured their view.
7. He walked through the desert sands for days with little water.
8. Time had weathered the castle until most of it had sunk into the sands.
9. The shipwreck had been swallowed by the ocean sands over time.
10. Our ship navigated through the shoals and shifting sands of the strait.
11. The nomads crossed the endless sands of the desert.
12. They searched the sands endlessly for buried treasure.
13.The sands in the hourglass ran out all too quickly.
14. The sands of time cannot be stopped.
15. The sands lay pristine and untouched, awaiting the first footprints.
16. The imprints of her footprints remained in the damp sands.
17. The castle had once stood tall but now crumbled away into the shifting sands.
18. The sun rose over the desert sands, turning them golden.
19. The ship got stranded on the ever-shifting sands of the tidal flat.
20. The dunes of sand stood tall, formed over years from the desert sands.
21. He let the desert sands run through his fingers.
22. The oasis was a welcome sight amidst the barren desert sands.
23. The parents scolded their children for disturbing the carefully raked sands of the zen garden.
24. The tide rolled in to smooth over the impressions in the sands.
25. The camel rider made his way across the vast sands.
26. The diver searched for coins and shells beneath the sea sands.
27. The plan got lost in the shifting political sands.
28. She searched the hotel beach sands for seashells.
29. His foundations were built on shifting sands.
30. They marked their names in the wet sands of the surf.
31. Her footprints in the sands of time will always remain.
32. The wyvern made its lair deep beneath the dunes of desert sands.
33. The deckhands shoveled the coarse sands from the hold.
34. Her footprints faded as the tide smoothed over the sands again.
35. Their hopes and dreams lay buried beneath the desert sands.
36. They collapsed exhausted on the cool sands after swimming in the ocean.
37. The hot desert sands burned his bare feet.
38. The narrow strait threatened their passage between the shoals and sands.
39. They traced love messages in the wet sands for the tide to erase.
40. The ancient city was lost to ruin and buried beneath the desert sands.
41. The text's exact meaning has been lost to the shifting sands of time.
42. The hourglass turned, spilling its sands onto the table.
43. The car got stuck in the soft desert sands.
44. The hawk soared high above the desert sands.
45. The boat ran aground in the shallow sands of the tidal flat.
46. They searched the beach sands for sea glass and driftwood.
47. The fortress had been reduced to rubble in the tidal sands.
48. The heat of the desert sands rose up to meet him.
49. He drew shapes and letters in the beach sands with a stick.
50. Their remains will be lost to the desert sands.
51. We walked barefoot in the warm sands by the sea.
52. The dune buggy sped across the desert sands.
53. His footprints filled with desert sands that scorched his feet.
54. The falling sands marked the time that elapsed.
55. The glass castle appeared fragile amid the surrounding desert sands.
56. The survivor dragged himself through the hot desert sands.
57. The pyramids were ancient monuments built to withstand the desert sands of time.
58. The castle turrets rose from the surrounding sands.
59. The treasure lay hidden beneath the desert sands.
60. They forgot their troubles in the soothing sands.

Common Phases

1. Caught in the shifting sands - Becoming stuck in an unstable or uncertain situation.
2. Running out of sand/sands - Approaching the end of one's time or lifespan.
3. Against the clock/against the sands of time - Working under a time constraint.
4. Castles built on sand - Referring to unstable foundations or plans.
5. Draw in the sands - To sketch or write something that will quickly disappear.
6. Lost in the sands of time - Forgotten by or unknown to history.
7. Mark in the sands - To leave an impression that will soon be erased.
8. Run through the sands - To waste or make frivolous use of one's remaining time.
9. Search the sands - To seek something in a fruitless or hopeless manner.
10. Time/sands are running out - Referring to dwindling time.
11. Turning/shifting sands - An unstable situation that is changing rapidly.
12. Sand of the hourglass - A symbol or metaphor for finite time.
13. Feet of clay - A hidden flaw or weakness, from the Biblical tale of a statue with feet of clay and mud.
14. Turn over a new leaf/Turn over a new page - Begin anew, like turning to a fresh page in a book.
15. Each to their own - Different people have different preferences.

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