Lesser example sentences
Related (9): minor, inferior, secondary, subordinate, lower, minor-league, junior, smaller, minor-key
lesser (comparative adjective)
- not so great or important as the other or the rest:
- lower in terms of rank or quality:
- used in names of animals and plants which are smaller than similar kinds, e.g. lesser spotted woodpecker, lesser celandine.
minor, secondary, subsidiary, marginal, ancillary, auxiliary, supplementary, supplemental, peripheral, inferior, slighter, insignificant, unimportant, petty, lower, greater, primary, subordinate, minor, inferior, subservient, lowly, humble, servile, menial, mean, junior, superior, Legal"Lesser" Example Sentences
1. The lesser of two evils is still evil.
2. He chose the lesser payment plan.
3. The lesser known candidate gave a passionate speech.
4. The horse tripped over the lesser obstacle.
5. Be careful of the lesser spotted lizard.
6. They have a lesser chance of winning.
7. The lesser known team surprised everyone with their talent.
8. He achieved much but still envied his siblings with lesser ambitions.
9. The team with the lesser skilled players lost the match.
10. The shop offered a lesser quality product at a lower price.
11. The lesser ability students needed extra tutoring.
12. The lesser attractive advertisement received fewer clicks.
13. The lesser appreciated employees quit their jobs.
14. The lesser favored child received fewer rewards.
15. The lesser known disease received less funding for research.
16. The lesser developed country had fewer resources.
17. He showed less interest in the lesser ranked school.
18. The lesser significant finding was still noteworthy.
19. The lesser experienced climber struggled on the difficult route.
20. The lesser prized trophy still meant a lot to him.
21. The lesser modernized factory was falling behind.
22. He paid lesser heed to the lesser helpful advice.
23. The lesser endowed charity struggled to raise funds.
24. The lesser crowded restaurant had more availability.
25. The lesser populated town had a quiet charm.
26. The lesser experienced candidate may be a better fit.
27. The lesser breezed traveled slower than the gale.
28. The lesser heard music went largely unnoticed.
29. The lesser loved child felt jealousy towards their sibling.
30. The lesser remembered event faded from memory.
31. He showed lesser enthusiasm for the lesser favored idea.
32. The lesser bright idea was still worth considering.
33. The lesser demanding job allowed for more flexibility.
34. The lesser esteemed degree still signified accomplishment.
35. The lesser flourishing garden needed more care.
36. The lesser helpful tip was still somewhat useful.
37. The lesser sturdy chair collapsed under his weight.
38. The lesser trafficked road was less busy.
39. The lesser know historian's work was still insightful.
40. The armadillo buried itself in the lesser disturbed soil.
41. The lesser traveled route had fewer scenic views.
42. The lesser fruitful harvest was still adequate.
43. The lesser marked test still required some effort.
44. The lesser visited museum had fewer patrons.
45. The lesser valued object still held meaning.
46. The lesser covered insurance plan had gaps.
47. The lesser rated movie still entertained him.
48. The lesser appreciated joke still made him chuckle.
49. The lesser advocated position still had merit.
50. The song only played on the lesser popular radio stations.
51. The lesser written memoir still told an important story.
52. The lesser dramatic play was still well performed.
53. The lesser crowded venue made for an intimate event.
54. The lesser esteemed publication still printed useful articles.
55. The lesser preferred option was still adequate.
56. The lesser known secret eventually came to light.
57. The lesser discussed issue still warranted debate.
58. The lesser funded study still yielded useful results.
59. The lesser talented musician still practiced diligently.
60. The lesser used items sat gathering dust.
Common Phases
1. The lesser of two evils
2. The lesser known/lesser-known
3. Lesser mortals
4. Of lesser importance/significance/value
5. Give lesser heed/attention
6. Lesser beasts
7. Take the lesser path
8. The lesser spotted
9. Lesser life form
10. Lesser beings
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