Jehovah example sentences

Related (14): God, creator, Yahweh, divine, all-powerful, almighty, omnipotent, omniscient, transcendental, holiness, eternity, salvation, righteousness, faithfulness.

"Jehovah" Example Sentences

1. The religious group worshipped Jehovah as the one true God.
2. Jehovah is the English name for Yahweh, the national god of the Israelites.
3. The Bible tells of Jehovah's creation of the world and his covenant with Abraham.
4. Some religious groups, like Jehovah's Witnesses, use the name Jehovah.
5. They sang hymns praising Jehovah and thanking him for his many blessings.
6. The scriptures teach that Jehovah alone is worthy of worship.
7. They called out to Jehovah for mercy and deliverance from their enemies.
8. The name Jehovah comes from the Hebrew tetragrammaton representing God's name.
9. The songs of faith spoke of Jehovah's goodness and everlasting love.
10. Jehovah, in the form of Jesus Christ, came to save humanity from sin.
11. Jehovah's jealous protection of his people showed his great love for them.
12. Moses proclaimed the Ten Commandments given to him by Jehovah.
13. Jehovah's justice, wisdom, and righteousness shine as an example for humanity.
14. The prayers were lifted up to Jehovah, seeking his counsel and guidance.
15. The people showed their devotion and obedience to Jehovah through sacrifice.
16. To know Jehovah is to walk in his ways and follow his commandments.
17. Jehovah reigned supreme as the one almighty and eternal creator.
18. They performed rituals to honor and pay homage to Jehovah.
19. The refugees called upon Jehovah in their time of need and suffering.
20. With faith in Jehovah, they embarked on their long and dangerous journey.
21. They pledged their loyalty and service to Jehovah above all else.
22. The scriptures teach that Jehovah is all-powerful, all-knowing and ever-present.
23. They worshipped Jehovah as the source of life, truth and ultimate salvation.
24. The believers warned that turning away from Jehovah led only to destruction.
25. Jehovah judged the nations and meted out justice according to his perfect will.
26. Jehovah blessed those who walked in his ways and obeyed his commandments.
27. The prophet spoke the word of Jehovah, calling the people to repentance.
28. Jehovah's name was invoked during times of both joy and desperation.
29. They placed their trust in Jehovah alone for protection and provision.
30. Jehovah revealed himself to humanity through his words and his works.
31. They vowed that Jehovah's name would be praised forever and evermore.
32. Jehovah sent prophets to rebuke the people for their idolatry and injustice.
33. The storms raged around them but they took comfort in Jehovah's care.
34. The passage tells of Jehovah's eternal love and sacrifice for humankind.
35. Jehovah's light shone as a beacon of hope in their time of darkness.
36. They prayed that Jehovah would have mercy on their souls.
37. Jehovah reigned in majesty from his heavenly throne.
38. The scripture instructs believers to wait upon Jehovah in faith and patience.
39. Jehovah's will triumphed over the plans of kings and nations.
40. Jehovah alone is worthy of our utmost devotion, obedience and sacrifice.
41. The people asked Jehovah for a sign that he was with them.
42. They dedicated their lives and service to Jehovah above all earthly powers.
43. They cried out to Jehovah in their hour of need and desperation.
44. The chronicle tells of Jehovah's work throughout history and his eternal plan.
45. The teaching stressed the importance of keeping Jehovah at the center of one's life.
46. The song celebrated Jehovah's power, majesty and supreme sovereignty.
47. The faithful obeyed Jehovah's law and followed the path he had laid out for them.
48. The sermon reminded the congregation that Jehovah alone is the source of truth.
49. The scripture proclaims that no earthly king or ruler compares to Jehovah.
50. They placed their trust in Jehovah to deliver them out of evil.
51. Jehovah alone is worthy of our complete faith, worship and obedience.
52. Jehovah reigns supreme as king of kings and lord of lords.
53. Their only hope lay in Jehovah's mercy and grace.
54. The faithful prayed that Jehovah would forgive their sins and show them his will.
55. The believers acknowledged that all good things come from Jehovah.
56. They offered sacrifices to Jehovah in accordance with his commandments.
57. The story reveals Jehovah's justice, wisdom and omnipotent power.
58. Their only comfort in times of suffering came from putting their trust in Jehovah.
59. Jehovah alone is the source of all goodness, truth and beauty.
60. They called on Jehovah, the Lord of Hosts, to lead them into battle.

Common Phases

1. The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jehovah is the only true God.
2. Genesis 2 mentions God as Jehovah, the Creator, to contrast him with man as creature.
3. The Jehovah's Witnesses base their name primarily on the use of God's name Jehovah.
4. The JW's hope for a Kingdom in which Jehovah will finally be king over all.
5. Psalm 83:18 describes Jehovah as the Most High over all the earth.
6. Jehovah showed Moses genuine forgiveness when he had sinned.
7. Jehovah is my shepherd; I shall not want. (Psalm 23:1)
8. The Watchtower teaches that Jehovah is a god of love.
9. Jehovah provided manna from heaven for the Israelites in the wilderness.
10. The JW's believe that only Jehovah can grant everlasting life.
11. Jehovah formed man from the dust of the ground. (Genesis 2:7)
12. They sing hymns praising Jehovah at every congregation meeting.
13. Jehovah knew that Adam would sin before he created him.
14. My confidence is in Jehovah, who performs great deeds alone.
15. The JW's believe that Jesus is distinct from Jehovah God.
16. We find rest and peace when we put our faith in Jehovah alone.
17. Jehovah is the first and the last; besides him there is no God. (Isaiah 44:6)
18. Jehovah's name is holy, and we should treat it with reverence.
19. The JW's teach that the first commandment forbids praying to any but Jehovah.
20. Jehovah dwells in unapproachable light. (1 Timothy 6:16)
21. Jehovah is a righteous judge, and executes justice for the oppressed. (Psalm 9:8)
22. The kingdom of Jehovah will soon crush all other kingdoms on earth. (Daniel 2:44)
23. Jehovah raises the dead and gives life; he brings low and lifts high. (1 Samuel 2:6-7)
24. They view God's name Jehovah as the most sacred of all names.
25. Jehovah lives forevermore; his throne endures from age to age. (Lamentations 5:19)
26. The side of the ark of the covenant bore the name of Jehovah.
27. Jehovah is a refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1)
28. His word says that Jehovah is the only true God.
29. Serving Jehovah is better than offering sacrifices to idol gods. (1 Samuel 15:22)
30. In the vastness of space Jehovah alone is God.
31. The Witnesses view Jehovah as the source of all life, wisdom, and power.
32. Jehovah loves those who do what is just and right. (Psalm 11:7)
33. Jehovah knows those who are his own. (2 Timothy 2:19)
34. Jehovah triumphs gloriously; he thunders against his foes. (1 Samuel 2:10)
35. I will praise Jehovah with all my heart. (Psalm 138:1)
36. The Witnesses call on Jehovah as their God and Savior.
37. "Jehovah" means "He Causes to Become."
38. His judgments are fixed by Jehovah, the sovereign ruler of all.
39. They believe Jehovah alone deserves unconditional love and devotion.
40. Only Jehovah can bestow everlasting life on man.
41. Jehovah has made known his salvation to the nations. (Luke 2:30-31)
42. His fate is in the hands of Jehovah, the compassionate judge.
43. The Witnesses revere Jehovah as the almighty Creator.
44. Jehovah sits enthroned above the flood; Jehovah sits enthroned as king forever. (Psalm 29:10)
45. Jehovah is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20)
46. They believe that praying directly to Jehovah is the highest form of worship.
47. The kingdom of Jehovah will bring an end to all suffering on earth.
48. Holy, holy, holy is Jehovah of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory. (Isaiah 6:3)
49. Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. (Proverbs 3:5)
50. Jehovah will restore everything that has been lost through sin. (Acts 3:21)
51. His name Jehovah conveys the sacred meaning of God's divine attributes.
52. The world and its glory will pass away, but the word of Jehovah will remain forever. (1 Peter 1:24-25)
53. Jehovah made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. (Psalm 100:3)
54. The JW's follow the teachings of the Bible concerning Jehovah.
55. Jehovah alone is worthy to receive all glory, majesty, and power. (Revelation 4:11)
56. Blessed be the name of Jehovah from this time forth and forevermore. (Psalm 113:2)
57. I will listen for Jehovah's voice of wisdom and understanding. (Psalm 119:169)
58. The remnants of Zion will find refuge in Jehovah. (Joel 3:16)
59. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; and to her it was granted to be clothed in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. And he said to me, "Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb." And he said to me, "These are the true words of Jehovah." (Revelation 19:7-9)
60. The kingdom is Jehovah's; and he rules over the nations. (Psalm 22:28)

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