Js example sentences

Related (7): JavaScript, AngularJS, jQuery, Webpack, Babel, NPM, Yarn

"Js" Example Sentences

1. I coded that application using JavaScript.
2. The web page has some cool interactive effects created using jQuery and JS.
3. const name = "John"; //variable declaration in JavaScript
4. function sayHello() { //function definition
5. document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click", function() {
alert("Button clicked!");
}); //adding an event listener in JavaScript
6. I had to use JS to handle the onChange event for the input field.
7. The JS file contains all the logic for interacting with the database.
8. You'll need to include the JS library in your HTML file to use it.
9. The JS file is minified to reduce its size for production.
10. I had to debug some JS errors to get the functionality working properly.
11. JS let me handle form inputs dynamically without reloading the page.
12. I exported the JS function so I can import and use it in another file.
13. The web app has a simple JS handler to save the form data to localStorage.
14. I had to refactor some legacy JS code to make it more modular.
15. The webpage makes AJAX requests using JS fetch API to get data from the backend.
16. JS classes makes organizing my code and creating reusable components easier.
17. I commented my JS code properly for readability and collaboration.
18. To submit the form, I added an onclick listener to the submit button in JS.
19. I wrapped the JS code in an IIFE to create a scope and avoid variable collision.
20. The app makes use of ES6 features like arrow functions, string templates, etc.
21. I had to polyfill some ES6 features for older browsers without JS.
22. JS modules allow me to split my code into separate files.
23. The animation was created using requestAnimationFrame() JS API.
24. Linting my JS code helped me catch styling inconsistencies and potential issues.
25. TypeScript adds types to JS to catch errors earlier.
26. The browser console is useful for debugging JS issues.
27. I had to write some vanilla JS to manipulate the DOM.
28. JS handles validation and error handling for the form.
29. I extensively use ES6 JS features in my projects.
30. JS hoisting can cause issues if you're not careful.
31. I converted the jQuery code to vanilla JS for better performance.
32. The AJAX call is asynchronous in JS.
33. JS timing events like setTimeout() and setInterval() were used in the app.
34. I prepended some code to the to run JS before the rest of the page loads.
35. I had to polyfill the .map() array function for older browsers without JS.
36. Closures in JS allow functions to access variable from outer scopes.
37. Fat arrow functions make JS code more concise.
38. JS paradigms like OOP and functional programming help structure complex logic.
39. I studied the this keyword in depth to truly understand how it works in JS.
40. I learned about design patterns to write reusable and maintainable JS code.
41. I wrapped the input field in a JSX fragment to return multiple elements.
42. React uses JSX, which resembles HTML, to build the UI.
43. I converted the JS code to TypeScript for better type safety and code completion.
44. Vue uses a declarative JS syntax to update the DOM efficiently.
45. The Angular app makes extensive use of TS and JS to build interactive components.
46. NestJS uses decorators to organize and scale JS code for the backend.
47. I treat JS as a first class language for building both frontends and backends.
48. The Node app uses JS APIs like fs and http to interact with the OS and web.
49. Express is a popular JS framework to build web applications and APIs with Node.
50. I learned about JS event loop, call stack and heap to truly understand how JS works.
51. async/await makes JS concurrency easier to read and write.
52. Deno is an alternative to Node for running JS outside the browser.
53. I treated all JS input as untrusted to avoid security vulnerabilities.
54. JS lets me think programmatically and apply logic to solve complex problems.
55. I avoid globals in JS to minimize potential issues.
56. JS has many useful built-in functions to work with arrays, strings, objects and more.
57. Regular expressions are useful for text parsing and validation in JS.
58. JS prototypal inheritance lets objects inherit properties from other objects.
59. I structured my JS to maximize code reusability and testability.
60. I enjoy writing clean, readable and maintainable JS code.

Common Phases

1. Built with JavaScript and jQuery
2. Created using JavaScript
3. Written in JavaScript
4. Developed using vanilla JavaScript
5. Handles frontend logic with JavaScript
6. Implements JavaScript for interactivity
7. Utilizes JavaScript event handling
8. Makes API calls with JavaScript's fetch API
9. Animations powered by JavaScript
10. Makes use of JavaScript's DOM API
11. Leverages JavaScript modules
12. Features ES6/ES2015 JavaScript
13. Employs TypeScript for type safety
14. Incorporates JavaScript classes
15. Handles form validation with JavaScript

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