Jilted example sentences

Related (7): rejected, abandoned, deceived, forsaken, dumped, betrayed, disappointed.

"Jilted" Example Sentences

1. The jilted lover felt nothing but pain and anger.
2. She felt jilted and betrayed after he suddenly broke off their engagement.
3. He was hurt and confused when his girlfriend jilted him for another man.
4. The jilted bride ran away in tears on her wedding day after the groom never showed up.
5. The newly jilted woman spent weeks crying over her lost love.
6. The jilted suitor became spiteful and vengeful towards his former love interest.
7. The jilted employee felt resentful towards his boss for not promoting him.
8. The jilted candidate blamed his rivals for conspiring against him.
9. The actress felt jilted and disregarded after she was cut from the film.
10. The fan felt jilted when her favorite player was traded to another team.
11. The writer became depressed after her publisher jilted her book manuscript.
12. The jilted singer desperately tried to win back her former bandmate's affection.
13. The jilted fan lashed out angrily at her favorite singer for not showing up to their planned meeting.
14. Many jilted lovers seek comfort in sulking or acts of vengeance.
15. The jilted partner's self-esteem took a painful hit.
16. Feelings of abandonment, rejection, and worthlessness are common for the jilted.
17. The jilted contestant bitterly regretted not preparing a backup plan.
18. The jilted CEO contemplated suing his former partners for breach of contract.
19. The jilted artist spiraled into depression after his galleries dropped him.
20. Many jilted hopefuls struggled to move on from their dashed dreams.
21. The jilted model channeled her hurt into creating art.
22. He felt jilted and embarrassed when his collaborators cut him out of the project.
23. The jilted player sulked on the bench for the remainder of the game.
24. The jilted woman came to regret placing all her hopes on one man.
25. The jilted intern sought out comfort from trusted friends and family.
26. The jilted coaches blamed the referees for their team's loss.
27. The jilted journalist questioned if her work was good enough.
28. The jilted startup founders tried to console each other over drinks.
29. The jilted friend spent the night angrily venting to whoever would listen.
30. The jilted candidate publicly accused her opponent of "stealing" the election.
31. The jilted coworker spread harmful rumors about the person who got the promotion.
32. The jilted wife swore she would never trust another man again.
33. The jilted nominees put on brave faces despite their disappointment.
34. The jilted husband bitterly regretted all the years he had wasted.
35. The jilted hopes and dreams led some to question their purpose.
36. The jilted CEO spun their rejection as a positive, looking forward to future opportunities.
37. Over time, most jilted people learn to move on and heal.
38. The jilted competitor withdrew from the running, feeling it was a lost cause.
39. The jilted athlete channeled their disappointment into intense training.
40. The jilted investors vowed to be more discerning in the future.
41. The jilted home seller considered hiring a realtor to better market their property.
42. The jilted actress poured her heartbreak into her acting.
43. The jilted scientist pivoted their research in a new promising direction.
44. The jilted fan dedicated more time to her other interests.
45. The jilted partners realized their incompatibility was for the best.
46. The jilted teammate focused their energy on improving their own game.
47. The jilted employee resolved to stand up for themselves in the future.
48. The jilted applicant vowed never again to set unrealistic expectations.
49. The jilted musician decided to pursue a solo career.
50. The jilted lover ultimately moved on and found someone better suited.
51. The jilted writer channeled their disappointment into a bestselling novel.
52. The jilted pupil resolved to study even harder next semester.
53. The jilted job seeker vowed to beef up their resume and interview skills.
54. The jilted friend realized the breakup revealed their ex's true character.
55. The jilted nominee graciously congratulated their opponent.
56. The jilted lover decided to take some time for self-reflection and healing.
57. The jilted partner gained a valuable lesson about trust and communication in relationships.
58. The jilted executive resolved to be more discerning in future partnerships.
59. The jilted hopeful learned the importance of having backup plans.
60. The jilted woman came to see her heartbreak as an opportunity for growth.

Common Phases

1. The jilted lover plotted his revenge.
2. She felt heartbroken and betrayed after being jilted at the altar.
3. The jilted bride cried for days.
4. The tabloids love stories of jilted lovers taking revenge on their exes.
5. He sulked for weeks after being jilted by his high school sweetheart.
6. She felt used and foolish after being jilted by her boyfriend of three years.
7. The jilted suitor wrote her passionate letters begging for another chance.
8. After being jilted, she swore off men for good.
9. His jilted attempts at romance only made her laugh.
10. The jilted groom drank himself into a stupor after being left at the altar.
11. The jilted woman planned to expose all of her ex's secrets on social media.
12. Heartbroken and jilted, she left town and never looked back.
13. He spent years pining for the woman who had jilted him.
14. The jilted lover turned stalker made her life a living hell.
15. Against the advice of her friends, she foolishly took back the man who had jilted her.
16. After being jilted, he turned cold and distrustful of others.
17. The jilted suitor resorted to threats in an attempt to win her back.
18. The jilted bride stormed down the aisle and out of the church.
19. Her kindhearted family tried to comfort her after she was jilted.
20. Though well intentioned, his awkward attempts to reconcile only upset the jilted lover further.
21. The jilted love interest threatened to harm himself if she didn't take him back.
22. The jilted woman drew on her pain to fuel her creative work.
23. His pompous behavior only proved how foolish he was for jilting her.
24. The jilted lover felt rejected and unlovable.
25. The jilted fiancee's bitterness soured her future relationships.
26. She took pleasure in jilting the arrogant suitor who had wronged her.
27. His proposal was so clumsy it felt like a jilted afterthought.
28. He pursued her relentlessly despite being jilted repeatedly.
29. Many of history's greatest works were inspired by a jilted lover's pain.
30. The fame and fortune he attained after being jilted only made him more bitter.
31. With time and perspective, the jilted lover realized it was for the best.
32. The media had a field day with rumors about the celebrity couple's jilted love affair.
33. She wasted years hoping the man who had jilted her would change his mind.
34. The jilted lover moved on and found happiness with someone new.
35. His resentment towards the woman who had jilted him lingered for years.
36. The jilted lover finally understood that she deserved better.
37. The ensuing scandal brought glee to all those who had been jilted by the cheating fiance.
38. His arrogance finally caught up with him after being publicly jilted.
39. Though their love ended bitterly, they eventually reconciled as jilted lovers turned friends.
40. After being jilted one too many times, she resigned herself to a life alone.
41. Rather than wallow in self-pity, she chose to channel her jilted anger into productivity.
42. The gossip spread like wildfire about the jilted lover who had been left at the chapel door.
43. His offer of friendship after jilting her felt disingenuous and insulting.
44. Though his proposal had been clumsy, being jilted still stung.
45. The jilted lover sent one final letter begging for forgiveness before moving on.
46. She refused to let being jilted define her self-worth.
47. With time, the jilted lover came to see their incompatible values as a blessing in disguise.
48. The jilted lover's attempts at revenge only brought them further shame.
49. After years of pining, the jilted lover finally found the strength to move on.
50. Being jilted taught her the value of self-love and self-respect.
51. The jilted lover snapped and became violent.
52. Their jilted romance inspired some of the greatest love stories ever told.
53. Though struggling with feelings of rejection, the jilted lover eventually forgave and let go.
54. The jilted lover sought solace in the arms of another.
55. Despite her bitterness, she wished her jilter nothing but happiness.
56. The media had a field day with the story of the celebrity couple's jilted romance.
57. Though her pride had been wounded by being jilted, she refused to let it break her spirit.
58. The jilted lover finally realized their relationship had been toxic from the start.
59. Their jilted romance fueled his creativity for years to come.
60. After years of pining for her jilter, she finally moved on and found true love.

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