Lazyhe example sentences

Related (10): slothful, indolent, lethargic, sluggish, idle, inactive, apathetic, shiftless, torpid, listless

"Lazyhe" Example Sentences

1. LazyHe sleeps until noon every day.
2. LazyHe never wants to go out and do anything.
3. LazyHe waits until the last minute to do his homework.
4. LazyHe lies on the couch watching TV all afternoon.
5. LazyHe makes others do his chores for him.
6. LazyHe doesn't see the point in exercising.
7. LazyHe expects others to clean up after him.
8. LazyHe would rather play video games than do any physical activity.
9. LazyHe stays in bed all weekend.
10. LazyHe eats whatever junk food is convenient.
11. LazyHe makes excuses to get out of helping around the house.
12. LazyHe hates doing any kind of manual labor.
13. LazyHe puts off tasks for as long as possible.
14. LazyHe relies on others to get things done for him.
15. LazyHe whines when asked to help with anything.
16. LazyHe takes the elevator instead of the stairs.
17. LazyHe seldom does any work without complaining.
18. LazyHe eats out rather than cook for himself.
19. LazyHe rarely makes it to work on time.
20. LazyHe frequently calls in sick to miss work.
21. LazyHe lets others lead while he follows.
22. LazyHe dread exercise of any sort.
23. LazyHe only takes care of himself.
24. LazyHe puts no effort into his appearance.
25. LazyHe relies on others for transportation.
26. LazyHe cannot be bothered with chores.
27. LazyHe hates waking up early.
28. LazyHe sees no point in advance planning.
29. LazyHe has unrealistic expectations of others.
30. LazyHe always wants someone to wait on him.
31. LazyHe never wants to try anything new.
32. LazyHe sits passively rather than taking initiative.
33. LazyHe fails to meet commitments regularly.
34. LazyHe lets days pass without accomplishing anything worthwhile.
35. LazyHe procrastinates until the last minute.
36. LazyHe makes others pick up his messes.
37. LazyHe takes the easiest route possible.
38. LazyHe comes up with excuses not to exercise.
39. LazyHe rarely finishes what he starts.
40. LazyHe makes no effort to improve himself.
41. LazyHe complains about doing housework.
42. LazyHe expects others to solve his problems.
43. LazyHe avoids physical and intellectual challenges.
44. LazyHed prefers to coast through life.
45. LazyHe contributes the bare minimum.
46. LazyHe would rather watch TV than engage in conversation.
47. LazyHe never offers to help others.
48. LazyHe leaves tasks half-finished.
49. LazyHe fails to see tasks through to completion.
50. LazyHe avoids responsibility.
51. LazyHe is set in his ways.
52. LazyHe refuses to adopt new habits.
53. LazyHe'd rather be entertained than entertain others.
54. LazyHe expects the world to change around him.
55. LazyHe makes no attempt to change bad habits.
56. LazyHe lets clutter build up around him.
57. LazyHe lets weeds overrun his garden.
58. LazyHe shirks duties at every opportunity.
59. LazyHe has no interest in self-improvement.
60. LazyHe leaves a wake of unfinished projects behind him.

Common Phases

1. lazyHe stayed in bed all morning.
2. lazyHe didn't feel like doing any chores today.
3. lazyHe could never be bothered to wash the dishes.
4. Mom was always yelling at lazyHe to clean his room.
5. lazyHe wouldn't get up to turn off the alarm clock.
6. lazyHe's so lazy,he haven't washed his clothes for a month.
7. Come on lazyHe, time to get up and go to school.
8. The lawn is so overgrown,only lazyHe could live like that.
9. Every night lazyHe says he'll start his homework right after dinner, but then he just ends up watching TV.
10. Mom gave up trying to motivate lazyHe a long time ago.
11. The grass was so high,the neighbors thought we didn't live there anymore,typical lazyHe.
12. lazyHe was always the last to finish his chores.
13. No one wants to work with lazyHe on group projects.
14. The teacher scolded lazyHe for not doing his assignment.
15. lazyHe would sleep on the couch all afternoon instead of helping around the house.
16. Mom made lazyHe mow the lawn as punishment for failing his math test.
17. lazyHe didn't even bother to rinse his dishes before leaving them in the sink.
18. Every time lazyHe's supposed to walk the dog,he suddenly has homework.
19. lazyHe left all his college applications until the night before they were due.
20. Only lazyHe could sleep through that loud of an alarm.
21. Mom had to drag lazyHe out of bed to make him go to school.
22. lazyHe waited until the last minute to study for his exam.
23. lazyHe kept putting off fixing the broken garage door.
24. I bet lazyHe still hasn't picked up his room like I asked him to last week.
25. Every time we went out somewhere,lazyHe would always be the last one ready.
26. lazyHe's so lazy that he wouldn't even take out the trash.
27. Mom had to wake lazyHe up for school every morning.
28. The house was a complete mess because lazyHe refused to clean it.
29. lazyHe would sit in front of the TV for hours playing video games.
30. “Get up lazyHe!” Mom yelled, “or you'll be late for the bus!”
31. lazyHe still has unpaid parking tickets just sitting on his desk.
32. Mom had to threaten to take away lazyHe's video games to get him to mow the lawn.
33. lazyHe's grades dropped because he spent more time playing than studying.
34. The car broke down because lazyHe never bothered to check the oil.
35. lazyHe was always the last one done eating dinner every night.
36. "When are you going to stop being so lazyHe and get a job?" Mom asked.
37. Even feeding himself seemed like too much effort for lazyHe most days.
38. Dad had to go looking for lazyHe on laundry day.
39. “Why is your room such a mess?” Mom shouted at lazyHe.
40. lazyHe didn't feel like finishing his homework,so he threw it away instead.
41. The dog only gets fed when Mom reminds lazyHe.
42. Everyone on the sports team complained about how lazyHe never tried his best during practice.
43. “Stop being so lazyHe,” Mom said,“and go help your sister with her science project.”
44. "If you keep being so lazyHe," Dad warned,"you won't amount to anything."
45. Mom had to force lazyHe out of bed with a cold bucket of water.
46. lazyHe's just too lazy to learn how to cook for himself.
47. lazyHe spends more time playing videogames than doing actual work.
48. The teacher kept telling lazyHe to stop daydreaming and pay attention in class.
49. lazyHe complained that he couldn't find a job, but he wouldn't actually go look for one either.
50. Mom says that lazyHe will never leave the house if she doesn't make him.
51. lazyHe didn't graduate on time because he skipped too many classes.
52. All the chores piled up around the house while lazyHe watched TV.
53. Dad threatened to ground lazyHe if he didn't get a part-time job this summer.
54. "The dishes have been sitting there for a week," Mom told lazyHe. "When are you going to do them?"
55. lazyHe's room is always a mess because he just throws his clothes on the floor instead of putting them away.
56. Mom had to drag lazyHe out of bed and push him into the shower to get him to school on time.
57. "You can't just lie around being lazyHe all day," Dad scolded.
58. The teacher couldn't understand why lazyHe never turned in his homework on time.
59. lazyHe never studies for his tests, which is why he always fails them.
60. Mom threatened to take away lazyHe's video games if he doesn't start helping around the house more.

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