Leonine example sentences

Related (10): lion, mane, roar, safari, feline, predator, jungle, king, beast, majestic.

"Leonine" Example Sentences

1. The lion had a huge leonine mane around his head.
2. His leonine roar shook the trees.
3. His leonine features and commanding presence captivated the audience.
4. She had a leonine quality about her with her confidence and strength.
5. The leonine statue stood guard at the entrance of the castle.
6. His leonine figure towered over the other players on the field.
7. The king had a leonine bearing that demanded respect.
8. His leonine growl sent shivers down my spine.
9. The warrior had leonine tattoos covering his arms.
10. He approached with a leonine stride, powerful yet graceful.
11. The leonine mask stared impassively at the crowd.
12. His leonine physique was the result of years of working out.
13. She had a leonine head of thick curly hair.
14. The leonine figurehead on the ship prowted fiercely over the sea.
15. Her voice had a leonine timbre that commanded attention.
16. His leonine posture conveyed his confidence and strength.
17. The leonine gargoyles stood guard above the doorway.
18. Her leonine instincts drove her to protect her cubs fiercely.
19. His leonine instincts kicked in when he saw his family threatened.
20. With a leonine ferocity, he defended his pride from the invaders.
21. The hunter approached the leonine prey with caution.
22. The leonine warrior strode into battle with sword raised.
23. Her leonine eyes glowed with determination and resolve.
24. The actor adopted a leonine posture to portray the king.
25. The leonine hood ornament adorned the vintage car.
26. The leonine poem conveyed a sense of power and majesty.
27. His leonine ambition drove him to seek greater heights.
28. His leonine heart gave him the courage to follow his dreams.
29. The leonine sculpture was carved from a single block of marble.
30. The leonine narrator told an epic tale of adventure and valor.
31. They saw the leonine beast emerge from the cave.
32. Her leonine spirit could not be tamed or subdued.
33. His leonine features made him seem regal and authoritative.
34. The leonine hero battled the monsters to save the kingdom.
35. The athlete had leonine intensity written on his face.
36. Her leonine cough rattled through the room.
37. The leonine warrior wielded his ax with aggressive ferocity.
38. His leonine temper flared easily and often.
39. The leonine prince would one day rule the realm.
40. The leonine subjects stood loyally behind their king.
41. The chess pieces had leonine heads carved atop their bodies.
42. His leonine principles would not allow him to compromise.
43. Her leonine tenacity drove her to fight for what was right.
44. The statue had a leonine headdress with elaborate carvings.
45. The leonine crest adorned his shield and armor.
46. With leonine grace, the dancer leapt across the stage.
47. Her leonine ambition drove her to achieve great things.
48. The fighter had a leonine strategy going into the match.
49. The leonine hunter stalked his prey with deadly purpose.
50. His leonine thirst for power knew no bounds.
51. The leonine prince ruled with an iron fist.
52. The leonine goddess protected the kingdom from harm.
53. His leonine roar woke the entire household.
54. The leonine claws protruded from the monster's paws.
55. The leonine eyes stared out menacingly from the cave entrance.
56. Her leonine pursuit of justice never wavered.
57. The leonine warrior won the day and saved the kingdom.
58. His leonine silhouette stood proudly against the sunset.
59. The leonine poet wrote with great fervor and passion.
60. The leonine king welcomed his subjects warmly.

Common Phases

1. He had a leonine mane of gray hair.
2. With his leonine features and booming voice, he looked every bit the king.
3. The leonine statue stood proudly at the entrance to the garden.
4. His leonine profile and golden hue hair caught the eye of every girl in school.
5. The leonine growl of the engine announced the arrival of the vintage sports car.
6. The leonine roar of the crowd filled the stadium.
7. The leonine roar of the lion echoed through the savannah.
8. He issued a leonine roar of defiance when confronted.
9. The leonine countenance of the aging king instilled fear in his enemies.
10. His leonine stature towered over the rest of the team.
11. With his leonine physique and ferocious strength, he was a formidable opponent.
12. The leonine rumble of distant thunder rolled across the plains.
13. The leonine figure on the prow of the ship surveyed the stormy seas ahead.
14. The wrestler's leonine physique and sheer size intimidated his opponents.
15. His leonine intensity and fiery temper made him a fearsome rival.
16. The leonine queen surveyed her pride from atop the rocky outcropping.
17. The leonine pendant hung from a chain around her neck.
18. The leonine claws of the creature dug deep into the earth.
19. The leonine attacks on the village continued unabated.
20. The leonine authority with which he spoke commanded instant obedience.
21. His leonine legs propelled him forward with grace and power.
22. The leonine sun slid slowly beneath the horizon, bathing the land in golden light.
23. His leonine gait exhibited both power and confidence.
24. The leonine sunset blazed fierce and crimson against a darkening sky.
25. The leonine beast raised its head and let loose a mighty roar that echoed across the land.
26. His voice took on a leonine growl as he was confronted by his opponent.
27. The leonine goddess towered protectively over the city.
28. The leonine fringe of his hair made him instantly recognizable.
29. His leonine presence commanded the attention of all who entered the room.
30. The leonine rays of the morning sun spilled into the room.
31. Her leonine features and large stature made her very imposing.
32. The leonine sculpture symbolized strength and bravery.
33. The leonine eyes of the statue seemed to follow me everywhere I went.
34. The leonine sun cast the landscape in a harsh and unforgiving light.
35. His leonine authority prevented dissent among his followers.
36. The leonine bravery and courage of the warriors was legendary.
37. His leonine figure was etched into the stone mural depicting the mythological king.
38. With leonine grace, the cheetah stalked its prey across the savannah.
39. His beard and receding hairline gave him an undeniably leonine appearance.
40. The leonine wind howled and screeched against the windows all night long.
41. The leonine talons of the eagle gripped the mouse tightly.
42. The leonine motif was featured prominently throughout the ancient temple.
43. The leonine sun climbed steadily higher in a cloudless turquoise sky.
44. The wrestler employed leonine tactics to overpower his opponent.
45. The leonine king surveyed his land from the citadel atop the hill.
46. His leonine confidence was unshakeable and inspirational.
47. The leonine jaws of the trap shut tightly around its unsuspecting prey.
48. The leonine warriors charged fiercely into battle.
49. His stories took on a leonine intensity as he recounted his adventures.
50. The leonine crest on his shield signified his kinship with the royal house.
51. With leonine ferocity, he defended his position.
52. The leonine visage carved into the stone glowered down at passersby.
53. The sun's leonine glare made it difficult to see clearly.
54. His leonine courage in the face of adversity served as an inspiration to us all.
55. The leonine carvings on the wall depicted scenes from ancient myth and legend.
56. She displayed leonine strength and endurance as she trained for the marathon.
57. The leonine wind whistled a mournful tune through the eaves.
58. The leonine motif was used widely in heraldic crests throughout medieval Europe.
59. With leonine grace, the queen settled on her throne to address her court.
60. Her leonine features and formidable personality instilled a sense of awe in her subjects.

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