Laicallyorigin example sentences

Related (2): laity, origin

"Laicallyorigin" Example Sentences

1. To understand the origins of democracy, one must approach it laically.
2. As a laically-minded person, I do not necessarily believe in the existence of a higher power.
3. The principles of laical education emphasize critical thinking and analytical skills.
4. Laically speaking, science provides more concrete evidence than religion does.
5. The conflict between laically-based ethics and religious doctrine has been a topic of debate for centuries.
6. The laical perspective on human nature is often more optimistic than that of many religious traditions.
7. Laically-based organizations often prioritize social justice and community-building initiatives.
8. Some people feel more comfortable discussing their beliefs laically rather than in religious contexts.
9. The development of laical thought was a major milestone in the Enlightenment.
10. Many philosophers argue that laical morality is more objective and fair than religious morality.
11. A laically-minded individual may find comfort in the ideals of secular humanism.
12. Laically-minded policymakers prioritize evidence-based decision-making over ideology.
13. The laical approach to history often emphasizes the role of human agency and societal factors.
14. Laically-informed individuals often support the separation of church and state.
15. Laical approaches to art often emphasize the aesthetic and emotional dimensions of artistic expression.
16. People who approach life laically often value rationality and empirical evidence over intuition and faith.
17. The laical perspective on ethics often prioritizes human rights and individual autonomy.
18. Laical philosophy often emphasizes the importance of individual freedom and responsibility.
19. A laically-minded individual may find inspiration in the natural world rather than supernatural forces.
20. Laical approaches to education often prioritize critical thinking and empirical inquiry over indoctrination.
21. Laical interpretations of scripture often focus on historical and cultural context rather than literal meanings.
22. The growth of laical movements has challenged the prominence of religious institutions in many societies.
23. Laical perspectives on political theory often prioritize democracy, civic participation, and human rights.
24. Laical literary criticism often emphasizes the social and historical context in which works were created.
25. Many advocates for laical approaches to healthcare argue that medical decisions should be based on evidence rather than religious beliefs.
26. Laically-informed perspectives on gender and sexuality often prioritize individual identity and expression over traditional norms and values.
27. Laical interpretations of art often focus on the social and cultural context in which works were created.
28. Laical approaches to philosophy often emphasize the value of reason and logic in understanding the world.
29. People who approach life laically often find meaning in human relationships and social connections.
30. Laical perspectives on environmental ethics often prioritize the preservation of natural resources and ecological balance.

Common Phases

1. Laicallyorigin-speaking, we should consider each person's beliefs and values.;
2. We must approach this issue laicallyorigin and respect each person's right to hold their own opinion.;
3. Laicallyorigin, let's examine the facts without personal preferences or biases.;
4. It is important to make decisions laicallyorigin and impartially, without any religious or political influence.;
5. Laicallyorigin, we should provide equal opportunities for people of all religions, cultures, and backgrounds.

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