Jugger example sentences

Related (12): sport, game, post-apocalyptic, fictional, team-based, combat, skull, ball, medieval-inspired, Germany, Australia, Europe

"Jugger" Example Sentences

1. The jugger was a fierce warrior feared by all who knew him.
2. She poured the milk into the jugger and placed it in the refrigerator.
3. The jugger's blade gleamed in the moonlight, a deadly weapon in his skilled hands.
4. He studied under the tutelage of a famous jugger, learning the art of combat.
5. The jugger's armor was shiny and well-crafted, protecting him in battle.
6. She filled the jugger with water from the well, grateful for its cool refreshment.
7. His family was proud of his success as a jugger, a respected member of their tribe.
8. The jugger rode his horse through the village, showing off his skill with a lance.
9. She kept her valuables in a jugger, hidden away in a secret compartment.
10. A group of jugger enthusiasts gathered in the park to play a game.
11. The jugger's tattoos told the story of his life, each mark representing a battle won or lost.
12. He carried the jugger with him everywhere he went, a symbol of his status as a warrior.
13. The jugger's training had taught him to be patient, waiting for the right moment to strike.
14. She collected antique jiggers and jugger cups, displaying them proudly on her shelves.
15. The jugger's battle cry echoed through the canyon, striking fear into his enemies.
16. He had a reputation as a jugger-slayer, having defeated many opponents in one-on-one combat.
17. She loved the intricate details of the jugger's armor, admiring its beauty as well as its function.
18. The jugger led his troops into battle, his fierce determination inspiring them to victory.
19. He practiced with his jugger every day, determined to become the best fighter in the land.
20. She wrapped the jugger in a cloth and placed it carefully in her backpack before setting off on her journey.
21. The jugger's sword glinted in the sunlight, a deadly threat to anyone who dared cross him.
22. He earned the respect of his fellow jugger warriors by proving himself in combat.
23. She kept a jugger of water by her side during her long hikes, ensuring she stayed hydrated.
24. The jugger's armor was custom-made, fitting him perfectly and allowing him full range of movement.
25. He dreamed of one day becoming a jugger champion, traveling the world and defeating all challengers.
26. She was fascinated by the history of the jugger, reading every book she could find on the subject.
27. The jugger's helmet protected his head from blows, while his shield deflected attacks.
28. He carried a small jugger with him at all times, ready to defend himself in case of danger.
29. She marveled at the jugger's strength and agility, impressed by his skill with a sword.
30. The jugger's clan gathered around him, proud of his accomplishments and eager to follow him into battle.

Common Phases

you have any jugs for sale; let's go play jugger; have you ever played jugger before; I'm terrible at jugger; can you teach me how to properly hold the jugger stick; that was a great jugger match; I'm so sore from playing jugger all day; do we have enough players for a jugger game; I love the strategy involved in jugger; jugger is such a unique sport.

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