Transcendental example sentences

Related (10): transcendental, spiritual, philosophical, mystical, sublime, superhuman, otherworldly, ethereal, esoteric, metaphysical

"Transcendental" Example Sentences

1. Kant viewed space and time as transcendental notions.
2. For Kant, mathematics relied on transcendental logic.
3. Idealism posits that ideas transcend reality.
4. Some mystics pursue a transcendental experience of the divine.
5. Some claim music or art can produce transcendental emotions.
6. The sunset produced a transcendental feeling of peace.
7. Poets often aim for transcendental insights into life and the universe.
8. Mysticism often seeks a transcendental unity with the divine.
9. Some meditative practices aim for transcendental enlightenment.
10. He pursued transcendental truth through philosophy.
11. The experience transcended rational understanding.
12. The words themselves seemed transcendental.
13. She attained a transcendental state through yoga and meditation.
14. The music soared to transcendental heights.
15. The vision had a transcendental quality.
16. Certain concepts appear to transcend empirical knowledge.
17. The theory posits a transcendental reality beyond our perceptions.
18. His thinking transcended the conventional.
19. The poem conveys a transcendental vision of love.
20. The movement sought a transcendental spiritual awakening.
21. She experienced a transcendental moment of clarity.
22. The experience allowed her to transcend ordinary reality.
23. The religion advocates transcending the material world.
24. The breathwork practice aims at transcendental awareness.
25. The book explores transcendental themes of truth and beauty.
26. The philosopher sought transcendental certainty through reason.
27. The novelist's work often featured transcendental moments.
28. His visions seemed to transcend spacetime.
29. The experience seemed to transcend subjectivity.
30. The state of enlightenment was viewed as a transcendental realm.
31. The view seemed to transcend rational analysis.
32. The sensation transcended ordinary feeling.
33. The theory posits transcendental grounds for knowledge.
34. Certain truths appear to transcend human experience.
35. The book explores transcendental concepts of unity and divinity.
36. The experience allowed him to transcend selfhood.
37. She found herself in a transcendental state of grace.
38. The words conveyed a transcendental meaning.
39. The poem evokes a transcendental vision of nature.
40. The performance took on a transcendental quality.
41. The experience allowed her to transcend the limits of her ego.
42. The experience offered a glimpse of a transcendental reality.
43. The music seemed to have a transcendental source.
44. Certain insights appear to transcend logical explanation.
45. The song reached transcendental heights of melody.
46. The view seems to transcend scientific evidence.
47. The words had the power to transport listeners to a transcendental realm.
48. The concept appears to transcend empirical understanding.
49. Certain truths seem to transcend human origin.
50. The philosophy posits transcendental truths beyond experience.
51. The feeling transcended ordinary sensation.
52. The ideas seemed to point to a transcendental truth.
53. Certain ideas appear to transcend human creation.
54. The rhetoric took on a transcendental quality.
55. The insights seemed to transcend logical explanation.
56. The experience allowed her to transcend her ego.
57. The image evoked a transcendental realm beyond perception.
58. The poem conveys a transcendental insight into human existence.
59. Meditation helped him attain a transcendental state of consciousness.
60. The meditation brought transcendental peace.

Common Phases

1. Transcend ordinary reality
2. Reach transcendental heights
3. Attain a transcendental state
4. Convey a transcendental meaning
5. Possess a transcendental quality
6. Evoke a transcendental realm
7. Point to a transcendental truth
8. Transcend the ego
9. Gain transcendental insight
10. Achieve transcendental enlightenment

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