Kindheartednesses example sentences

Related (9): Compassion, empathy, generosity, benevolence, tenderness, sympathy, goodness, altruism, humanity.

"Kindheartednesses" Example Sentences

1. The kindheartednesses of the volunteers at the animal shelter were evident in how they cared for the animals.
2. Her numerous kindheartednesses towards the homeless community made a big impact in her town.
3. The church is known for its kindheartednesses towards those in need.
4. The teacher's kindheartednesses towards her students were appreciated by everyone.
5. His kindheartednesses extended beyond just his friends and family, it was a part of who he was.
6. The generosity and kindheartednesses of the community towards the family in need was heartwarming.
7. The kindheartednesses of the elderly couple next door were always apparent in their actions and words.
8. The kindheartednesses of the community made all the difference in the success of the food drive.
9. She showed multiple kindheartednesses towards her elderly neighbor, checking in on her regularly and helping with chores.
10. The kindheartednesses of the firefighters who rescued the family from the burning building were heroic.
11. They were known for their kindheartednesses towards the animals on their farm.
12. The kindheartednesses of the doctors and nurses at the hospital were an inspiration to their patients and families.
13. Her countless kindheartednesses towards her classmates made her a beloved friend to many.
14. The kindness and kindheartednesses of strangers who stopped to help after the car accident were much appreciated.
15. The elderly gentleman was remembered for his many kindheartednesses towards the children in his neighborhood.
16. The kindheartednesses of the waiter who helped the elderly woman carry her groceries were a simple act of kindness that made her day.
17. The community center was known for its many kindheartednesses towards the less fortunate in the community.
18. The kindheartednesses of the park rangers who rescued the lost hikers were appreciated by everyone.
19. She was known for her kindheartednesses towards animals in need, volunteering at the local animal shelter regularly.
20. The hotel's staff showed their kindheartednesses towards the guests during the hurricane, providing shelter and supplies.
21. The kindheartednesses of the firefighters who saved the family's belongings from the burning house were greatly appreciated.
22. Her kindheartednesses towards her coworkers made her a popular and respected member of the team.
23. The kindheartednesses of the woman who rescued the abandoned puppies on the side of the road were admirable.
24. The community came together to show their kindheartednesses towards the family who lost their home in the tornado.
25. The kindheartednesses of the police officers who helped the stranded motorists during the snowstorm were commendable.
26. The teacher's many kindheartednesses towards her students had a lasting impact on their lives.
27. The volunteer organization was praised for their countless kindheartednesses towards the refugees in the area.
28. Her kindheartednesses towards the patients at the hospice were a testament to her selflessness and compassion.
29. The kindheartednesses of the construction workers who helped rebuild after the earthquake were vital to the community's recovery.
30. The school was known for its many kindheartednesses towards the students, providing resources and support for their success.

Common Phases

1. Her kindheartednesses always shone through in her interactions with others; she never judged or held grudges.
2. I admire his many kindheartednesses; he goes out of his way to help those in need.
3. The abundance of kindheartednesses in this community is heartwarming; people are always ready to lend a hand.
4. She possesses a rare quality of kindheartednesses; her generosity and empathy are boundless.
5. We could all learn a thing or two from his kindheartednesses; he treats everyone with respect and kindness, no matter their background or circumstances.

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