Joining example sentences

Related (2): - Uniting, harmonizing

"Joining" Example Sentences

1. After joining the company, John attended orientation training.
2. The two roads meet at a junction before joining the highway.
3. Joining a fitness club helped motivate me to start working out regularly.
4. Joining forces with our competitors would give us a strategic advantage.
5. Joining the peace corps after college was life changing for him.
6. After months of dating, we were looking forward to joining our lives together in marriage.
7. Students enjoyed joining in on the choir's singing.
8. Joining a group exercise class made the workout more fun and social.
9. The rivers flow side by side before joining as one.
10. We celebrated after joining our small companies through an acquisition.
11. I enjoyed joining my classmates for lunch every day.
12. The construction workers were laying down pipes before joining them.
13. Our church enjoyed joining in the community parade.
14. Joining the karaoke contest turned out to be a night I'll never forget.
15. The branch joins the trunk at the tree's base.
16. I have been considering joining an adult soccer league for fun.
17. We enjoyed joining together in song during the campfire.
18. When are you planning on joining a gym?
19. The chairs were arranged in a circle before people started joining the meeting.
20. After joining forces with the rival company, layoffs quickly followed.
21. Joining the secret Facebook group helped me connect with old friends.
22. Joining a book club has exposed me to many new authors.
23. When are you thinking of joining Twitter?
24. Many people enjoyed joining in the conga line at the party.
25. Before joining the wires, the electrician checked that the power was off.
26. I enjoyed joining my coworkers for happy hour on Fridays.
27. The children eagerly joined the game of tag.
28. Are you interested in joining the neighborhood watch program?
29. I enjoyed joining in the lively discussion during the staff meeting.
30. Several streams flow alongside each other before joining into a larger river.
31. The three roads converge before joining as a single highway.
32. Joining an alumni network has given me mentorship and career advice.
33. Do you think you'll join a political party this election cycle?
34. The roads run parallel before joining at an intersection.
35. After joining forces, our companies were able to achieve scale.
36. I enjoyed joining in songs and jokes around the campfire.
37. Joining the co-working space gave me access to motivated colleagues.
38. Want to join us for a run in the park this afternoon?
39. The recruit eagerly joined the military after completing basic training.
40. The motorcycle gang roared into town, quickly joining the group of bystanders.
41. I enjoyed joining my friends for happy hour after a long week of work.
42. The rivers run side by side before joining and forming a larger channel.
43. Joining a dating app has helped me meet new people.
44. I enjoyed joining my children in a game of hide and seek.
45. After joining the circus, she quickly learned to juggle and walk the tightrope.
46. The different liquids mixed effortlessly before joining as one.
47. Have you considered joining a workout class at the gym?
48. Several wires were joined together using connectors and tape.
49. The two rivers never join, running parallel for miles before flowing into the sea separately.
50. Before joining the search party, we made sure we had maps of the area.
51. The rope ends were joined with a double knot.
52. Joining a toastmasters club helped improve my public speaking skills.
53. When are you thinking of joining Instagram?
54. The troops were happy to be joining their fellow soldiers after months apart.
55. I enjoyed joining friends for weekly trivia night at the bar.
56. The police joined the firefighters already at the scene of the accident.
57. Joining a recreational sports team has allowed me to meet people with shared interests.
58. The materials join easily once heated to the proper temperature.
59. The tributary joins the river where the current slows.
60. Some coworkers were thinking of joining a book club together.

Common Phases

1. After joining

2. Before joining
3. Considering joining
4. Interested in joining
5. Thinking of joining
6. Looking forward to joining
7. Enjoyed joining
8. Eagerly joined
9. Quickly joined
10.Roared into town, quickly joining

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